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Everything posted by fitzroy

  1. Yeah, they'll sell us some hardware instead, discounted at 67%. Come on, that would be ridiculous. Maybe NI are just getting to grips with Izotope's licensing. I'd congratulate them for a good job if this upgrade really required any base product owned at all, as opposed to earlier times.
  2. I've been playing around with Guitar Rig 7 for the past couple of hours. Didn't expect anything from it, next to everything else I own and use, yet I came off pleasantly surprised. It's quite inspiring for cleanish ambiental stuff, with some very good effects, flexible modulation options, and a nice (and large) set of presets to get you tweaking. I counted it as zero added value as I went for the MPS6 upgrade, so it's quite a nice bonus. I never bothered with Guitar Rig 6, so I have no idea if this is a significant step-up? Grem - if you haven't succeeded already, I couldn't install GR7 using Native Access, I had to install Native Access 2 (had no idea it existed, figured it would auto-update to whatever the current version is).
  3. Yeah, me too, but if you look on the product page, the Mod Pack and Crush Pack are supposed to be included ?
  4. Did any of you manage to activate/install the full set of NI effects? Including the Mod and Crush packs? If so, how did you do it? I activated the effects collection in Native Access using the serial number, but only a few of the effects that are supposed to be in there show up.
  5. I got it as well. The install process is kind of mess though. The NI effects are incomplete (the Mod Pack and Crush Pack are missing); Guitar Rig 7 shows in my NI account but not in Native Access... ?
  6. I didn't quite get where those codes were coming from. Any chance there are more floating about?
  7. Key part was "to get you going quickly". Because I doubt I'd replace my Acustica channel strips with PSP's. Yeah. That's definitely a plus ?
  8. So tempting, as I really like my PSP plugins. I'm just not sure I'd use it much, on top of all the other stuff I have and use. And in terms of flexibility within a single plugin, to get you going quickly, MixBox is hard to beat.
  9. Thanks, Fleer. Very confusing. On the Drum Empire 2000 page they have a list under "Drum Empire 2020 is used by following plugins" which includes LE, even the free Player. But as you say, no access to edits means no 'Generator', so the only other option would be having a midi instrument that can load the packs, and I have no clue if/where that is included.
  10. How would one use the drum packs, say, Drum Empire 2000, within MSoundFactory LE, without an MDrummer license? Is there a drum instrument that can load/use the samples?
  11. I would seriously consider this, if it would renew at the same rate, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
  12. Given the name, I was surprised to see they still come with a gain knob. But maybe 0 is set to 11, and it goes to 21.
  13. So was my UltraLite MK3. FireWire only, because FireWire is the future, anyone who's serious about music should consider investing in a FireWire interface, they told me.
  14. If you're just starting out with Overloud, it's really worth demo-ing extensively to figure out what you're interested in. I think in terms of spending wisely, there are two main paths: 1. You like one/all of the main TH-U packs. In this case, it's likely worth getting TH-U premium from the start, during a good sale. You'll have an extensive and flexible collection at your disposal, then you can add a few rig libraries or discounted expansion packs, if needed. TIP to save $20: get RockGuy + TH-U upgrade (from any TH-U edition, RockGuy counts) instead of TH-U Premium ($149 instead of $169, current sale prices, and that's without the jrrshop discount codes ?). 2. You are SURE you're mainly just interested in rig libraries. In this case, you can get tremendous value out of using TH-U Essentials and your favorite rig libraries. With some rig libraries (e.g. BM, some BHS) or fx (RockGuy) you also get extra effects pedals or functionality normally restricted to paid TH-U versions (e.g. Amp Tweaks). If you go with 1., things are simple. 2. is more... a la carte, and can help you save a bit of money (compared to getting TH-U Premium + rig libraries), but is risky: if you later start getting bits that are included in the premium version (e.g. RockGuy, SuperCabinet) or are discounted for premium users (current and future expansion packs) you can easily end up at a point where you'd have been better off going with 1. from the beginning. Trust me on this, I've done the math, but more importantly, I'm a certified expert in making things more complicated and time-consuming for what is often, at best, a saving of a few $. Needless to say, I'm on the second path. ? ?
  15. Trialing the rig libraries is quick and straightforward, but it's not particularly generous: 24 hours, twice per year. Also, you don't need TH-U full to use rigs anymore, since TH-U Essential is freely available. To my ears, the rig libraries are where TH-U shines, but I agree, it is a rabbit hole...
  16. Thanks! Interesting that upgrading to Kontakt 7 doesn't change the K14 upgrade price; that's my loyalty offer as well, from Kontakt 6.
  17. Can you (or someone else without a Komplete licence) tell me what your upgrade price to K14 Standard/Ultimate is now, after your Kontakt 7 upgrade?
  18. This wouldn't renew at this rate though, would it?
  19. fitzroy

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    Is this specified by Toontrack somewhere? It would make hunting for a cheap, full EZK fun, especially one of interest. But as mentioned above, I'm sure Toontrack are trying to squash any leftover dealer offers.
  20. You have the H9 collection, Equivocate, Quadravox and Precision Time Align? That's it? Are you sure? It would be weird/funny, if I had two more plugins than you (and not cheap ones), and my upgrade was $90 more.
  21. Is that all you have? And SplitEQ? $149 is a pretty good offer in that case. I have the same plugins, except that instead of SplitEQ I have Ultrareverb and Physion, and my upgrade price is $239. Not bad, but not good enough
  22. You must have more than the H9 collection. SplitEQ, maybe?
  23. fitzroy

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    So a new user/buyer can get EZ Keys 2 cheaper than the upgrade price for existing users? Nice one, Toontrack.
  24. They reset the voucher, as expected. And upped their prices again, especially in the lower tier ? Maybe Dirk became jealous of all the attention Waves were getting, and felt like jumping in with some stupid moves of his own.
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