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Everything posted by scook

  1. There are quite a bit of percussion options in the old SONAR series. Cakewalk Sound Center, Dimension Pro, Rapture and RXP all have percussion programs. Rapture Session may too but I can't tell because I have Rapture Pro installed. X1 through X3 included the Beatscape loop library which has percussion samples too. They all all Rex2 format so may be played in DP or RXP, the Matrix view or directly added to a track.
  2. The default location for project audio is a folder where ever the project file is stored. Projects may be stored and used on any drive available. Rather than change preferences, I prefer to use a directory junction to relocate the "Cakewalk Projects" folder. For example, I use "D:\Cakewalk Projects". To relocation the default to "D:\Cakewalk Projects" - Using Windows Explorer move "C:\Cakewalk Projects" to the D drive Open a command windows as administrator and type: mklink /j "C:\Cakewalk Projects" "D:\Cakewalk Projects"
  3. That's a pretty good deal. I think that may be 1/2 what I paid in 2012 for the same bundle (but it had fewer plug-ins). A year later I bought what is now their MTotalFXBundle (although it was considerably cheaper back then). While the MFreeFXBundle is free, purchasing a license is the friendly thing to do. And it adds a few nice features, at the time resizable GUI was a big one for me.
  4. The only one included with CbB is SI-Drums. Going back in history, Cakewalk DAWs prior to CbB including a variety of percussion instruments in the bundled synths and loop libraries. Not just the bundled drum synths mentioned above. I made the assumption the OP was looking for something other than the bundled drum kit.
  5. When using an instrument track as shown in the image above, the synth uses one track - the instrument track. There are two basic track types in CbB: audio and MIDI. An instrument track is a hybrid presentation of a MIDI track input section and an audio track output. There is actually an audio+MIDI track pair hidden behind the instrument track. To record MIDI with an instrument track enable the record button, enable the input echo to the right of the record button to hear the audio while recording and send MIDI data to the instrument track. Do not attempt to use the plug-in UI to record MIDI into an instrument (or MIDI track). That is not the purpose of the audition feature.
  6. Cherry Audio - Surrealistic MG-1 Plus Synthesizer for free
  7. Yea, I can upgrade to the MCompleteBundle for $710 This gets me MDrummer and MPowerSynth (along with anything else added to the bundle in the future). Gonna pass on this.
  8. I am not sure if those installers look for Platinum or not. I don't believe they do. The plug-ins themselves are not locked to the DAW.
  9. While one can create custom maps, the Transpose MFX has quite a few keys and scales built into the plug-in.
  10. Do not put the synth in the FX rack. Instead either add the synth with an instrument track or an audio+MIDI track pair using the Add Track menu (see the To create Instrument tracks section midway down the page) Insert > Soft Synth from the main menu Drag the synth from the plug-in browser to an empty area in the track view
  11. May want to check out the snap to scale feature or the Transpose MFX mentioned above.
  12. This was my question. My guess is they are looking for something like Transpose MFX
  13. https://www.acustica-audio.com/store/products/surrey
  14. Try using Transpose MFX While the data will be recorded as entered, the effect of the plug-in may be heard in real time and may be applied destructively any time after the data is recorded.
  15. This is good link for explaining how to find the current documentation Notice the product=SONAR X2 part of the url. (Actually the url contains product=SONAR%20X2 where the space is replaced with the characters %20 which is read as a space. For the current documentation change this to product=Cakewalk So the url now reads https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Recording.05.html Often this points to current documentation on the same subject as the old SONAR link. In this case, it does not. Instead this link points to a page on Setting the Metronome and Tempo settings. But it is close. Just above the title for the page is a navigational aid, circled in green in the image below Clicking on Creating a new project moves up a level in the documentation where a link to the page on Setting the Meter and Key signatures is found.
  16. To keep synths in the project and release the resources used by them disconnect the synths. This may be done using the synth rack menu (D) when the synth rack is docked or the power button (A in the undocked image below)next to the synth entry in the synth rack if the rack is undocked This happens automatically when a synth is frozen.
  17. My guess is the MIDI is using the MS GS Wavetable Synth. Add TTS-1 to the project Point the MIDI track outputs to the TTS-1 Add an audio track to the project with its input set to TTS-1. The MS GS Wavetable synth like all external synths must be recorded into the project as audio or they cannot be exported from the project. If this is the only external synth you have, it is much easier to use soft synths. Consider disabling the MS GS Wavetable synth in preferences.
  18. Either enable the "Mon SW" button and adjust the volume knob to the left of the phones jack to include some of the direct signal (assuming this is an image of the interface) see page 11 of https://static.roland.com/assets/media/pdf/UA-25EX_OM.pdf Or enable "input echo" the button to the right of the track record button
  19. I don't see any problems in mod matrices for those programs. Used Rapture Pro to search for the names in the original DP program files. The devs will likely need to see the dump.
  20. I bought what is now called the MTotalFXBundle years ago. At the time, it was the most complete bundle, the only synth was MDrummer. Have received every FX since.
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