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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. No kidding. At least there's more than four different words in the lyrics....
  2. I wouldn't even need a paycheck, just let me take stuff home!
  3. FYI: In pro studios, they don't tend to feel the urge to constantly update everything.
  4. How did people manage to make all those records before pitch correction? I'm not trying to be an ***** here. If you practice until you can get it right going into the microphone instead of relying on technology to fix it later, you ultimately end up with a much better product. And in less time. Singing in tune is not something reserved for the special few. Go to church one Sunday. Anyone can do it. People sing out of tune b/c they either push too hard or they run out of breath. Or b/c they try to go outside their range. Like a baritone trying to sing the same notes as Geddy Lee.
  5. I heard that Yoko Ono's stuff was in there too, so it's not all bad ....
  6. Just because you have unlimited tracks doesn't mean you have to (or even should) use them all.
  7. You need to get an audio interface.
  8. There's no harm in touching the tubes. They are pretty robust. They should generally all be changed at the same time. Some amps are exceptions, but you also should have the bias checked/ adjusted.
  9. If you have older hardware and/ or are lean on RAM, you're going to have issues....
  10. Define gentleman. A man who knows how to play the bagpipes. But chooses not to.
  11. +1 I think I read recently where no less than Rob Halford said that Judas Priest's latest album was the first time he could stand the sound of his own voice. ROB f-ing HALFORD!
  12. And if so, does your audience even care?
  13. Seems like a really counterproductive business model: suing your customers for not upgrading. Maybe more and more photographers will start putting time and energy into GIMP. Already, a fair amount of people on the video side are jumping ship to DaVinci Resolve. $300. Blackmagic Design has yet to charge for an upgrade. And there is a free version that does probably 85% of what the full one does.
  14. Yikes! We got out of Houston just in time. Not long after moving out to the sticks came the Memorial Day flood of 2015, the Tax Day flood of 2016 and then Harvey. Each time, we were stuck in because the creeks came up over the roads but the only thing that got in the house was mud the dogs tracked in. I often wonder what the hell possessed the Allen brothers to stop at Buffalo Bayou, take a look around and say to each other " you know, this swamp looks like the PERFECT place to build a city!"
  15. Why on earth would Soundcloud do something like that? 48kHz is the standard for video. The standard for CD is 44.1 .
  16. I've had exactly 0 problems with my 18i20 and the one time I dealt with support (it was operator headspace and timing) I found them extremely responsive and helpful.
  17. Simple. Just put your anacrusis on beat 4 of the first measure and go from there.
  18. Beato isn't talking about playing to a click. What he's talking about is quantizing everything and locking it to the grid. That & autotune.
  19. Stevie Wonder didn't have a Linn LM1 in 1972. But no matter. Tracking to a click (or a drum machine for that matter) is not quantizing to the grid.
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