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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Thanks Craig... I'm looking into flac now. Me desire is to decrease file size for internet friendly sizes, but retain a higher quality. I'd like to start storing 24bit copies online, but while wav supports up to 32/192, file sizes are typically too large to be web friendly. Hoping to store 24/48 lossless. Right now a 24/48 4 minute song is about 40M and a 16/44.1/192 mp5 shrinks it down to around 5M.
  2. Thanks Colin... What are FLAC variables? I thought FLAC to be full fidelity, not compressed. I guess I was mistaken? Does FLAC have a 24bit compressed format? I’ll start looking around. I will see what CbB's FLAC export offers...
  3. Yeah... what an nested loop of diminished thinking. I was simply wondering if there is an audio compression technique that yields a compressed 48k/24bit playable file akin to mp3? It's a funny thing in my mind, but I was thinking I would like to share a higher quality online than mp3 as compressed 44.1/16 yet more expediently (smaller). Kind of 3 steps forward 2 steps back, but better none the less? Anyone have any thoughts?
  4. Just astounded! Thanks. I downloaded it, installed and browsed a few presets and immediately came here to post the deal. Of course, others were faster! ? I browsed the available options and were very pleased. I made my living for many years with one of the hardware beats back in the 80's and this seems to have all plus extras!...and you don't have to leave it on overnight for the oscillators to settle! Thanks! First impression is great job. Sounds wonderful has the thngs expected. Great job! BTW. I do still own a stripped down 2 voice version with keyboard currently disconnected in road case and deep storage... ? (originally a 4voice but that's a story for another time and when the keyboard got disconnected0
  5. I am, and always have been... Coming Soon! The Has Been Who Never Was
  6. Thanks... I am quite well versed in signal path and understand send vs track output... That said, Though I’ve been using son-cake for decades, I have not played around with patch points and forgot about them. They may function exactly as the mults of analog days. I will investigate. Thanks.
  7. I would imagine significantly small adjustments. Extra widgets or new widget to display choices/settings and a selection list that accommodates multiple choices? Obviously the necessary code is more tedious...
  8. Similar, but not quite. Send uses a return, not a bus. That being said, I have used sends for jobs that I might have wanted a second output. In analog days I would create a mult on the track's output... No matter. This isn't something badly needed, just a thought. I would actually prefer they spent the time addressing the zoom issues I regularly complain about! ?
  9. This could be a handy tool and way of working that calls back to analog once again. How about adding the ability to assign multiple outputs from each track? ...just thinking.
  10. CbB requires authorization roughly every 6 months. It's becoming cleaner with each passing update as we can now manage our updates and authorization from within CbB and not need to open Bandlab Assistant at all. Much cleaner. More "invisible" to the majority of users... Hope that helps...
  11. I too ran into this and checked periodically for a couple of hours until it finally returned. I might guess a server or dns crashed somewhere?
  12. Hi Shane... My heart goes out to you. It is a very hard time to go through. She will be with you in a new way forever. Keep her alive in your heart!
  13. I typically know which type of sound I’m looking for and often use sampled instruments very differently than I do synth sounds so one or the other is what’s needed but I often thought about the merger abilities.
  14. Good observation. It's not always about us!
  15. Very sad for all... Well, almost all. Many of us do have this excellent model. I have most, but I’ve wished I bought Rapture Pro when I could. I do have Rapture and Dimension Pro as well as Rapture Pro Lite as they work so well together as a single entity I miss not having full control.
  16. So sad to hear this news Bill. My heart goes out to you. I hope you get relief quickly. I will be thinking good thoughts for you!
  17. You know I’m on board for all zoom additions. My one biggest issue since the silverlight framework was added. I spend far too much time fiddling with zoom issues. some of this got much more fidgety at that time. If at least lasso zoom consistently gave us what we select... sorry, i digress.
  18. All went well except my browser opened to release notes for 2020.11?
  19. Thanks scook! I manage to remember bits and pieces. I worked with fxteleport back then. It was cool being able to move audio around that way but yes. Latency was a battle. I guess the new solution is Dante or such?
  20. Teleport was doing this years ago. That's not quite the right name and I think it is now somehow related to our 32bit bridging software.
  21. OK. What is Cakefolk (real or joke) and if real, where do I find it?
  22. I don’t understand. What am I missing?
  23. I think I get it. As I don’t use the social end of the system at this time, I forget signing into Bandlab as yet another related space.
  24. Thanks Noel. OK. So that is done. I should never be asked for activation again? That sounds too easy! ? Just trying to understand. Activation was a login. Many different logins keep me a bit confused.
  25. Thanks Jesse. I was hoping it to become that simple. Now time will tell how easy maintaining my unusual scenario setups go...
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