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Everything posted by Cecelius2

  1. S-Gear is now only $74.82 for Black Friday 2024. Deal last until Dec 2, 2024 https://www.scuffhamamps.com/product/s-gear S-Gear is still my go to amp sim. Still love it for clean and low gain tones. This $74.82 is the best price I have seen in years. C2
  2. Agree--Great value at this price! IKs B-3X is a beast! It does put a drain on the CPU but it is probably the gold standard (IMO) for B3 emulations. I just purchased Cherry Audio's Blue3 for $39 and it sounds really good, but IKs B-3X for me is still the best. [[FYI I still use the old discontinued NI B4 which sounds great and has a very easy CPU load/hit. I often use NIB4 for trying things out temporarily on an organ track, but then switch over to IKs B-3X for the final mix.]] For $39 IKs B-3X is a good deal. C2
  3. Thanks for the link to the discount ($41.06)! Worked for me. Glad to have another drawbar organ vst in my toolkit. Downloaded the B3 from Cherry Audio. Had tried the earlier GG Audio version but never purchased it. Have been using IKM's B3X and the old NI B4 (still works and sounds great with low CPU hit). Thanks for the link. C2
  4. Anyone know where he will be posting? He has been so great and helpful. Please if anyone finds where he will be posting his deals, please let us know. C2
  5. FYI-- this sale ends soon-- on July 31, 2024.
  6. Got MegaMagic Guitars V1/V2 in June when they had the last $20 sale. Just grabbed MMG V3 Bliss today. Great price and loads of fun.
  7. There is yet another fix in the works that should be released next week> At least I am not alone in imaging this difficulty with NA. See page six which address the 3.12.1 error bug being found: https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/32860/native-access-3-12-0-wont-open/p6
  8. Just launch NA and it auto updated to 3.12.10, but now NA will not launch at all. I have reinstalled, uninstalled, restarted computer..... nothing works. Just purchased OTS Evolution Complete, but can't install libraries. Task manager shows that NA starts for a couple seconds and then disapears. I get a blue circle spinning for a couple of seconds and then nothing. i have run as administer, but no help. Luckily I tried this first on my secondary Computer, and have not tried to open/update NA on my main computer. I'm afraid to launch it and for it to lock up NA on my main computer.
  9. Thanks for posting this way of getting Mixcraft. I have never tried Mixcraft. So I just spent the $20 for the Humble Bundle and got v9. It's pretty nice. I will upgrade to v10.5. Thanks for a discount path for purchasing Mixcraft. Nice to have this DAW as another alternative. Really appreciate this advice! C2
  10. I'm pissed that i missed the 30% off year subscription sale. I wish I had seen this offer back when it was live: I was holding out for a perpetual license offer. Not sure if I will just purchase the $150 yearly membership, or just use the free CbB. I always load Cakewalk as my go to DAW which CnB still works fine, so not sure that I need the Bandlab membership to get the new Sonar, but I guess I will consider it. I really wanted to purchase a perpetual license, but am kicking myself that i missed that 30% offer.
  11. I just wish Bandlab would make it clear and official. Is there going to be a perpetual license (non-subscription) purchase available or not? If the subscription version is now out of beta and up and running, why not make it clear that there will be or will not be a perpetual license option. I still load Cakewalk CnB first, and really want to purchase a non-subscription version of the new Sonar. But the wait is getting ridiculously Long and drawn out. This is painful and sad to watch and wait.
  12. Back in 1992 I started my journey with Cakewalk products and have sticked around since then. Got my Cakewalk Dos 3.0 bundled with a Roland Sound Canvas SCC-1 add on card in 1992. Since then I owned the Cakewalk Pro Audio versions, then Sonar v3 thru Sonar x3, then CnB, and now am waiting for the new Sonar by Bandlab (to buy a perpetual version since I don't do subscriptions). Great Products!! Cakewalk has always been my first go-to DAW, but also use Studio One, Cubase Pro and Mixbus. C2
  13. Thanks for posting this notice. I have Cubase 11, 12, 13 all on my systems, but now only use 13. My issue is going to be Halion 6 (full version), which was on their elicenser Dongle. I will now be watching for one of those Steinberg Update sales to update Halion 6 to 7 (right now it is $99). It is sad that they will not allow you to transfer licenses from their dongle to their new system (but they say that it is incompatible). Thanks again for posting this C2
  14. It is interesting to note that Presonus recently modified their Studio One 6 + pricing schemes to include the Hybrid+ because they heard the concerns of their users. This was not their initial Plus pricing plans, but they "heard the concerns of their" user base and came up with the Studio One + Hybrid plan. I hope (and trust) that Bandlab will follow the wisdom of listening to their client's plea for a similar plan (call it perpetual or call it Hyrbid). Bandlab hopefully will offer a perpetual (or Hybrid+) type program. See Presonsus announcement [at 0.50 minutes into the announcement] were they heard the concerns of their users :
  15. I have deliberately stayed out of this discussion about the new Sonar release for months, but now I at least want to add my encouragement that a non-subscription version will be released soon. Why? Because this very month I updated my Cubase 13 pro, & Studio One 6.6 Hybrid+ & Mixbus 10 Pro (all of them non-subscription versions). And I am using these other DAWS more and more and more. However, I have used Cakewalk DAWs since 1994 (Dos 3.0) and have purchased every version of "Sonar" products for the last 30 years. To be clear Cakewalk has always been my primary DAW. The latest free CnB is still my "go to", my Primary DAW that I always load first to try out new plugins and work on music ideas. I really want to continue to use the latest version Sonar, but all of my DAWS are non-subscription. I will definitely purchase the new Sonar when the non-subscription version is offered. I wish I could purchase now, but it is not yet available. (Please Bandlab--hurry the release). C2
  16. Thanks for posting about the update! FYI--remember that newer Softube Installers (post 2020) "break" the Prochannel Softube plugins. This has been the case since 2020. There are some different workarounds. One is to install the latest Softube installers first, and then run the older installer that worked with Prochannel (FET, Passive EQ, Active EQ, Focusing EQ and TSAR-1R). I just did this again last week and it worked. I was able to get the latest VST3 and VST2 Softube plugins updated, then went back and ran the old Softube 2.3.41 installer just to install the Prochannel versions. It works perfectly. I also put the older vst2 plugins that work with Prochannel in a separate folder vst folder. It works! Just remember that the newest Softube installer always unistalls/removes older Softube plugins and settings first, then installs. So running the older prochannel installers AFTER you run the latest ones is one workaround. Here is a link to what was done back in 2020 to get a workaround so Prochannel Softube would still work: c2
  17. Code did nothing. I applied the promo code at checkout and altough it said it was "accepted" it really did nothing: It said $49 was applied, but the price remained $179. [that is $179 - 449 = still equaled $179]. So I backed out of the offer and will look at Thomans deal.
  18. Me Too!! I also can confirm that this happened to me and it is an easy fix. You have to change the Country location at checkout. Even though I entered my USA address, the checkout somehow had the wrong Country Nation (United Kingdom) even though i put in my USA address. So, when I changed the nation code to USA the tax was removed. So make this change at the checkout and it should remove the VAT sales tax for USA residents.
  19. Thanks ccLarry! 2 quick questions: 1-- Does the discount code work on the presonus site for the Hyrid + or only the One+ ? 2--forgive my ignorance, but does the Perpetual License 6.6 work with the previous V5 plugins that I already own? That is, will the Perpetual license run older SO libraries that we have in our mypresonus downloads? Again, sorry for my confusion, but I have not been following this and have been using Cubase 13 and CnB, but I want to keep SO around as I occasionally use it. Thanks for your help C2
  20. Which vendor is offering the 30% off of Hybrid+ ? Thanks, C2
  21. I have been checking the harrison site every week for the v10 upgrade since January. Thanks for posting this. My email was in lost in a spam folder. I was confused at first looking for Mixbus 10 vs Mixbus32 v10. Then I saw a harrison youtube video that clarified this for me:--I saw this on the youtube notes: "Old Mixbus is gone and Mixbus32c has been replaced with just one DAW called Mixbus. You have the option of 3 different tiers to get the features you want." For me i get Plus for $79 and Pro for $99. The Plus upgrade is about the same price for previous 32 upgrades over the last few years. The Pro gets the additional SSL 9000J option. For me this is a no brainer. Thanks again for posting this news! C2
  22. Follow-Up. I spent last night playing Millennium French Organ. I highly recommend this. It has 28 stops. Three manuals (Grand, Positif, and Pedals), plus 5 different mics, and 25 snap shots. It is versatile and has great range from soft flute stops to powerful, roaring stops suitable for the great toccatas. It really is nice, fun to play FYI--there is now a Walkthrough video that shows many of the features. Go to https://www.streamtechmusic.com/millennium to find the walkthrough video and to find details about the stops, manuals, etc. It is now only $49 until December 18 . FYI-- I am not being paid to say this, I just found this pipe organ vst worth my money. Definitely recommend this one. C2
  23. Thanks for recommending this. I just purchased it to get the deconvolution feature . Also, I just tried to use the BF code at checkout. It worked for me. Good price ($5) C2
  24. Found the answer to my question on the NI site that says you can't run 2.9 AND 3.x. Only one can run on a machine, but you can downgrade from 3 to 2.9 if needed.
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