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Everything posted by scook

  1. Nothing in my comment adds or takes away from the reviews. Reviews don't mean much to those who do not have the plug-in, if the product is no longer available.
  2. it is odd the conversation has gone on so long. While the CA-2A is a decent plug-in, the only thing unique about it is the PC format. For those who did not get a copy, the best course of action today is look to another manufacturer for a similar product.
  3. Gibson still owns CA-2A. They did not give up their rights to the product when they shut down Cakewalk. They could start selling the product again, if they wanted to do so. There is no legitimate way to acquire new licenses or share licenses for CA-2A, SONAR or any products made by Cakewalk. unless Gibson allows it. BandLab purchased the source code for Cakewalk products from Gibson and could use it to create their version of CA-2A just like they did with SONAR.
  4. Uninstall does not remove user data. The projects will not be touched. Run the Uninstall option from the menu in BA
  5. The MS GS Wavetable synth is an external synth and needs to be treated like any other hardware synth. AFAIK, its output is hard coded to use the default Windows audio output. TTS-1 is a GM synth and most find it easier to work with it instead of dealing with the MS synth chip. If no MIDI output is enabled in Cakewalk preferences when opening a MIDI file, Cakewalk automatically sets up TTS-1 to play the file.
  6. 3 db increase often involves summing two channels into one. Examples are given in the documentation My guess is the entire mix export is stereo so this summing does not occur. Based on the plug-in dot pattern, the plug-ins in the FX rack are stereo so even through the clips are mono, they are being processed in stereo. Exporting the track as mono causes processed signal (now stereo) to be summed.
  7. The "transfer method" (IOW using Melodyne as a regular plug-in) copies the clip into the Melodyne environment, then Melodyne processes and plays back the processed clip. The clip shown in the track is no longer used. Anything added before the Melodyne plug-in will not have any effect because the audio is originating from the Melodyne instance using the copy it made during the transfer process. Render Melodyne to restore the regular signal flow. Using Melodyne as a Region FX does not use the transfer process. This is what ARA (Audio Random Access) is all about. It reads and processes data very early in the regular DAW signal flow.
  8. Safe mode will open projects and allow skipping problem plug-ins. To invoke safe mode, hold down the SHIFT key while opening the project.
  9. This is available in Cakewalk by BandLab It is one of the few reasons the plug-in manager is still included. By default, plug-in layouts are stored in a folder the user directory. Cakewalk and SONAR have their own user directories. Either copy the layouts or modify preferences as desired.
  10. This bug was introduced in X3. Currently any synth capable of sending MIDI data can be setup to feedback to its input. MIDI sent from a plug-in should not be available to the track(s) routed to the plug-ins MIDI input. The routing still happens even when the track is set to "External Inputs Only." Not sure how long this "feature" will be around but I would not depend on it.
  11. The transport module shows the Record Bit Depth NOT the Driver Bit Depth.
  12. A 256 sample buffer @ 48K is probably the upper limit for most when monitoring through the DAW. Keep in mind plug-in choice can significantly add to the delay. If the compressor has a large lookahead buffer it will be a problem. It may have the ability to adjust its buffer or it may be designed for mixing/master and not be suitable for use while recording. Information about its buffering and application should be in the documentation.
  13. It is not possible to record MIDI by playing the pads with a mouse. I already covered this in a post linked in this thread too. Any synth that makes sound may take advantage of synth audio recording. It does not matter how the sound is created, That said, playing a plug-in UI is not very efficient.
  14. Try changing the MIDI driver mode.
  15. Here is your opportunity to create one with either the built-in UI or a text editor. Directly editing the master.ins with a text editor may be faster depending on how the information is documented. When directly editing master.ins make a backup (just in case).
  16. The SR-16 instrument definition is in Alesis.ins in "Cakewalk Content"
  17. Windows and Cakewalk may be set to different sample rates. Here is one way to check the sample rate in Win10 When sharing audio hardware between Windows and Cakewalk both must run at the same sample rate to use the hardware at the same time.
  18. To run MBox 2 in ASIO mode try this
  19. I do not use any MS supplied playback software. Have you looked t at OS settings like the one @msmcleod mentioned.
  20. Most often this a setting in the playback software. I do not use Groove Music but did a quick search on Google. The app appears to have a built-in EQ available on its settings page.
  21. Insulting and abusive posts need to stop. One thread has been locked. It would be a shame if users lost posting privileges over this.
  22. To narrow down the problem, one thing to try is import the exported wav into Cakewalk and see if it sounds the same as the project. If it sounds the same then the problem lies in the playback of the exported wav. If it does not then the problem lies in the routing or export options in the DAW.
  23. Everything on the old site including the Command Center uses the the same user ID and password from the single sign on system created in 2014 and used through 2017. Email service from the old servers was shutdown in 2017. To regain access to your old Cakewalk account contact support@cakewalk.com For more info about legacy product support see https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360001718094-Legacy-Products
  24. Yes, the activation process needs to write to a protected area of the registry. It has been this way since Vista.
  25. SONAR Platinum was made by Cakewalk, a Gibson brand company. Nothing has changed regarding SONAR Platinum. BandLab Technologies makes Cakewalk by BandLab, a free DAW based on code they purchased from Gibson. They require their product be re-activated every 6 months.
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