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Everything posted by fitzroy

  1. You can use it for most things you'd use Izotope's RX for. I use it for audio restoration or subtle noise/hum reduction on individual tracks/recordings. Comes with the typical modules (de-noise, de-hum, de-clip, de-click). Not as fully-featured powerful as RX Standard/Advanced, but it's excellent at what it does and has a very nice/intuitive interface. Great price, too, I bought it during a Black Friday sale for abour $60.
  2. It's quite odd with PA's system that the $50 voucher is more of a penalty, instead of an additional reward. They really should do something about this. An easy fix would be: - if your cart value is at least $75, it works as a$50 voucher - if your cart value is above $32 but below $75, it works as a $25 voucher
  3. You don't have to register any serial number. Once you've finished selecting them as your 'promo' items, open custom shop, click 'restore my purchases', and leave it open. Then open Amplitube 5 and they should be there, ready to use (you won't need Custom Shop to be open past this point). You need the latest version of Amplitube (so update it in the Product Manager if it shows an update available), as it contains the actual installation for the new plugins. I just want to say that these are awesome, and IK... thank you so much for adding them to the group buy !!! If you were, like me, awestruck by the quality of some of the Neural DSP effect modules included in their plugins, these are very close to those. To me, an amazing addition to Amplitube.
  4. I think it was always possible to use someone else's voucher and, as it has been discussed here and elsewhere, in some months they do seem to be generic (i.e. everyone gets the same voucher). So maybe PA are indeed becoming more generous about how people use them. But just so we're clear - did you use two $25 monthly loyalty vouchers in the same (this) month?
  5. No problem. Yeah, that would be quite useful to know, if it works. About a year ago, when I wanted to do the same, PA were not allowing it, but who knows, maybe they relaxed that policy. People giving away vouchers is probably not a good indicator either way (there are plenty of people who don't get vouchers who are happy to accept them).
  6. I was talking about something else.
  7. You don't need a USB stick with one account, you can use online activation. Are you using multiple PA accounts at the same time, on the same computer, without using the offline activation?
  8. That does complicate things a bit though. As far as I remember, you can only use one voucher of a certain value per account/month. If that hasn't changed, you'd have to use the second voucher with the second account; then you'll have PA plugins registered to (at least) two accounts. As per their policy, you can't use two accounts at the same time on one computer unless one is used in offline mode (license on a USB stick).
  9. Sampletron is in the GB, I picked it as a freebie. Maybe not in your tier?
  10. Do you use the drum packs? I mean, for more than sketching or jamming along a nice beat? I picked London Grooves as one of my freebies to see how it works. It sounds great; as recordings, they're top notch. But I also find it quite limiting in use; I would have preferred fewer 'songs' but with more variation/grooves per song, With its limited flexibility, it's noticeably more difficult to use it for your song, rather than theirs.
  11. We are all different. I personally don't find the installation process difficult. I like some of their plugins while I find others just so-so. And contrary to Larry, I'm not fond of IK's marketing and some of the reactions I've seen from their reps, here and elsewhere. But why on earth open a topic on this, in the Deals section, no less, when most of us are interested in this group buy moving on?
  12. It's funny how you can optimize the tiers you buy into differently, depending on what you believe will happen - the group buy being extended or not. I'm in on 3 different tiers, and I've picked them on the belief that an extension is coming, and we'll be well past 15 freebies at the end of September. IK...
  13. I think that's reasonable. As with previous group buys, most of those interested and familiar with what's on offer will have joined on one or multiple tiers by the end of this month. Then IK can ride the wave of attention it's getting right now for an entire month, to entice new customers. It's a win-win.
  14. Many of us have been discussing various strategies of participation. Some work better than others. It's a fun topic. No worries here. Still - some people joined at high tiers, hoping for 15-20 freebies, as a cheaper alternative to TS3 Max. They'll be pleased to know they don't have to worry ✌️ That is a factor, but just one of them. I'm a data guy. Professional habit: I've looked at, and commented about, the participation rate before (in light of previous years). Fact is, you can't truly know how these things will go, and if you are working with a data scientist worth his salt, he'll tell you the same thing. Data segmentation based on your customer (behavior) database will provide some insight (which we obviously don't have access to), but just the confounding variables alone (e.g. different offer/tiers/goal/year/circumstances) introduce significant bias and uncertainty. So when you, as an IK rep, respond to people doubting/wondering about the outcome/goals (and I wasn't one of them) somewhat dismissively, what they might get out of it is that, despite all that unpredictability, as long as they participate, you/IK "will take care of them". And that is awesome! Except... ...now they're probably worried ?
  15. It's probably not worth thinking about that. Even if you could work out some sort of 'advance notice' in the system, they could easily extend for a short time first, to draw you out, then extend again. I think they've done that before. Smart ?
  16. "Our biggest group buy ever", "goal of 25,000 participants", people who were wondering whether this would even make it to the halfway point being sneered at (here and on kvr). Hard to see, after all that, how they wouldn't extend the group buy after 7-10 freebies. Not that it's a bad deal, far from it, but given all the hype, it would be self-defeating and a bit silly. Besides, it's not like we haven't done our part??
  17. The tiers were different though, with fewer participants required to reach them. By the end of the month, this group buy will definitely pass the 2019 one, in terms of participation. And that's with the 2019 group buy having been extended by a month. Looking at the evolution of previous group buys, it's easy to see why IK were extending them, as they might well do with this one. By the first deadline, the bulk of their active customer base has already joined. So sales don't really ramp up during an extension, but it helps with trying to get new customers on board. This edition is no different. I will probably enter a second and third time (on lower tiers) and was doing the math on how the final number of freebies might affect this. As it turns out - not that much, unless we end up with 20, 20+ freebies at the end (maybe a tall order but certainly not because of the quality of the deal). And even then, my 'loss', compared to the best scenario, would hardly be upsetting.
  18. The rate is definitely not increasing at this point. There might be an increase towards the end, as the math becomes clearer for more people (including those waiting to decide on a second/third entry). Then IK could decide to extend - to get closer to their participation goal and, more importantly, to give potential new customers, who are unfamiliar/unaware of the sale/IK, more time to jump on board.
  19. Just noticed the Cinekinetik collection among the (new?) qualifying items ... but it's not available in the Custom Shop
  20. Definitely a good deal. As I was writing above, I might get a Solo later on for traveling (and consistency with my Axe I/0). But your post did remind me of the nice, permanent 15% discount U.S. customers get in comparison to us Europeans, due to IK's lovely 1:1 exchange rate. European company to Europeans: da price is da price European company to U.S. buyers: So if you're in the U.S., you better start going crazy on this group buy. You owe us at least one freebie! ?
  21. I doubt it. IK likely considers your Amplitube 5 bundleware/free software that comes with the product you're "really" buying - the Axe I/O. There's definitely a problem with some of that. I bought the Axe I/O + Amplitube 5 Max. That bundle (still) is $/EUR 50 more expensive than buying just the Axe I/O, the same as for your Axe I/O Solo and Amplitube 5. Which means it's definitely not free bundled software. So the fact that it doesn't even make one eligible for a Max upgrade is just petty, there's no other way to put it. One could argue that for most group buy participants, the freebies are implicitly paid software (i.e. they wouldn't buy the qualifying software at the retail price, so they divide its cost over the total number of items picked up, qualifying + freebies). But in the case of the Axe I/O bundles, we're talking about explicitly paid software. The fact that it's heavily discounted shouldn't matter - just as it doesn't matter when you buy software from them at an "80% off" sale (which you can resell and does count for crossgrades and upgrades). Don't let this discourage you from joining the group buy. For a lot of people it will end up being the sale/bargain of the year. It's just the (call it weird, or unpleasant) stuff one needs to be aware of.
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