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Everything posted by X-53mph

  1. X-53mph

    door # 2

    Are you the love child of Daniel Johnston, Tom Waits and Captain Beefheart? The track is insane - but I strangely like it.
  2. Great groove. When I lived in London, I used to buy acid jazz compilations from Camden Dock Market. There was a guy who would put together cassettes of stuff like Jimmy Smith, and this track would not have been out of place on one of those compilations. Great job.
  3. Nice! Have you tried approaching Library Music companies or tried to get into TV music production? I think you'd fit right in there. Great job.
  4. I'm going to be a little harsh here, but don't take it badly. I only want to help. The 'funky drummer' of the Fairfax I imagine to be in time and spot on, right? but the guitars feel a bit off time throughout the mix. It feels like the drums and guitar are in competition for the beat. Could this be a latency problem? Are you recording at zero latency? If I were you, I would practise to perfection strumming with the funky drummer before laying down a new mix. Get that upstroke/downstroke working like clockwork and then you'll have a tight track. Hope this helps.
  5. You certainly chrushed my dreams with this! Interesting and difficult at times, but def interesting.
  6. Great job. On a personal level I find it a bit reverb heavy, but that's just my preference. Are you playing the sax in this?
  7. X-53mph

    Too Much

    I agree with Mark. The vocal reverb needs some taming. Have you added a deesser to the vocals? I'm trying to put my finger on who this reminds me of. It's got an 80s vibe to it for sure. Good job.
  8. Really good production. Sounds so pro. I cannot really add anything of value. Great job!
  9. Hi guys, This is a track I published a while back, but I was never really happy with it. I found the mix too weak, lacking grit. So I've added some more guitar layers. The big change however is my attempt at a reverse guitar solo around the 2min mark. I had fun doing that. This is the mix straight from the DAW. I haven't started the Mastering yet. Be interested to hear what people have to say. Cheers as always.
  10. I do indeed know Sea and Cake. I haven't listened to them in a long time...but now I will. ? Untuned String? Surely not? ?
  11. Just gotta brag about this: Keep a Little Light On, currently No 1 of the daily Top 24 on Radio TFSC. My first No 1.
  12. The final track will be playing on internet radio stations next week. The following station sent me the airing dates and times, for anyone who wants to support indie music: The Indie Jukebox show will be aired this coming Monday 13th June at 6 - 7pm BST (i.e. 1pm EST, 10am PST) & Thursday 16th June 8pm EST/5pm PT (i.e. 1am Friday BST). Be sure to spread the word and join in the fun! The full line-up includes: John Kelham, Elio Mardini, gIlad, Martina & The C, Man At Q And M, Glenn Reeve, JUDENJAY, Steve Bonham and The Long Road, 53mph, Dreamin' Out Loud Entertainment, GENIIE BOY, Laini Colman, Rick Romes & Sweet Randi Love and The Love Thang Band Featuring Jack Spade with Ike Turner JR. You can catch the show at radiowigwam.co.uk, SmartSpeaker, TuneIn etc..
  13. Hmmm, the drums come from a very early drum pack in Dropzone with either Sonar or Projects. What is it that you're not sure about the drums?
  14. An engineer friend in the US, who listened to an earlier mix, said the bass needed taming, solo needed highering to same sonic level as vox. Also I recently added some extra guitar to the intro to beef up the sound. I don't know if it's lacking. More a case of, does anything sound off?
  15. Hi guys, It's been a while since I've posted a song. Once again I'm trying to get a track over the finish line. It's so nearly there. This is the mix straight out of Cakewalk, no mastering yet. Any advice warmly received. Cheers guys. Quick note: as Wookie said, some of the themes and language in the song may offend. I want to stress that I wrote this song many years ago, it is in no way connected to current world events. The story played out in the song is influenced by a 1970s film called Badlands staring Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek. I'm sorry if it may offend some, however, I think we're all grown ups. ?
  16. Maybe every time they see you log in, they flick the switch. ?️ Messin' with year head.
  17. That's what I suspected. Thanks for saving me the money. ?
  18. Does anyone know if any of these books are worth reading, or are they already too dated?
  19. Never a truer word was said. ?????
  20. I'm on a Dell XPS running Windows 11 - I get exactly the same crash as you. As you said, when I try to close the GUI. And before we point the finger at Dell or Windows 11, I had exactly the same behaivour on my old HP Pavilion running Windows 10 and before that Windows 7. I've never been able to get Harrison AVA plugins to work in CbB. For my sins, I just tried installing it again - same proplem. As soon as I try to minimize or close the GUI, it locks up CbB and I cannot do anything. I have to force close the application. Uninstalled.
  21. I got it (free...so no harm done). I'll try installing later.
  22. I picked this up a while back and I cannot get it to work in CbB. It crashes the system every time. Is anyone using it in CbB? Free is only good if you can actually use it.
  23. It's been a long time coming, but this song is now out on all good (and bad) Streaming services today. https://open.spotify.com/album/4KJSEpK8awp8GEy25XKOsE?si=fuTTTA1xSzu9uww-iZhmpQ&utm_source=copy-link I haven't been pushing it very hard, but it's been getting spins on internet radio. I'm hoping it will make it onto a playlist or two. If any of you guys want to give it a listen, it'd be much appreciated ?
  24. Has anyone used these programs? Just curious.
  25. I did try and warn you off Lenovo.I 've tried them out, but always found the performance to be well below the specs. Call me paranoid, but I just did trust them.
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