Happy new year. I have been having issues I never had before (and I started with the floppy disks). I am using the latest update,
Most of them are midi related. I have a Roland XV-5050 connected and usually the first note does not play. I've changed the time when it appears (for example 01:01:010) and sometimes it plays the note, sometimes not. Even if I loop a few measures that note doesn't play.
This is where things get confusing. If I get the note to play, other random notes don't sound. I even have this issue with DimPro.
Another problem: say I have some tracks playing 12 measures. If I stop the playback and then start it anywhere in those 12 measures, many times several tracks (audio and midi) will not play at all. If I try to replicate that issue I have little success. Yet, it an hour's work it will happen anywhere between 1 and 10 times.
Did something new come along in the last 2 updates? I am running an old Win 7 system with an Edirol FA-101 Firewire interface. Usually, it is rock solid and takes over 40 tracks, half of them vst synths, without a problem. But lately, strange things have been happening.
If anybody has experienced these types of issues, please let me know.