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Everything posted by Vst0nE

  1. nice one but too expensive, unison drum monkey competition ?
  2. there was 4 of those packs in total for $1 each also there was 60% off discounts over black friday and now only 40% off so late for all
  3. i do not have any presets ??
  4. get Air Hype for 29.99 with huge 1500 presets and free retromod lead has 400 presets or get audiothing megaphone $5 with free retromod lead if you after cheap option
  5. best purchase option get full bundle 32 items / $1519 (thats about $47 each) and ask them to pay partially you do not have to pay the whole thing once just whenever you can purchase partialy $47 anytime you like, invoice will be opened for next payments they will assign one guitar of your choice to your account once you make another payment,,,,you can take years to pay this off
  6. falcon was also upgraded and they did not ask for any money, 99e seems bit too much, maybe 49e ok if you do mainly edm/house/dance music etc choose avanger , othewise choose falcon
  7. you are eligible, just send PB support proof of purchase or license transfer nfo from vps support its better option anyway as you can use points+get free plugin
  8. agreed, expensive update, you just basically will get 250 more presets, so like 2 banks sale for them and calling it upgrade
  9. cherryaudio synth stack 4 is out, seems to complete last 5 synths is 73usd upgrade so about $15each,,,better option then buy one by one
  10. yes get freebies at splash and the rest at pulse.audio. do not forget $1 credit to lower each purchase at pulse.audio (make separate purchases)
  11. splash sounds at pulse.audio seems like good deal, harmo $2.50, you will get $1 credit after each purchase to lower price as well. so guitar strum $4.70 and retrowave $6.80 with each separate purchase credit $1 applied
  12. uhe filterscape with 3 plugins with morphing eq, synth and fx seems to be good value as well for 57usd from jrrshop (forum coupon)
  13. big deal for bandlab...they should move server to china to get reliable server ? its ridiculous they cant even manage and have back up of one server , what they will do with new products like next and sonar?
  14. problem is with those Ai plugins, it needs their server to work so if they will turn it off or will go out of business thats it..out of luck
  15. Audiolab - Emergent Drums 2 for $49 https://audialab.com/ think best price so far
  16. transit looking good for multi fx, is JRshop lowest now? seems better deal then from website with usage their sale coupon+sanjaybf coupon
  17. they keep renaming and updating it and always charging for it,,,waste of money
  18. not sure if worth it but when you install thebuild, there is lucky wheel to play game upto 20times to get discount i got 45% off coupon on anything, it is tight to email however think if you have a scaler you do not need theinstrument
  19. if it is crashing flstudio and you have similar issue, find solution below: Open the Plugin Wrapper of the plugin and under troubleshooting, activate "Use fixed size buffers". This should fix the issue!
  20. Avenger 2 upgrade, Sonic Charge Synplant 2, Minimal Audio Current with 50% off pricetag ?
  21. there is if you email support but last time they made me quote 199+tax which was not very appealing
  22. cant get through as well 502 error
  23. gforce OB-X at JRRSHOP $66.51 with group coupon https://www.jrrshop.com/gforce-ob-x anywhere better price?
  24. they sent me the same answer as well....seems marketing working very hard...haha
  25. why he cant just leave it at pianobook free forever? do you need to download from pulse after registering or it will stay there and can be downloaded later?
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