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Everything posted by Cecelius2

  1. This is not good news. My NI S61mk1 still works great. I will not buy another NI keyboard since they have had this habit of discontinuing support for their hardware. I will not update KompleteKontrol and will keep it at v2.9 as long as it works with Win11pro. I wonder if there is anyway to run two versions of kompleteKontrol by renaming the exe file? Remember Roland's debacle??? I am still using my Roland/Edirol PCM800 that Roland discontinued when Roland stopped support for Win10. Thankfully there was a hack that allowed it to be used with Win 10 and now with Win11. Between Roland and NI being unreliable for long term keyboard support this is bad for the industry. Why purchase a keyboard from a company that will not provide support for more that a couple years? [just venting] C2
  2. Anyone had problems with the Tonex 1.2 update (Desktop PC version)? I just updated and authorized, v1.2 but it would not connect to the ToneNet site to access the presets and it would not find my stored Tonex saved presets (the red light never turned green and I got an error message). So I tried reauthorizing, reinstalling, rebooting..... nothing helped. I also logged directly into my ToneNet account via chrome and no problems logging onto ToneNet with a computer, but could never get Tonex v1.2 to log onto my ToneNet account. So, I went back to the previous version 1.17 and all is fine. All presets are working fine, but not with the 1.2. FYI-- I also updated Amplitube to v5.7.0 and it is fine and successfully logs into ToneNet fine, but the Tonex (desktop) 1.2 will not log into the ToneNet. Anyone else having issues with this Tonex 1.2 update? C2
  3. This is very reassuring. Thanks for this post. FYI-- I am a LOYAL Cakewalk/Sonar/CnB user since 1994 (Cakewalk DOS days). I am glad to see there is a future for the Sonar DAW. I always upgraded/updated every year. Glad to see that the we can "always own the last version you paid for". Good news! I hope that there will also be some upgrade/update path discount like there was with Sonar over the years. As I remember we would get "Sales" opportunities to purchase the annual update at discount. I remember getting those special offers to purchase the next version at a discount for those who already owned the previous version. I looked forward to those deals, as I still do for Cubase, Studio One and Mixbus. Most DAWs still offer update discounts every year or every other year to update/upgrade so you don't have to buy the product anew all over. I hope this also will be an option for us with forthcoming Sonar DAW . Sonar/Cakewalk/CnB has always been my "go to" DAW. While Ii own and use Cubase Pro 12, Studio One and Mixbus , the Cakewalk brand has always been my first choice in DAWS. Thanks for securing the future of a great program! I look forward to learning more about the annual pricing (options) . Cecelius2
  4. Ordered 14CE update ($226) from Best Service, but have not received serial--it has been a couple of hours. They may be overwhelmed and delayed getting sn from NI?? Anyone else having a delay getting serial numbers from Best Service? C2 [edit: got it serial number. when I got up the next morning. Very Happy.--Thanks]
  5. The Claire Woodwinds looks very tempting at $98. I have Spitfire Albion and NI Symphony( plus others) for ensemble playing, but the Claire solo instruments may be useful for solo instruments. Anyone own the Claire Woodwind Bundle? Pros or Cons?
  6. Hi: I just installed Windows 11 on a new build (12700k with Noctua NH-D15) and love it; I am new to Win 11. Wow, this is a fast machine. However, I have security alerts to turn On "Core Isolation". I have read old posts that some people had trouble with Core Isolation on while installing Cakewalk when Win 11 first came out. I have it OFF. There are two settings that have alerts: First is the "Memory integrity". Second is the "Local Security Authority protection". Should These two Core Isolation settings be turned on? Thanks C2
  7. Thanks for this info. I just got a new PC with Win11 Pro and I was prepared to edit the inf file to show Win11 info as you descirbed; however, I decided first to try the Win10 (hacked) driver (the one that was hacked back in 2015 to allow us to use it with Win10). Good news, I was able to install the PCR800 by using the Win10 hacked driver from 2015. So, I can confirm that Windows 11 can load the edited/hacked version of the Roland/Edirol PCR800 driver. Still, I thank you for this info. C2
  8. Just updated from v1. Cost me $30 USD (discount automatically showed up at checkout). This was a no brainer. Love the original. Look forward to the new enhancements.
  9. Sad news-- I got a notification on my computer that Macrium Reflect 8 Home backup/cloning software is discontinuing their free version. Google search shows that Updates to the free version will end on January 1, 2024. This is sad news. Macrium Reflect 8 home free is a good product. I have Acronis, but they are pushing their subscription version. I normally buy a perpetual license every couple years, but may have to go to the subscription version. So--What will you guys be using as an alternative/replacement? C2
  10. Thanks for this info. I was on youtube an hour ago looking for some of Simeon's helpful walktrhough videos and was worried for Simeon. Good luck Simeon. Keep us posted. Hope you get this fixed and return to making your helpful videos. C2
  11. I too would have thought that this "use limit" would have been disclosed prior to purchase in the requirement section or in the manual. That said, I do admit that it looks like it is just a email exchange to get it reset back to the 400 limit. Kirk has always responded quickly to my emails in the past. However, in the back of my mind I guess my real concern is product life. What happens when in a few years this product is discontinued in favor of new line of products? Will we be able to get an permanently "unlocked" version that does not have the counter? [Remember how Sonar Platinum got permanently unlocked when the Gibson debacle happened] I know it may seem like an unwarranted fear, but even KH has discontinued some of his products . I know this is not a subscription product, but it kind of feels like a rental or lease. Just very surprised. I was just surprised by the countdown limit. By the way, the Original Instrument version shows the counter on the main page. Other than this strange counter, this is a great product (that I want to have always in my toolbox for EVER ). Is this counter also on the other KH Kinetic products (Woodwinds, Percussion, Brass)? [Edit--just checked some video tutorials and yes, the counter is on the Woodwinds, Percussion and Brass versions).]
  12. Thanks for this thread! I have not received emails from KH for about a year now and did not get a notification about this. I have been a long time user of KHStudio products (Concert Strings 2, Concert Brass 2, Diamond Orchestra, Spotlight Strings, Pop Rock Strings ), but this is my first dive into his newer Kinetic engine based ostinato products. Thank you guys-- I just purchased Kinetic Strings Plus. I did not own the Original version. For those who do not own the Original it is good to make clear that the Plus Version comes with the Original Instrument nki's in a separate folder. The Original Instrument has very different presets and it is great to have both sets of Original and Plus presets, but it is a little strange that the presets aren't transferable between the original and the Plus versions. Still, I am very impressed with the ease of use and the myriad of possibilities to tweak the presets and also to create your own ostinato patterns and then Save them as snapshots. Midi Drop and Drag--hurray! I can see myself using Kinetic Strings Plust even more often because it allows the midi ostinato patterns to be dragged and dropped into a DAW midi track and then use that midi to drive other (non-KH) instruments. This midi drag and drop feature is GREAT, but I am somewhat concerned about burning thru the 400 launch use limits. Why have a 400 launch limit?? Everytime you launch any of the the nki's, the number of allowed launches/instances reduces. There are different limit counters for the two products, but there is a maximum of 400 uses for each the Original and the Plus instruments. "The library has 400 usage before it will stop working". Everytime I load an instance of any of the nki's, the allowed total number of uses decreases. My own DAW technique is that I tend to launch my DAW (s) several times a day. Sometimes it just need to to get away for a break or for a creative break and then come back refreshed. Other times I use my DAW jam and just have fun. I can easily see myself using Kinetic Strings Plus ALL THE TIME; it is a excellent product that is just fun to play, but also inspires creativity. I also see myself using this within PluginGuru's Unify platform--Now that will be fun!! However, I am concerned that I will use Kinetic Strings too much and eat up (deplete) the 400 allowed launch limits so quickly. FYI--I have never seen this kind of use limit (countdown limit) on my other (older) KH products. I read that the limit can be "reset", but I have never seen a use limit on my other VST products-- So-- QUESTION-- So --for you who have used and have recommended these newer KH's Kinetic ostinato products over that last year: How easy is it to get the "400" limit reset? Have any of you had to reset your instance/launch? Any feedback from you guys who have used these Kinetic products for the last year? I really love this product. So much fun and so easy to use, but why a 400 use limit??? Thanks C2
  13. Yesterday I purchased 8Dio's Claire Flute. Today got a 10$ coupon for the Soundpaint 2004 Flute Platinus. Are they the same? What would be different or additional about the Soundpaint version? Very confused about this. C2
  14. I was on the fence about this, and planned on waiting for TS4 to arrive, BUT then I saw that it allowed the use of Jampoints. This brought my total down to $69.99. I already had most of the products, but never had MixBox, Lurssen Mastering Console, ARC3 (already had Arc 2.5), Sampletron 2, and Modo Drums, plus Fame Studio Reverb and a few other T-Racks effects. So this became a no brainer to get these for only $69.99. Now comes the dilemma noted by others above about how to download and store such a large library. Thanks to others here for posting this. $69.99 was a great deal. C2
  15. Agree! Why no upgrade from GK2?
  16. I have an old i5-8500 with Win 10 Pro installed that I use for home office projects (no DAW feature on it at all). It works great for word processing, internet and emails. I do not have a TPM module physically installed, but I did turn that feature on in the bios setup anyway. As soon as I turned on the TMP feature in the bios, I checked the PC HealthCheck App tool to see my i5-8500 would run Windows 11 and YES, it says that my computer (without TPM module actually installed) meets the minimum system requirements for Windows 11. Also, the Windows System Update now is offering me to download and install Windows 11. Here is my QUESTION: Is it okay to install Windows 11 (from the windows system update feature) even though I do not really have a TPM module actually installed? Thanks for any advice. C2
  17. Same here; I own Intro, and the website shows the $29 link, but when I log in to my Arturia account, my price is $99. I just sent sales an message asking for help.
  18. Got an email early this morning from Celestion Digitial responding to my email to them. They say and I quote: "checking now". This was 11.5 hours ago. So I checked the celestionPlus website just now, and no luck yet; they still do not have the Redback 412 as an option in the Pick&MIX 5 IR pack. It is available in the 3pack but not the 5 pack.
  19. Also: I sent Ownhammer an email asking if they would be having sales since other IR companies (CelestionPlus and Choptones and others) are having Summer sales. The owner of Ownhammer replied today with this when I asked if he would be having a sale: "Not usually, no. The past couple of years I've done Black Friday sales, but I'm not entirely sure that I'll continue to do so." This is strange since I know from the search feature on our Cakewalk Deal forum that he had a Labor Day Sale last year, A Spring sale in April and an Anniversary sale . This is frustrating.
  20. I just tried to order and I am having a different problem. I just tried to pick 5 speakers for the Pick & Mix 5 IR pack. The 412 Redback is available in the 3 pack selection, but is not an option anymore in the 5 pack option. So , I think that there are some glitches with the shop website. I just sent Celestion an email to see if this can be fixed. I suggest that you send them an email to see if they can help you.
  21. That is good news. Love S-Gear (my goto Amp Sim). Wonder if there will be a new amp added? It is time for an addition.
  22. This sale is perfect timing for me. Have been wanting to get several new IRs from CelestionPlus. This 3rd party IRs really add something to Amp Sims. My plans are to grab these: Cream Alnico (212 open & 412c), Ruby Alnico (212 open & 412c), Gold Alnico (212 open & 412c), Redback (412c), Creamback 75 (412c). Celestion's SpeakerMix would be great, but their proprietary DSRs are expensive. I also hope that Owhnammer has a sale soon. I find Ownhammer to have a "fully cab" sound (Celestion seems to me more speaker and less cabinet??). I just grabbed the Ownhammer Thiele EVL12 and really like it for use with S-Gear The Duke and Nemrini Overdrive Special for Dumblesque tones. I want to get the Ownhammer 412 EVL12 but that is not sold individually (only in bundles). Also hope that CabIR.eu will have a sale. They are pricey. Still, it is great timing for me that Celestionplus 38% off hits now. I like their IRs (but they do seem to be more speaker and less cabinet than Ownhammer). C2
  23. Strange? I received an email today from Nembrini saying this: SPECIAL OFFER 60% OFF ALL PRODUCTS using code PLUGIN60 at checkout (minimun purchase of $25) I said earlier in this thread that this same code did not work on the ODS on sale. However, this email today says it is for "All products". So, I may have been wrong in my earlier post??? But again, I tried the code and it discounted the other products in my cart, but not the ODS (dumble). So if your are reading this, and you are considering getting the Overdrive Special amp, perhaps you might want to try this code and see if it works for you. It did not for me, but the email today says it is for "All Products". Just my 2cents. Your experience might be better at getting the code to work for you. Still, I really like this amp!
  24. Tried to use the new code (PLUGIN60); while it was recognized as good, it only worked for "non sale" items in the cart--would not discount include the Overdrive Special Dumble amp. Still--$39.99 is a good price for this. Nembrini probably caught this and would not let the discount apply to the intro price anymore. Regarding this amp-- I am impressed by how "thick and creamy" the ODS sounds. I compared it to my S-Gear The Duke settings and this sounds good, but different. The Nembrini has good overdrive tones especially the overdriven clean/pushed tones. The S-Gear is cleaner, but the Nembrini will have a place in my setup for the flavor it adds. No regrets. However, I was surprised by the cabinets and IRs that Nembrini included (mostly v30's, a 4x10 and a 1x15 Fender styled cab). I loaded two CelestionPlus IRs for Creamback openback 2x12 and a G12-65 openback and these 3rd party IRs really helped the product shine. No regrets. C2
  25. I absolutely love the Triton Extreme!!! and also the MS20, Polysix and even the miniKorg. However, I am a little disappointed in the Korg Arp Odyssey if only for it's browser. The other Korg products even including the older M1 and Wavestation have Browsers that show categories (like Bass, Pads, Leads, Arp, Motion, Poly etc), but the Korg Arp Odyssey has a drop down browser that does not differentiate or categorizes the kinds of patches, only different versions of the Arp Odyssey (rev 1, rev 2) . Perhaps I am missing something, but this makes finding kinds of patches a little hit or miss. I know some just start with a blank initial patch and then tweak, but I like to have some organization to the patches to find a starting point to fine tune. Am i missing something about the Arp Odyssey's browser?
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