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Everything posted by noynekker

  1. Hi Steve . . . so glad I popped by this one . . . a very fun listen ! Super creative and unique, never know what's coming next kind of stuff. I particularly enjoyed some places where the guitar and bass guitar were doing a kind of exquisite jazzy interplay. Real clear recording, I can hear l lot of work went into this . . . always appreciate quality music like this ! Bruce
  2. noynekker

    Prairie trail

    Markku . . . well played, nice catchy upbeat melody, you make it look so easy ! Bruce
  3. noynekker


    Hey Barry . . . what a classy smooth sounding song, and the recording + mixing are top notch. The video really helps convey the authenticity and realism of the song, with all the clips of the horn players, and your solo . . . what a great solo ! Could have been a "hit" song in 1972 . . . and it's a total "hit" for me right now ! Just amazing stuff ! Bruce
  4. @mark skinner @subvibe Another great chill pop song from you two ! Loving the thick textures, and the way the electric guitar blends into it all . . . translates from headphones to speakers very nicely, quite well mixed there. For me, it has a very European and urban feel to it, and a kind of dreamy love theme in the lyric. Can't think of anything else it would need . . . just a really enjoyable and relaxing listen. Bruce
  5. @Bajan Blue . . . wow Nigel . . . bet you have some incredible road stories from those days in Ireland, thanks for having a listen . . . always a good day for me when one of my favourite artists loves my tune, with caps . . . it is much appreciated ! Bruce
  6. @KSband . . . thanks for listening in, good to hear you found it catchy !
  7. @bjornpdx . . . thanks for sharing the story Bjorn . . . there is very rich history in eastern Canada for this type of simple acoustic music . . . I'm in the west, so am just discovering more of it as time goes along . . .
  8. @mark skinner Thank you Mark . . . yes, I do like to try different song approaches and styles, glad you liked it ! Was driving and singing along to my instrumental version of this, then the vocals just appeared on the way back from grocery shopping . . . (bagpipes in a pop song . . . heard that work only once:)
  9. @Larry T. thanks for listening in . . . I do find Acadian music a lot of fun, so might try another
  10. @jack c. . . . thank you, glad I got you out of your chair...
  11. Thanks @Wookiee . . . yes, felt good to try something different, glad you had a listen.
  12. noynekker

    Boy Meets Girl

    Hey all . . . here's something from my studio that I played around with for way too long, finally became an actual song. Originally came about after hearing some Acadian music (eastern Canada) on the radio one night, kind of an Irish roots thing . . . and I added my pop music thing to it, let me know if it's any fun for you . . .
  13. noynekker


    Hot and jazzy track ! Great infectious groove, everybody gets turn . . . enjoyed this listen !
  14. Another great tune . . . exceptional vocal range !
  15. (for example) click on the individual song on your channel, cut and past the URL from your browser into Cakewalk forum thread <https://soundcloud.com/user-769364390-751897209/carry-on>
  16. Michael . . . looks like it plays the first track listed (when you post it all) . . . so, my comments were re: Veil of Veronica
  17. Really enjoyed your track posted here . . . powerful and uplifting, lots of excellent guitar work . . . what a nice warm guitar sound you captured, well played ! I'll definitely check out your SC channel if there's more of this . . . make sure to post some more here on the Cakewalk Forum, lots of great guitar players here will appreciate what you do. You mention "Recording and mixing is still a mystery to me" . . . there is a science to it, but there is also a changing perception, that depends on how and where it's delivered. Best advice I ever heard here on the forum is to try not to mix at radically different volumes, so your ears get used to trusting what you are hearing from your equipment . . . and try to compare your exported mixes in as many different listening environments, at different times of the day as you can. Mix decisions are important, focus on what makes the song shine, back off the other things with volume or EQ. Also, a great YouTube video "magic is in the midrange" was super helpful for me, for fixing the middle of things. Best of Luck, looking forward to some more of your stuff !
  18. oops, removed too soon, maybe will return ?
  19. Outstanding work Lynn ! . . . much respect for how you captured the many lead vocal and echo + harmony parts in the video production, one man band stuff, and I'll echo the other comments about the vocals sounding really good. You also leaned into that guitar a few times, as you can do . . . very much enjoyed the whole thing.
  20. Another great Sunday night listen ! Perfect against the sunset. Well conceived piece Jerry . . . now, I'm wondering if the lead instrument is clarinet or oboe ? just a very lush thick sound. Really enjoyed this, has an overall feeling of optimism for my ear.
  21. . . . just popped in to say I love the remix, you've gone another level of clear on it now . . . and adding that guitar middle section was brilliant ! What a great tune. Bruce
  22. good one jack, nice listen, interesting chord change ups...
  23. @Larry T. . . . this is super cool to listen to, and very catchy ! I actually like the sound of the Cakewalk SI drums, and have used them myself a lot over the years, they don't take over a mix, kind of over compressed samples, but sometimes the drums need taming down . . . you've made great use of them here in your laid back groove. Really enjoyed the guitar work, and adding harmonica was a nice touch. Great stuff, excellent theme and variations ! (was your cat really named boom boom ?) Bruce
  24. noynekker

    Free Fall

    Yet another "Well done Bjorn !" . . . really liked that encompassing horn sound you started adding in the middle of this, also very effective when the echo delay goes chromatic. Sounds great, and interesting to listen to . . . nothing but good vibes, enjoyed it.
  25. Nice pop tune, I liked the catchy melody ! . . . brought to mind something like a Dua Lipa vocal, and the simple melody and lyric kind of stays with you after a bit, great listen !
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