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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Which microsoft redistribut C++ year was needed for the sonitus stuff? So far that's my only (and important) plugins that I've noticed yet... to fail like this. I know there has to be more and from the number of notices during install it feels like all the sonitus just might be the total or close.?
  2. Hmmm... I just realized that you're talking about manually installing Hmmm... I just realized that you were refering to manually installing the C++ libs, yes? I guess that might be why they failed to register. Almost everything I installed was 2005! Would it hurt if I installed the other years on top of maybe already having some/all? 200 5 sure did that plenty? Wou ld I then have to run regsvr individually for each failed plugin? How do I even discover that list? <sheesh> just realizing home much trouble this little part is..... ?
  3. Hi Mark... Stymied a bit now as this is now necessary. The sonitus plugins appear to be some of what failed during install. Can yo u point me to some instructions on manually registering these plugins? Thanks...
  4. Hi Larry... I'll give a look as soon as I can get to it. Right now I'm more plagued that the sonitus plugins appear as if they're there, but are not able to load.... and I use the delay and modulator all over my work... sigh. There's still hope. I guess these are what need to be individually registered with regsvr as msmcleod mentions above. I need to investigate that first. I thought I saw GR 4 loading.... I'll look asap...
  5. Thanks again Mark! You always come through with great info. I’m not sure what you mean about manually. I guess registration of each individually? Not sure how important. I’m not feeling as though I’m missing things. X1 isn’t opening but 2, 3, & Platinum are ok and I’m already deep into setting up Bandlab! Amazing myself with some of what I’m accomplishing. Cunning ways of getting old plugins (I’ve been doing this for a long time) installers? What’s that?
  6. I agree... and I'm trying to do that right now. I have it working on my other DAW but I'm not finding it in this one??? OK... I've got a way to look I think... Yup... There it is. Last entry in Global Render Region FX Got it bound to me with promises again!
  7. You think as we do. I have a downlink chain. This is the 5th machine my friend has gifted me. They then proceed to other friends he and I have in common who have less demanding needs than I and he in turn passes his old until it becomes a machine none of us need. The last person does as pleases at that point.
  8. Yes, but luckily (?) I re-counted. Dual 12 core, not 16 do it's only taking up the space of 24 cores! edit: back on the ground. I believe only a single xeon 12 core but Cake is displaying the multithreads turning the 12 into 24? A bit of confusion as my older DAW has 2 xeon 6 cores for 12 total. I was surprised by Cake displaying threads as well...
  9. big surprise ? just found out it's a dual xeon 16 core! It's showing 32 cores in Cake!
  10. yeah ... I'm a real old timer dating back to cakewalk for windows in the early midi sequencer days. The Hammond ! One of my favorites. A very early entry from ikmultimedia. the B4! I use it in nearly everything !
  11. Thanks Erik... I'm really not worried . Probably would attract more people. I'm just feeling anxious and elated . I was gifted this amazing machine 2 weeks ago and have been learning and remembering things as I go . I haven't done this involved a build in more than a decade . I'm trying to remember which versions came with anything important to me . Today I wiped the mac drive , installed monterey, installed win10 pro on a partition and now building a new Cake DAW. long way to go , but today was the major hurdles. Note that though older (2010) the machine I've been using is no slouch. An earlier gift from the same generous friend. mac pro dual xeon 6 cores running at 2.93 with 64GB RAM, but trapped (comfortably) at win 8.1. I'm finally @Win10 now that the world is moving to Win11! Do you remember which years were the Roland years? ...edit Never mind . those versions are no longer available . Yet another reason to keep my old DAW running
  12. Wow! Going a bit nuts here. I was gifted a used mac pro 2013 (trashcan) fully maxed out with dual apple cinema 27” displays. Xeon 16 core @2.97GHz 128GB RAM Problems galore! Im downloading and installing old sonar x1,2,3 and Platinum as well as a number of others to retain all the gadgetry before installing Cakewalk by Bandlad (hopefully in this lifetime) after weeks of work getting this machine dual bootable! 1st problem x1 won’t open. I did notice the regsvr failing. But I’m gonna pound away at all the old installations even if they don’t work. The only one I use/want is the Bandlab version! Any tips, warning, help of any kind would be greatly appreciated! It's been a very long time since I ventured into a build such as this!
  13. Oh my! I'm very sad. I will miss him as I’ve been a fan as long as I can remember. I saw/heard him with Weather Report a few times as well as his own band more recently. The most brilliant soprano sax player I’ve ever heard. His music has influenced millions! ❤️
  14. I’m thinking maybe midi channel assignment needs to be specific? Do the tracks have a specific midi channel assigned? ...also thinking, there are patch change enabkes in most instruments. Maybe it got accidentally changed?
  15. Did the settings contain the correct path to your song files?
  16. ...now if there was only some way of saving the actual bitrate settings!
  17. I'm pleased and impressed. I own a number of their' devices and love the sound and feel... But I have continually had so much latency from these plugins that I rarely got to use them. I just installed the latest updates on all of them and every one of them is running 400% better as far as latency on my system. Previously I had to raise the latency to 1024 to be able to use them and now they're all running clean as a whistle at 256. I have been running at 128, but I can leave it at 256 for general and drop to 128 when necessary. Wow! I'm so relieved. I've been so itching to use these more often. I own: Voltage Modular CA2600 Eight Voice Memorymode Stardust 201 Uh-Oh... Let's temper that a bit. Memeorymode (hungriest) still gripes a bit at 256, but still far better than before where it was useless below 1024
  18. Sure enough... That was a correct guess. The comment field had text in the Browser so opening the mp3 options dialog would be over-written... All is well in KeniLand... Thanks again Mark!
  19. Thanks Mark, That's what I tried, but closing Cake, re-opening the project and the edited info is back to it’s original instead of saved. One thing came to mind just before seeing your reply that I will verify tomorrow (system down for night). I know it picks up song title etc. from anything typed in the Browser. I mean to double check to see if the comment field is represented there as it would logically overwrite the info in the mp3 dialogue. I will post after looking in the am...
  20. I know I've been through this before... but it has not been reliable for a long time... I have a few options that I continue to use regularly and must always click through them. No way to save my selections... But the text areas? OK, Using the Browser I can maintain info for the Song specific info, but the comments area? I have a default sentence there that works for all my personal stuff and has been fine up until now. I can't seem to get it to remember an update to the comment (change of year). I've done this every year prior, but not since the new export dialoge and now I can't seem to get it to remember the change. What am I forgetting this time? Anybody? Thanks!
  21. I’m devastated. A brilliant artist on any instrument/medium ignite inspiration everywhere! I’m re-watching Ronnie Scott's for the hundredth (or more) time. Brilliant performances by Jeff and all three of his band mates and other friends. He's been a major influence and inspiration for me since the Yardbirds days! ❤️?
  22. Thanks again for the lead! Ha! I see I can duplicate an existing map and then using each map selected separately, I have managed two simultaneous articulations.. Not sure this was the best solution as I have barely scratched the surface here, but I am getting two on screen simultaneously. A bit uncertain how I made it happen ? So I've got some more learning to do but I'm on track and grateful... ---Edit--- A note here as I'm learning this. Different groups doesn't seem to allow simultaneous multiple articulations. I must use separate maps and I can add numerous articulations simply by duplicating a map and using each successive simultaneous event from separate maps... OK... I can live with that I think?
  23. Thanks Reginald... I thought I saw that in the release notes but haven't yet figured how. Thanks for the link. I'll do some reading and see what I can find!
  24. I couldn't find any other way, so i created a new event that included a few within. It works, but not particularly intuitive and certainly slower and less convenient. Am I missing something? Is there a way I simply didn’t find?
  25. Yeah... Subject really says it all but I'll expand. Why are Zooms and Screensets combined in Zoom undo? When I hit Alt-Z I am repeatedly taken to previous screensets instead of only undoing zoom in current window. This is almost always contrary to what I wanted or thought to expect. Changing screensets in not undoing a zoom. Too much screen unexpected screen changes can cause me to lose visible track of what I was looking at/for... ...or am I once again misunderstanding the "true" purpose of Alt-Z? Undo VIEW as opposed to undo ZOOM? If so, Can this be changed by user? If not, I will most certainly post a FR as I keep waiting for this to magically be "fixed" but it doesn't go away! Thanks Gang...
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