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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. There are times when you simply got to bring your A Game because a Dick just won't cut it !Send it off to get an education in Cocksmanship . You partner will love you for it Kenny
  2. I asked for a fish... What's up with that the video ? Sssshheeesh I don't want to waste my time listening to that pseudo hipster ambient noise . Now Class repeat after me ........This is a fish ! Oh my ! I wonder if she has any bananas or coconuts . Now throw me a fish Kenny
  3. You have just won the Laughing Seal of Approval ! Now throw me a fish ! Kenny
  4. French Kiss with out all the makeup ! The pharmacist is Hoping they escalate ! If they do he can sell a box of condominiums . Kenny
  5. Yep! 6 years is the same amount of time as far as my parochial school incarceration went. I took a lot of beatings . All I know is those Nuns were tough , I'll never be half the man some of them Nuns were . My educated guess would be Only the hymn book approved selections would be considered ? True story ...by the time the Stones , The Beatles , Chet Atkins and The Doors were making the rounds on The Ed Sullivan show I had already made up my mind what I wanted to do with my life . I remember the day a Nun asked the whole class what they wanted to be when they grew up ...When it got to my turn I jumped up on top of my desk and started doing some Elvis gyrations and proclaimed rather loudly "I want to Rock" . With out missing a beat the Nun hit me with a big shoe and beat my butt with a paddle in front of the whole class ... Many years later when I was an adult I visited that school and noticed it was surrounded with barbed wire everywhere .I figured OK this is the Bronx and the area had become a very dangerous neighborhood . As I stood there trying to make sense of my time there I looked up to the sky and said out loud I guess they wouldn't let you in back then and you still cant get in . In that moment a calmness came over me and I understood where my experience had brought me ...I had a good laugh gazing at the clouds while holding imaginary hands with my creator . Kenny
  6. I listened to what you said but please forgive me for what I'm about to say next . I closed my eyes and this is the face I saw saying all of that ? Kenny
  7. Excellent !! Throw in some of them girls from the picture and you got a deal ? Kenny
  8. When you get to the white sand beaches can you do me a favor and say hello to my dog Duke! He moved on a few years ago and I still miss him dearly Kenny
  9. This whole the music today is better than the music of my youth debate got settled a long time ago for me... First off, every musician I ever knew never bought a record and listened to the first listen of the record all by his or her lonesome .Typically there would be 8 people jammed into the guys mothers basement or toughing it out in his smoke filled bedroom elbow to elbow hunched over passing the album around so everybody can see the art work as the songs played . I don't care who you were , when you bought a new guitar those same 8 guys would show up at your house and then we would pass that guitar around person to person just like an Indian Chief would pass around the ceremonial peace pipe . Music was an event that was meant to be shared ..... People of my era knew this and they gathered around Musical activities and hung out socially to feel the buzz and effects of the music collectively . When somebody bought a new pedal or learned how to play a Pink Floyd guitar solo we would all get together and teach each other how to play it ... Nobody I knew played music in a vacuum . If you played the chords to Stairway To Heaven wrong two things would happen . The luscious succulent hottie you were trying to impress knew how the song was so posed to go because the other 7 guys from the 8 I mentioned before had already played it for her so she would have to bow out of your advances ...In any case just when you felt the devastation of having just failed one of the other guys would pull you aside and show you how to play the song correctly . Every one I knew would practice together . And I'm not just talking about my high school pals ...I wont drop names right now but I have always had people that wanted to learn tunes and woodshed together ....I'm gonna take that info to the grave with me simply because nobody would believe me if I mentioned some of the people that have asked me to show them what I just did .Name Cats on the covers of mags in some cases . I have met everybody I have wanted to meet except for Santana and Leslie West . I feel very fortunate to have gotten my feet wet in music at a time when 20 bucks would get you in the door ....When I didn't have the 20 I would find out where the equipment truck was and I told them I would unload and help them set up and more often than not they would hand me the guitars and amps and I would walk then into the theater . When Roy Buchanan played Town Hall in the mid 70's I sat right there a little off to the side at his feet on stage ...I will always remember that show ... Now 'm not trying to take you guys down memory lane but I have met and hung with every body musical from all genres of music at a time when the artist was approachable , the concerts were priced reasonably and the music was relevant ... So for me what they call music now simply does not hold the appeal it may as it does for younger people ....I'm just not into watching a scantly dressed singer lip syncing while shaking her booty with 50 back up dancers evading explosions and streams of light ... Everyone I ever wanted to meet in real life and hear them perform is a blessing too me ....maybe some day I'll drop names ..not today all the best Kenny
  10. ? Well if he want's to take the up escalator he can't squander it all ? You got to plan ahead and put away something for the taxes and fees that have accumulated on the ledger from over a lifetime of transgressions ! Simple right ? Kenny
  11. Well if your gonna loose all your money anyway because you can't take it with you . Bring everything you still got and tip the Angel guarding the gates into sending the ride to your destination up ...not down Kenny
  12. How did I not hear this guys before? The short answer is the current powers that be on the internet are so busy shoving a bunch of meaningless non nutritious music and second rate performances on everybody it has become almost impossible to find a real influential musical genius from the past that happens to be the real deal . In the mid 70's onward Lenny Breau was held in high regard amongst many of the absolute best guitar players from that era . Lenny recorded duet albums with Chet Atkins ..As a Jazz player Lenny recorded and did a film documentary with Tal Farlow . Lenny also had a robust musical background and for those that don't know it Lenny was single-handedly responsible for having been the earliest guitar player to utilize the cascading harmonic arpeggio effects most people have come to associate with Tommy Emmanuel ... Sort of like what Van Halen did with tapping For the record Lenny was playing them every bit as good as what Tommy does in today's era ... When Cher' was doing a concert in my area ( mid 70's ) I met her guitar player and many of her back up band .They were staying at a hotel and I spent hours with her guitar player jamming with him . He taught me the correct tech on how to play those cascading harmonic arpeggios . Lenny also became one of the first 7 string guitar players playing unaccompanied solo Jazz Performances . Sometime in the late 70's going into the 80's . IIRC Aria made a 7 string classical guitar model as his signature guitar . The depth of Lennys talent was very deep ,Yet like many super talented musicians from that era Lenny had succumbed and entered into the tempestuous allure of heroin addiction ....He braved on and still performed but unfortunately his life ended when he was murdered .. to this day his murder is still unsolved . all the best Kenny
  13. I see a large amount of money coming to you in the near future . Be very selective when it comes to Love ! Not everyone has your best interests in mind . Kenny
  14. Lets hear how you feel about that one once you hit 79 ? Sorry about the loss of your friend . I just found out today myself ....This is truly a loss for me considering most of my Jr High School era bands played a lot of the material from the ABB ....sadly I must confess I couldn't cop all the guitar parts back then .I have seen them live shortly after Duane passed on . I love the fact they used to improvise a lot live ! and I still like and listen to their music +1 on liking them better now as opposed to when I was younger ...They put a lot into their music that escaped my young mind and ears .I had to grow up a lot to fully appreciate the talent and genius of their music i. Right On ! all the best Kenny
  15. RIP Dickey Betts! A true Southern Rock Innovator has passed away today . Kenny
  16. How True ! So is this song !"Cause We've Ended as Lovers" Jeff Becks super nice tribute to Roy Buchanan's playing influence on him! Kenny
  17. My mistake must have been adding my solo to this thread after Reverend Billy Gibbons ? You say you played something there Ken ? Kenny
  18. I'm going with this one as my favorite guitar solo Kenny
  19. Flo... got Kenny trained good . Now go brush your teeth Kenny Kenny
  20. The whole Eric Clapton Album was and still is one of my all time favorite records of his . Let It Rain Kenny PS Carl Radle's Bass Part is absolutely sublime and it locked the songs groove down tight ?
  21. Yes ! just make sure you brush your teeth and rinse your mouth out first. ? Kenny
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