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Everything posted by scook

  1. CbB reports the devices based on the what Windows makes available and the driver mode in preferences. Are the headphones identified as a separate audio device in Windows? There may be something holding on to the old Windows setting. Reboot, verify the Windows sample rate and start CbB.
  2. I am not a BandLab employee and prefer not to speculate on future development.
  3. Some were not seeing PC Presets There is an updated installer in the thread linked in the OP run the rollback then run the new installer to get the presets
  4. Open Windows Settings > System > Sound Click on Device properties under Output Click on Additional device properties under Related Settings Click on the Advanced Tab to see the bit depth - sample rate drop down
  5. The difference between FX on and FX off is plug-in delay compensation needed to keep everything in sync based on the latency reported by plug-ins in the project. Blue screens usually indicate a hardware or driver problem.
  6. Running everything though a master bus prevents a lot of surprises mostly to do with the mix level and exporting. So, this is about an audio clip in an audio track where Cakewalk has focus Windows and Cakewalk are running at the same sample rate.
  7. Not sure if this rules out plug-ins. Bypassing all plug-ins is an easy test for PDC related issues. To bypass all plug-ins in the project click the FX button in the Mix Module May also want to experiment Live Input PDC override using the PDC button also in the Mix Module.
  8. The images and narrative are missing an important detail - is the track playing a clip or is the meter showing input activity? If it is the latter, enable input echo, the button to the right of the record button. BTW, using the master bus instead of routing tracks directly to the mains is always a good idea.
  9. See the OP for rollback info But it may be unnecessary at this time. My guess is an EA update is needed.
  10. Don't worry about it. The image is good enough for now. If the future instead of using just the PrintScreen key use ALT+PrintScreen to capture the window in focus. @Noel Borthwick gave you the solution (hopefully)
  11. Can't change presets like that but here are a couple of idea 1. Sends - create buses for each of the different effect chains needed and automate the sends to the buses. 2. Clip FX - each clip in a track has an FX rack just like the track FX rack. Effects stop and start and clip boundaries which may not be desirable. 3. Automation - just as you started out doing. It is possible to copy and paste the automation as needed. The arranger feature in 2020.04 may make this approach easier than it currently is. To avoid abrupt changes in delay time, you could use multiple instances of plug-in. Because the delay does not have a way to automate its bypass, the MixL and MixR will need to handle the task.
  12. For legibility, it would have been better to just grab a snapshot of regedit instead of the entire screen but it's pretty clear the PC presets are not there. Looks like the presets for "half rack" plug-ins ported from Project 5 are the only ones listed.
  13. There has never been a guarantee of forward compatibility. That said, projects created in 2020.04 using the arranger feature open in X3. Like all versions of SONAR, opening projects created in CbB will generate a warning message about the project being created with a newer project and the chance of missing features. So far, the only features that completely prevent projects from opening in SONAR are patch points and aux tracks. Opening a project containing patch points or aux tracks in a version of SONAR that does not support the feature, such as X3, will fail. That would be X3 in your case Tough to predict the future but my guess is at some point a feature will be added using an MS library that won't load in older OSes. Much like what happened between X2 and X2a with multitouch support. X2 was the last version of SONAR which could be installed on XP because the libraries needed for X2a were not available for the OS.
  14. The aforementioned https://decomposer.de/sitala/ is a better fit for triggering drum samples. Especially for beginners. TX16Wx is overkill albeit probably the best free sampler available. That said, working directly with loops in audio tracks is not that difficult.
  15. No, it is a MIDI step sequencer. You can add audio clips to audio tracks launch them from the Matrix View or load them into a sampler.
  16. The step sequencer in CbB is for sequencing MIDI data NOT audio. As mentioned above playing MIDI requires a synth of some kind. SI-Drums is bundled with CbB.
  17. Which PC module(s)? Here is what the default preset lists looks like for the PC4K S-type bus compressor
  18. User themes contain images and color settings which modify Mercury. Mercury is the name used to refer to the Windows resource files TTSImages.dll and TTSRES.dll shipped with CbB. Any changes to these files automatically show up in the theme editor. This is why new items show up in user themes as they appear in Mercury. Changes to images sizes create display problems in CbB when running an old theme. CbB 2020.04 EA contains new elements and size changes for some images. To run CbB 2020.04 it is necessary to use Mercury or Tungsten until users update their themes.
  19. Feel free to use the themes I create as you wish The same goes for everyone When publishing a theme using borrowed elements it would be nice to add a credit in the theme's description but it is not necessary.
  20. They are stored in the registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\ActiveMovie\Presets
  21. There are a couple of ways to convert audio to MIDI Dragging an audio clip into an instrument or MIDI track is the most direct. Click OK when the message on the left in the OP is displayed. This will create a regular MIDI clip. To open a MIDI clip in the step sequencer use the Convert MIDI Clip(s) to Step Sequencer... function in the Track View Clips menu.
  22. It is one reason I only brought 3 themes from Platinum and have not created any new ones.
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