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Everything posted by X-53mph

  1. ....and the spectrasonics bass is still excellent. Since getting that I've never looked back.
  2. If I had a big monitor and not a 15"laptop screen, I might go for this. I like the vintage look of mixbus. Perhaps in another life.
  3. This year I've taken the view that if it's a very old plugin or library then, even if the discount is good, I'm not buying. My reasoning follows that of a library music owner who said: when a new library comes out, for the next 6 months you will get thousand of tracks made using that library. By the end of the year you don't want to hear another track using that sound. The number of bundled old libraries does not justify paying the money if the sound is already redundant. IMHO
  4. It doesn't matter if you have Vst2 and Vst3 set up to show/allow on CbB. It will always try to get the Vst3 version (that was confirmed to me by spitfire). The only way around this is to manually delete the Vst3 file from your system (and don't update your spitfire library).
  5. Anyone who remembers the ill fated CbB update that caused lots of issues a while back might also remember some of the back and forth on the various forums about vst3 compatibility and certain vendors.I myself had major performance issues with all my Spitfire libraries after that update. When I contacted Cakewalk they said it was an issue on Spitfire's end. When I contacted Spitfire they said it was an issue on Cakewalk's end. Stalemate. In the end Spitfire recommended to manually delete the Vst3 file for every Spitfire library then rescan your vsts. That way Cakewalk only uses the vst2 file, which works just fine. If you don't manually delete the file, CbB will continue to grab the Vst3 for every time, even if you block it from scans. @Matthew Sorrels Give this a try.
  6. It must be pretty old because the required OS system is Windows XP. ? Have there been any updates since then?
  7. Really?? How conspiratorial. I'm sorry for speculating about it. I'll delete my previous post.
  8. It might benefit the consumer in the short term. Investment companies tend to want to drive up the user base and quickly bring in more users by offering stupidly low prices or insane deals (or long grace periods). The whole reason for this is to show future investors that the 'active' user base is large enough to justify whatever price they ask when they come to sell it on. It's all about activity. That's why Neil Young made his online archive free to all last year, just before selling out off. It's all about the numbers. Yes, I know this sounds cynical, but, like many others in this forum, I've been in the rooms where these conversations take place. One of the companies I worked for was sold to the Discovery channel, and then sold on again when they realised they couldn't actually use the archive. Another company I worked for was sold to the Carlisle group. They aggressively built it up before selling it on in under 2 years. I've seen it happen enough times to know the pattern. However, I disagree with the comparison with izotope and NI. I think that's a marriage made in heaven. On the other hand, an investment group buying a music company like IK only means one thing. Build quickly, sell quickly....but then again, I might be wrong.. ? only time will tell. Unless it's all just fake news! ?
  9. I do speak Italian. The article doesn't really say much beyond giving an overview of the various companies portfolios who are in competition to buy IK. One thing I will say. These are investment companies which means they have little interest in the companies they buy. Their only intention will be to buy cheap then grow sales quickly and sell IK on at a profit. It might be good for the consumer in the short term.
  10. I know. I know. But there are a ton of small developers out there who no one gives two s###s about. Here in the deals page, no one thinks to ask whether it's 'right' when they pick up a freebie because someone got an email with a code/coupon number in it and shared the insider info. Just pisses me off when people take the moral high ground on a slippery slope.
  11. You're not seriously going to admonish me for asking if I can get a cheeky 'deal' on the deals thread? If PB accidentally priced Scaler as $1, do you think people would be taking the moral high ground and petition PB to raise the price? No, they'd buy it for a dollar and pat themselves on the back for getting the deal before PB realised their mistake. That's how I picked up Melodyne for a ridiculously low price. It happens. Sometimes developers don't think of this. Sometimes resellers don't factor this in. Am I supposed to feel bad about that? I wish Scaler's developers all the best with their product, and, if they've been forward thinking enough to close any loophole that could allow someone getting Scaler 2 upgrade without owning Scaler 1, good on them. My question was not malicious. I'm not asking to hack the software and get it for free.
  12. Thought I'd share with you guys my attempt at a short film score for the westwood Lost Piano Scoring competition. Fingers crossed.
  13. You wouldn't believe how much work went into the vocals to sound that way. I love working with this vocalist but there is always a lot of work involved. Deep clean; micro edits; picking out the mouth noises with a fine tooth comb. But if the final result is good, it's worth it. ?
  14. That is a big discrepancy. I bought a 64gb HP thumb drive the other day which allows me 50gb of storage, but 1tb to 64gb is wayyyyyy off the mark.
  15. A cheeky question: if someone were to get the upgrade version without owning Scaler 1, would it still install? (Not that I would condone that kind of behaviour)
  16. Here's a little remix I did the other day. I got to try out a lot of new toys on this one. https://hitrecord.org/records/6461381 It's not my usual genre, but I like to stretch myself occasionally. Hope you enjoy!
  17. Because they've just seen how much they get paid compared to the men at Spitfire.
  18. Today, I managed to write a unique lyric line: one that has not (as far as search engines are concerned) been used in a song. And it feels so right. It feels like a line that could have existed forever.... but it didn't exist until this afternoon. It's a great feeling.
  19. I really wanted to like their products. I got the Lite version on launch, I was really enthusiastic about the sound, but it is just too heavy to use in any projects as well as not playing well when bouncing or freezing tracks and projects. I wish them luck with what could be a really nice plugin, but I feel it needs more development.
  20. Izotope were very polite and prompt in their email to me. I cannot really fault them on their customer service. The person who wrote to me agreed that the wording was ambiguous and would pass that on to the marketing department. Hopefully next time they will word it better. So no complaints from me.
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