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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. The staff view in Cakewalk is, um... how should we say... real basic. If you just have to look at notation I would advise using a real notation program. I have absolutely no trouble in the piano roll view with all kinds of crazy time signatures that change back and forth all over the place and PRV follows them just fine. I've never bothered with Cakewalk's staff view
  2. Yes it will. I'm watching it do so right now.
  3. It's all has capabilitiess at least moderately above my own skill level.
  4. Maybe it's because I RTFM, follow the instructions and do it the way they say to instead of the way I want to
  5. I've always had exactly 0 issues with either downloading, installing and/ or authorizing IK stuff.
  6. I did. And Steinberg's thing cost roughly in that range. Back when it was available. So it looks like the OP - if he comes back- is gonna have to either pry his wallet open or learn how to write bass lines.
  7. ...From 2005. Bingo. Because it at least works. Indeed. Nothing inherently wrong with old, no-longer-supported 32 bit plugins. If they work. If they don't, it isn't worth fighting with them.
  8. That is a depreciated, unsupported 32bit plugin. Not worth the hassle.
  9. I believe that before adding a plugin, one should take a long, hard look and decide "do I really need this; is it really adding something necessary, or just more clutter to deal with?" I read your reasoning behind this and quite frankly I think you could accomplish the same result with only one. I know I can. When people use more than one EQ on a track, it is usually to have one as a broader, more creative tool to shape the sound and another in a more surgical role to fit it into the mix better. For example, creating complementary EQ curves to fit bass and kick drum together after shaping the broader sound of each. And this is coming from the guy who layers 6 different synthesizers on top of one another or runs a guitar through a live amp and four different sims.
  10. Not use so many is one. 3 different EQs on a track is unnecessary and overkill.
  11. OMG! No, not logic and reason! Forfend!
  12. Did you change the edit filter back to "clips" from "automation"after you added your envelope?
  13. You have to map your controller to whatever you're controlling.
  14. You wanna know why the mom & pop stores are struggling? That's it right there; not because big corporations are evil.
  15. And like Jack said, be sure to get rid of all the bloatware. No doubt that laptop is packed with it, with about 7 million useless, BS, apps all running on startup.
  16. Why wouldn't the one master volume on the one interface that has multiple speaker outputs accomplish the task?
  17. "I have win7 with update problem" means a problem with updating Win 7. At least according to the way English works. At any rate, not only does MS no longer support W7, neither does CbB.
  18. You asked for input. I gave it: save yourself the headaches and use a device that is designed for what you want to do. You want really what amounts to some version of surround sound. Well, the simple way to accomplish that is with a device that has multiple speaker outputs. People come on here and ask about doing stuff in some back- asswards, overly complicated way. That's fine. If you don't know, you don't know. That's why you ask questions. But what flabbergasts me is that when the practical guy like me who likes to do things the simple way comes around and says " that sounds like a lot of trouble, you could do this simple, easy thing instead and get the same results," they act like I've cast aspersions upon their ancestry.
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