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Everything posted by X-53mph

  1. One thing I don't like about WA plugins is that you have to be connected to the internet for them to work. Why do they need an internet connection?
  2. I don't have cubase, but does it have an option to automatically replace VST2 with VST3 in projects (like CbB). If so, you could try turning that off (opting out) if it lets you
  3. I know, but this is really for a friend.?
  4. I'm asking this for a friend who has recently been made redundant from an audio engineering job of over 20 years. He was thinking of trying to get into making bespoke instruments for Kontakt player. Do developers actually make a living doing this or is it a side gig for them? Any insights greatly appreciated. P
  5. ...not since CbB released their last update ?
  6. Did someone mention booze? Now, if I could get a side order of Mac with that....
  7. Do you have somewhere else to listen to the track? No offense but I prefer not to download stuff from Google drive accounts. You could put the track up on Bandlab, for example. BTW: if you're trying to decide the best service, do this simple test.. Take a track that you think is sounding good premaster and put it through all the services you're interested in. Then take a track that is in bad shape premaster and do the same. This will give you an idea of how the AI engines work. Landr is free BTW for MP3 masters. Bandlab is free for wav mastering, and izotope Ozone elements is free to try (and often free with other purchases). So you won't have to spend any money to experiment with options.
  8. You've got the same setup as me. I mix on headphones at home too. ? I am certainly no pro.
  9. I've used Landr, Bandlab and I use izotope. Landr tends to veer on the trebly. I've had good results from them, and they will always get the volume to broadcast levels...just make sure your original track is of decent audio dynamics as Landr cannot perform miracles on a crappy track. This was done with landr: Listen to Leaving HITRECORD Instrumental remix by 53mph on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/5YuL1 Bandlab can be good but it can be a bit heavy handed on the compression. For the price (free) it's worth a try. This was done with Bandlab: Listen to Fake News [HitRecord collaboration with John Lithgow] by 53mph on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/Ln616 Izotope generally give s you the most flexibility. I've got my own preset that I work with (tweaking where necessary). I'm a bit underwhelmed by the AI. It never seems too hit the right EQ.
  10. You guys are so quick. I just saw this in my inbox, and it's already posted here.
  11. I might be coming into a bit of money later this year, so I thought about upgrading my music laptop. I saw very positive things about the Lenovo ThinkPad P series but I wanted some advice. If I buy the latest model P52, the price tag is up to Euro 2,000 If I buy a second hand P51, the prices are below Euro 1,000 for similar specs. But if I look for second hand P50, you can find them for Euro 300 for similar specs. Does anyone here use the P50 for music? Can it do everything that needs to be done. Keep in mind, my current laptop (HP Pavilion i5) I picked up for Euro 100 and it's seem me proud for years.
  12. As always, the €25 voucher doesn't work on the Kontakt upgrade. Maybe one day they'll forget to exclude it from the offers, and I'll get lucky. ??
  13. Only things I miss are BreakTweaker Expanded | Stutter Edit. Don't know if they are worth 40 bucks?
  14. I hate it when Alcoholics Anonymous Support group blame the Klu Klux for issues with the Natives.
  15. This morning I tried to render a video with new audio track in the new build. When the rendering process started I got a high pitched tone throughout that wouldn't stop (even after the video has rendered) until I closed CbB. The video itself had only half rendered, the audio was without this high pitched tone. Any ideas?
  16. I got a reply today from AAS this morning saying they have recompiled their updates and a new version is now available on the site. Would someone else like to have a go at installing them and let me know the result? ?
  17. Yes, I was thinking the same thing - I couldn't see anything on Spitfire's site - but I just saw that it's on their official Instagram page. You can link from there.
  18. That was exactly my thinking, but I have been told by the powers that be it is the fault of the vendor not Cakewalk....so they won't do that. ?‍♂️
  19. Yes, it's an optional OPT-OUT, but is it by any chance set to OPT-IN on the last release BY DEFAULT? My argument is that it should be optional rather than a forced transition to VST3. Not everyone who updates from previous builds may realize what is happening, and, as not everyone is an IT wizard, they might lose days or weeks of work trying to troubleshoot a problem with drop-outs, stuttering audio, or unexpected closure of the software, when all they really want from the software is an out-the-box environment in which they can make music. I can see from other Cakewalk users that I am not the only one to have experienced this issue, and it has caused projects to grind to a halt as a result. Yes, it can be argued that it is the fault of the VST vendor. Yes, it can be argued that VST3 is the new standard. All this can be argued, but until CbB works nicely with these VST3s (causing an interruption of service which in turn creates bad publicity for Cakewalk by Bandlab) the simplest solution would be to make those boxes OPT-IN, rather than OPT-OUT in each new build. This would have no negative impact on those who already have VST3s happily loaded in their projects, and it will have no negative impact on those who are happily using VST2 instruments. But by FORCING the VST3 to replace VST2, it most definitely IS causing problems. I hope this clarifies what I mean.
  20. Yep.... I'm featured heavily towards the end of the episode...along with my microphones.
  21. Tonight is episode 4 of HitRecord's YouTube Original Series: Create Together Series 2. This series concentrates on Nature. It's called create together because the entire series is a collaborative effort, and yours truly is one of the collaborators. I cannot guarantee I will definitely be in this one...but it's very likely. Here's a link to the Live watch along tonight.
  22. Yes, I sent an email about a week ago....never heard back.....unlike Spitfire who wrote back the next day.
  23. A request for the next official release. In VST Settings: Make the VST Migration optional. As long as there are issues with certain venders VST3 instruments, I think it best not to force CbB to use these. Having the boxes unchecked by default would be preferable in my opinion.
  24. Michael, I have some good news for you. I got on to Spitfire and they confirmed that there is an issue with their VST3 versions of Spitfire instruments in CbB. I double checked the Preferences in the new build and saw that the VST3 migration is set by default to Replace VST2 instruments with VST3. You need to uncheck that box and then go back into your session and replace your Spitfire instruments with the VST2 versions (if they have been replaced with VST3). I'm including a screen grab of where you will find this setting in CbB Spitfire support suggested another work around if this doesn't work for you. "Please try deleting the VST3 plugin files altogether. That way, Cakewalk will only have the VST2s to load after it rescans. As you have been advised, the default location for the VST3 version is here: VST3: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 Cakewalk should rescan the next time it's restarted and will then load only the VST2 going forward. Please note, if you perform a repair in the meantime, the VST3 plug-in will be reinstalled as part of the repair and you will need to remove this again." I hope this remedies your problem and you can get back to making music as before.
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