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Everything posted by scook

  1. If Windows is using the device for audio make sure it is set to the same sample rate as the DAW. Please post images of Preferences > Audio Devices Driver Settings Playback and Recording If using RealTek, do not use the RealTek ASIO driver. It is buggy.
  2. X3 is not supported Cakewalk by BandLab is. There have been a lot of fixes since X3 (X3e was released 6 years ago). CbB installs as an upgrade to X3. Everything in X3 will show up in CbB and both DAW will be available. If TH-U crashes CbB, dev/support can look at the crash dump.
  3. I have SD3 installed from Platinum. It did not any special handling WRT the scan path. In fact, adding paths multiple times (such as children of an existing path) as shown above is discouraged. Also leaving either rescan option enabled is discouraged. Scanning should be performed from preferences and not from the plug-in manager. Scanning from the plug-in manager lacks all the features supported in preferences. The knowledge base article I linked above was specific to SD3 not scanning after installing using the X3 installers. I suggest following the kb article advice first and report back if the problem persists.
  4. sidechaining CbB does not include the PC4K Expander/Gate or Track Compressor but does include the PC4K S-Type Bus Compressor, Sonitus Compressor and Sonitus Gate which all have an external sidechain input. There are quite a few free and paid plug-ins with external sidechain inputs too. The setup is the same whether using the ProChannel or the FX Rack. Add the plug-in to the track to affect, create a send on the controlling track to the plug-in. For more info see the link above.
  5. https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2007013357/Session-Drummer-3-is-not-being-recognized-by-SONAR-X3
  6. Playing a plug-in's UI is usually intended for audition purposes. Those that can generate MIDI data send the data out of the plug-in not to the current track. A different track must be setup to record the MIDI from these plug-in. It is possible to record audio from plug-ins using their UI taking advantage of synth audio recording. The virtual keyboard controller built into the DAW generates MIDI data like a physical keyboard controller streaming the data to the track input.
  7. Maybe punch recording is enabled. "Enable MIDI Output" is disabled for plug-ins that do not support the feature. It has nothing to do with this issue.
  8. scook

    Automation preset

    Check out the Draw Tools in http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=ControlBar.04.html "E" in the image below
  9. No version changed how the PC gets populated. There is a setting for both the track and bus PC to set a layout as default. It is in the context menu for the PC.
  10. Make sure the scanner is not running in the Windows Task Manager. If it is, kill the process and click the middle button (retry).
  11. Once you get the file sounding the way you want in Cakewalk using TTS-1 and any other soft synths, File > Export > Audio can create the mp3's for you.
  12. Remove the driver from the registry entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO and Cakewalk will not know the driver is installed.
  13. "Everything" includes the successful method so it may help to provide a few more details, starting with which plug-ins have been tried, how and where the plug-ins were installed. Then what was done to get the plug-ins to show up in the DAW and how it was determined they are not available in the DAW.
  14. So does the third image Not sure what the state of the screens in the OP are now though.
  15. There are two conditions that must met for a track to receive MIDI data from a plug-in: The plug-in must have "Enable MIDI Output" turned on in the VST2/3 drop down above the plug-in UI. This is on by default for all plug-ins that have this feature. The track must be setup to receive the data either by setting the input drop down to Omni or the plug-in .
  16. http://members.ziggo.nl/t.valkenburgh/Cakewalk Application Language Programming Guide.pdf A chm file for CAL is included with the CAL editor I never used the editor preferring to use the LISP mode in EMACS instead but any text editor will do. The language was deprecated 20 years ago so some parts are a little flakey.
  17. If no sound is heard from the DAW using the plug-in audition keys AND the plug-in AND audio are setup correctly in the DAW it may be that Windows and the DAW are not setup to use the same sample rate.
  18. I do not know how well the feature works but here is a knowledge base article on how to enable screen readers. The article describes the process for X2, the record used in CbB is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Core\AccessibilityMode I do not believe the key is there by default so it will need to be added.
  19. Rewind and Fast Forward do not stop and landmarks There are functions to "go to" the start and end of measures to jump by measure but there is nothing comparable for beats.
  20. Track templates (.cwx) and project templates (.cwt) are, by default, stored in different folders. The folder locations are defined in Preferences > File > Folder Locations. The image in the help shows the default paths.
  21. Using the X3 uninstaller will remove plug-ins and possibly shared files needed by CbB. It is possible to manually remove the parts of X3 not used by CbB or other Cakewalk DAWs but as noted above it will not free up much disk space, IIRC, the full install of X3 excluding plug-ins, loop and shared files uses ~1.2 GB. Of that ~90% is "Cakewalk Content" and almost all of that is in the X3 tutorial folder. Deleting tutorials and sample projects from Cakewalk Content returns most of the disk space used by the DAW. Another place to clean up are the minidump folders. These are located in the user folders for CbB and all the Cakewalk DAWs. For example, the full path to the minidump folder for CbB is "%appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\MiniDumps" Check each Cakewalk DAW folder in "%appdata%\Cakewalk" and delete the contents of the minidump folders.
  22. Review the preference screens, an image of SI-Drums does not help. A silent bus warning means a track/bus send/output is set to None. This may be intentional or the result of a faulty setup.
  23. StudioCat i9 Pro Studio X setup like the i7 I bought in 2014 except 32 GB RAM, 2x500 GB SSD, 2x2GB HDs and a GTX-1660. There is nothing wrong with the i7 other than age. Not real keen on keeping PCs longer than 5 years. I don't use a lot of sample based stuff so don't need superfast or large SSDs.
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