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Everything posted by X-53mph

  1. I'm just bumping this topic because I've been trying (to no avail) to get the Harrison AVA Mastering EQ to work in CbB. It crashes everytime and freezes up CbB. Has anyone ever found a solution? The above replies seem to fall into the "I have the same problem" and "I don't have a problem" camps....but no-one seems to offer a solution. Any help?
  2. Version 8 was a blow out. I can hear what @DeeringAmps means. So I went back to the source and tried to bring down the harshness and squeeks as much as possible. I also seperated a few of the sounds a bit more. The drums are a tad kickier, the claps are sidechained, and the bass has its own space now. I hope this has solved most of those issues (but I'm sure there will be others )
  3. Ok, not strictly a music app, but if you own Luminar AI, open it and check for updates. New version is (gasp) faster. After they released Neo, I thought they'd abandon AI, so gotta give me credit where it's due. Also, they've got some LUTs on offer with money going to support Ukraine.
  4. Ok - I'm up to version 8 of this mix. I tried to take out a lot of the boominess and tweak some other issues. It's not slickly perfect (but then neither am I) Would you guys say it's sounding better or worse than the last version?
  5. I'm sorry I cannot answer whether it was used by the Lumineers. However, I will add that if you wanted to use it for soft folk, it might work. I've only used it on folk rock for single note lines, not full playing. Its sound is so distinctive that I find it works better as a solo instrument rather than an accompaniment instrument.
  6. It's a really atmospheric sound. Great for slow soft scores. Not really good for rock and roll. For that I'd go for something like the NA Gentleman. I've written a lot of stuff with the Firewood, it really inspires you that way. But make sure you've got a computer up to the job. You'll need a bare minimum of 16gb RAM, any less and you start getting note drop outs or inconsistent performance (in my experience). The main downside is that it's been used so much in film scores, TV shows and ads that the sound is now somewhat passé.
  7. Very nice sound to these pianos but.... I picked up two last year and I really like the level of control you have. The only downside though is that I've found the controls can mysteriously reset on a project. It might just be my setup, but I've avoidef using them in serious projects because I cannot trust the sound will stay the way I want it. Has anyone else encountered this?
  8. X-53mph

    Sandra Nye

    Picking my son up from a school trip just in time for him to hear his dad's song being played on radio. A good day. ?? And it sounded *****ing awesome on radio too.
  9. Quick word of warning if you are thinking of getting Pianissimo or Mixcraft to sell forward. Acoustica do not do license transfers, so once you've registered their products on your account they are forever linked to your account. I found this out after I got Pianissimo in a bundle, installed it, then decided I didn't need it and wanted to transfer the license to my son. Just to let y'all know
  10. I'm looking to sell some of my vintage gear such as Colorsound pedal, Boss pedal, Danelectro guitar etc.. Are there any good places to sell online other than Ebay. Where will I get a fair deal? Thanks for any suggestions.
  11. My only advice to anyone thinking of picking these up is make sure you can run them on your DAW. Spitfire Original and SA libraries need a lot of RAM and decent CPU. I was running Spitfire libraries on an i5 with 8GB RAM until recently, and I vowed not to buy another until I updated my system to a bare minimum of i7 with 16GB. They would often have drop outs, notes not detected, or irregular detection. Now I'm on a more powerful system they work well. Also, read up carefully on the vst3 issue with CbB. These older libraries have a known issue with CbB not running the vst3. There is a work around suggested by Spitfire which involves deleting the vst3 versions and only running the vst2. Keep in mind that many of these libraries are older and not likely to be updated going forward, so be aware of this issue before buying if you are a CbB user (and if you're not, what the hell are you doing on this board? ?).
  12. R4 10 bucks. That's insane.
  13. X-53mph

    Sandra Nye

    Oh no! because the Ver 2 mix is the one that has gone off to Radio and for streaming. *fingers crossed*
  14. I really cannot express how bad I think their handling of this has been. Up until a few days ago it was still possible to buy copies of Regroover online. Let's hope no-one did. And....... if you try to contact them via their website. The contact page has now DISAPPEARED! https://support.accusonus.com/contact They really have just taken Meta's money and run.
  15. Oh well. One less program cluttering up our systems. Let's look on the bright side. ?
  16. This is the response I have just got. Hi there, Thanks for reaching out to us and apologies for the frustration caused to you. The error code 25 message after inserting the key, means that your product key is not valid anymore. Since we have announced changes to our product line we have stopped new key generations and/or allowing any new activations. If you have never activated your product in the past, the key now has expired. This operation is irreversible and new keys cannot be added. So for anyone who hasn't activated their product, such as me. ?
  17. If you own only Regroover, the company has left you out to dry. It's as simple as that. I cannot install the software on a new computer and they don't offer support on these products anymore. Each time I contact them they send me the same reply pointing me to the installers and telling me to use the serial number. But all I get is an error message. So that's that.
  18. I have sent the following message to Accusonus and I will be reposting it everywhere I can. Accusonus I would like someone to address the issue of how users of products such as Regroover are to Register these products when changing or upgrading systems. I have recently changed DAW and cannot register my product as Accusonus have deleted my account, which it is essential to have in order to obtain the License key (not the Serial number). Without the license key to unlock the software, it is useless. Regarding this decision by Accusonus to delete accounts they deem unnecessary, as well as taking away the option to open a new account, I do hope you are aware that products such as Regroover are still being sold at full retail price. Any new users buying these licenses will find themselves heavily out of pocket, and rightly annoyed. This will not be good publicity. I hope you will address this issue of locking users out of software they own. I will be reposting this message on line in an effort to raise attention to the issue as I am sure I will not be the only person in this position.
  19. Still no reply from Accusonus. Serious question: who can you contact to report this bad practise? Accusonus/Meta has just, overnight, wiped all user accounts that fall under the remit above, thus, without warning, making all software that needs a user account to register it useless. Anyone who bought (or is still buying...Regroover is still for sale on many sites) has just lost their investment in that software. Is there a governing body (fair trade practises) who can be contacted? I must say, I am very very shocked by what they have done.
  20. @PavlovsCat don't worry about me. I can actually name names if I wanted to. For example, I can tell you how a certain UK national treasure's label managed to screw a very talented singer out of his best material, and then passed it off as his. Didn't happen to me but someone very close to me.
  21. That's hard core ? A guitarist friend of mine had a fight with his brother who slammed a door shut..... with my friend's finger in it. He went to hospital with the finger hanging off. Doctor said, it couldn't be saved. My friend replied...'but I'm a guitarist'. Doctor took pity and saved the finger. What a star. That friend of mine is The Great Park. About 80 albums to his name. http://www.thegreatpark.co.uk/ Then there's the story of Django Reinhardt.
  22. Ohhhh biography? Where can we read it? Are you Simon Cowell?
  23. Yes, I wrote that very clearly in my first email to them and in the second email sent after the reply. I'm not holding out hope.
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