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Mark Morgon-Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Morgon-Shaw

  1. I have a template now with it set but sometimes I don't use that template and forget
  2. When can we buy such a thing ! ? ( or at least Beta Test it )
  3. I can agree that a more fully featured Track Manager that can be docked etc if you wish would be an improvement
  4. I think it's just a case of applying so much heavy correction that it starts to sound screwy. Best to use any of these tools sparingly and finesse it manually, but If you use it on auto with a high degree of processing there will inevitably be unwanted side effects and weird artifacts.
  5. Then Rexred's YT channel might have found a new audience member.
  6. Yeah it doesn't dock the left which would be more flexible I looked into ultrawides last time I did a monitor upgrade and I decided against it precisely because I figured I might run into issues like these and I went with 2 x 24" individual monitors with small bezels so it would be easier to snap individual windows into place against the edges ( and I had to watch a video on the windows snap feature lol which actually works well once you know how to drive it ) - I don't use screensets BTW as I find just snapping things quicker and less cumbersome but I might re-look at this in new Sonar with it's new vector GUI. The reason I mention all of this is because when I was looking at ultrawides some of them mentioned having software so you could split them up into zones and have 2 or 3 virtual monitors on one screen. So I am wondering if this might be an option for you to set it up how you want by dividing up the screen up and then setting up your screensets and maybe in the new Sonar we will have more flexibilty due to the overhauled GUI.
  7. It is all starting to make sense now. Your workflow is something like. 1. Sing line badly 2. Process line heavily with Melodyne 3. When Melodyne has to hammer the audio so much it becomes an unintelligable robot voice, drop in again until it you do a take it's algorithm can cope with. That seems like a very lazy workaround Vs getting it right at source. Recording several takes top to bottom, dropping in any lines / phrases that still could be improved , then doing a final comp before taking it it into Melodyne to finesse, nudging pitch and timing here and there. Not nuking the recording to the point it breaks and removing any traces of human performance. Do you work this way with other recorded instruments ? Guitars etc ? Blasting them with Melodyne every few licks as you go ? We don't. We get the best performance we can during the recording phase, prior to post production. So it already sounds good before we even touch tools like Melodyne. We're polishing it with a soft cloth to make it shine, not taking a hammer to it to bend it into a diffrerent shape. Congrats. it says you have 32 listeners a month of Spotify. Interested to know where the other 2,599,968 are finding you ? I get about 10 - 12 monthly listeners on Spotify but my music is increasingly on TV , so effectively millions of people every month will have heard it should they watch certain shows. More music in more TV shows = more royalties. Back in Dos days I was using the far superior Music-X on the Amiga as my seqeuncer which sadly meant I had to switch to PC around the Win95 era when Commodore went bankrupt. My first version of Cakewalk was 3.01 which was rubbish compared to Music X but it was clear the PC as a platform was going to be unstoppable and Cakewalk was very popular. These are true solutions rather than a quick fix sticking plaster.
  8. I think you'll find they would have slowed the tape down thus lowering the pitch of the song, recorded it and then returned the tape machine back up to normal speed. But a tape machine that has varispeed and is designed to operate that way, it's not going to make it break down. Yeah maybe the band should have lowered the key a couple of semitones but this was fairly common in the days of analogue tape , you still have to have good intonation though. What did he do when performing it live ? Most pro singers do have vocal coaches and a good one could probably add those extra few notes to a singers range over time. The insane logic would be chopping the tape into pieces and then splicing it all back together hap hazardly then wondering why it got stuck in the machine and won't play properly.
  9. It's a poor workflow. You are doing a post production during the actual recording. I'm not sure what you mean when you say " Melodyne corrupted line " ? I have no problem insulting anyone if it makes them get it right. It's a crutch if you're using it on every line just after you've recorded it. No legit singer would want to work like that, it's an art and a craft to coax the best performance from a vocalist. Maybe call up a local pro studio and ask them if you can sit in and observe a session so you can see what a proper workflow looks like when working with singers.
  10. No I was asking first just in case its my Buddy's fault somehow
  11. This is the way. The OP's issues spring from using Melodyne as a crutch.
  12. I don't think it is as you'll be hamstrung to a lowest common demoinator featureset in a world where DAW manufacturers are trying to one up each other for more users. On a commercial level what would be the point?
  13. I was trying to help out a guitarist freind of mine and it seems he has found a bug. When using Guitar Rig 7 , if you convert the track to a Melodyne FX Region and subsequently render it back to the track then Guitar Rig 7 no longer plays and no audio can be heard unless GR7 is deleted or Cakewalk is restarted. I've got him to test this with GR5 and TH3 and they work as expected , and we did figure out a workaround that if he puts GR7 into bypass before enabling the Melodyne FX region and also before rendering the region FX then the issue does not occur. I've not got the plugin myself as I'm not a guitarist and my buddy isnt' a forum user but thought I would post it up to see if anyone else can replicate.
  14. Mine is not very pretty but I find it super handy. I partly use it to address some shortcomings in CbB SuperZoom is a macro to close the browser and inspector and make CbB full screen Hide - Unhide is the shortcut to hide all tracks except the current selection Fit To Selection - Also shortut Tranpose Up & Down - This is a macro you can use on track view to quickly switch octaves so it uses : Process - Transpose and - + or - 12 semitones and saves multiple mouse clicks and typing the value in. I would say I use this one the most of all of them especially when arranging midi parts to find the right voicing but it works on audio too. Scale Vel - This is a shortcut to Process - Scale Velocity and opens the dialogue box Tempo Track - Shortcut to open / close tempo track CAL - This is a folder which reveals a bunch of my favourite CAL routines Normalize - Shortcut of Process - Apply Effect -Normalize, save going several menus deep Melodyne - Applies the Melodyne Region FX to selected clip Humanize - Shortcut to commonly used CAL Reset Midi & Audio - Shorcut to panic button Bounce to Clip - Brings up the bounce dialogue for selected clip Audient - Opens soundcard app for adjusting latency So that's mine - When I first had it I set it up as a glorified transport controller but I quickly found I never used it and decided to put all those tucked away commands that I used quite often or some macros of functions that I used a lot but took multiple clicks to achieve otherwise. And I've still got one spare button ! Might rig that to the coffee machine.
  15. I am ready for New Sonar...................your move Bandlab
  16. Ah. The dabblers and dilettantes . Gotcha. They are the prevailing demographic after all I guess.
  17. The answer is you can't and those are the tools you have available
  18. Doesn't seem like a bug to me, from my POV this is expected behaviour. In essence what the OP is requesting is for Cakewalk to instruct Melodyne to "mute" the previous take's blobs which I don't think it can. I could be wrong but it seems like all Cake does is pass audio over for Melodyne to process which it then sends back to the track. Cakewalk doesn't really have any other control over Melodyne such as mute states as far as I can tell. The previous audio is actually still in there inside Melodyne because the "take lane" is really just a sub-part of the same track. I don't think Melodyne is take lane aware, it just sees all lanes as one track. So as far as it's concerned you are recording over the top of yourself and it's displaying that as expected. Therefore expected behaviour rather than a bug, just not the behaviour the OP wants. This is partly a consequence of using Melodyne as a tracking tool in a DAW which now has multiple take lanes in unforseen ways. Cakewalk never had take lanes for many years after Melodyne came out and it doesn't seem as though this has been considered for a Melodyne based workflow. I'm not even sure it's within the Bakers gift to make it work the way the OP thinks it should. Whilst we wait to find out we have a few choices. 1. Do what every other vocal producer I know does and comp your vocal first and apply Melodyne to a consolidated vocal track. It's much easier that way - I don't even get why you would want to use Melodyne on the fly like that anyway ? It's a strange workflow as you're basically working the opposite way round to everyone else by pitch correcting things before deciding if you're keeping them or not. 2. Use separate tracks instead of take lanes ( like we used to back in the day ) for overdubs 3. Mute the blobs manually in the previous take from within Melodyne before recording the new take then they turn into a ghost note outline. This might alleviate some of the visual issues of overlaying notes. I've not tried it though as I don't work that way. 4. Delete the old blobs in Melodyne before transferring the new take. You can use the compare switch to go back and forth between track audio and Melodyne audio to check which one you like best. I may be wrong and maybe the Bakers can make Melodyne put the original take into mute mode automatically ( although you would still have the outline shown above I expect) but if not I suspect this may not be a quick fix. Lastly forget the tech and consider a good vocal coach, I'm no pro level singer either but I went from being pitchy AF to not needing to use Melodyne except for the odd word here and there by having a good teacher and working on my voice. Getting it right at source is far better than trying to fix it afterwards which should always be a last resort to be used sparingly.
  19. That's your issue right there. My wife needs her car fixing every few years because she rides the clutch and it wears it out to the point it needs replacing. I on the other hand have never needed a new clutch in any of my cars despite doing considerably more mileage. I understand how clutches work and what will cause them undue wear so I drive accordingly in order not to break it. Is the car manufacturer at fault or is it my wife's fault ?
  20. Not really Wrong tool for the job - If you use something like Izotope RX 10 it can transcribe your audio file so you can perform text searches.
  21. No the solution is to use the right tool for what you are trying to do. Probably one of the Auto-Tune-alike plugins. Take it into Melodyne when you're done recording and comping. Not during. Why not trial some different ARA host and see what happens ? Make a video about it. ( genuinely interested to see what happens )
  22. It's not comparable though - Melodyne has to take the audio file from the ARA host then run an analysis on it's pitch & tempo etc, and therefore it isn't designed for real time use. FX plugins affect the audio in realtime as they pass through the plugin - A realtime process..no handing off of the audio outside the DAW. If you want to constantly ping-pong your audio between CbB and Melodyne and drop in and out as though it were a native DAW audio track then I expect you'll get problems. Much better to use a plugin designed to do what you need ( i.e. realtime pitch correction ) than expect one to cope that isn't designed that way then complain when it breaks. Anything will break if you use it in unintended ways. Maybe so but probably not a high priority for an edge use case.
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