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Everything posted by noynekker

  1. Hi Richard . . . not sure I follow what you're saying. If I switch the track interleave to stereo, it still needs to play back panned 50% right to sound centered.
  2. In a project I had a mono vocal track . . . I cloned the track, and panned one hard left and the other one hard right, cool, fake stereo. Then I changed their start times slightly to get a doubling effect. Anyways . . . weeks later I went back and listened, didn't like it, so I muted the right track, and went with just the left track, moved back to it's original time stamp. Only problem is . . . when I play this mono vocal track back panned center, it only plays back like still panned left. I have to pan it exactly 50% right for it to playback centered. I just don't get why this is happening ? The only other thing I remember doing was when I created the doubling effect, I also had them assigned to a separate vocal bus, then I changed it back to a Master bus. Am I in serious contravention of the panning laws ? Maybe something got saved, but can't be reverted back to the reality of panning a mono track centered ? Any suggestions, would be appreciated.
  3. No bouncing to other tracks required . . . after you click export audio, there's a dialog box full of check boxes, so you can include the FX plugins, or not.
  4. Thank you for clarifying scook, yes it's the sample rate that got reset.
  5. I had this very issue after the latest Windows 10 update (v2004) . This was one of those major updates where it puts many of your defaults back to Windows own version of it's preferred defaults, regardless of your audio needs. Took me a while to find it, but like scook says, find that drop down menu where Windows audio driver displays the sample rate, make sure it's the same as your CbB. I am able to run CbB in Asio 24 bit . . . while Windows uses WDM 24 bit. (I believe Windows update 2004 put that back to 16 bit) Now, once again I can have CbB open, and still hear audio in browsers and media players.
  6. Barry . . . I enjoyed this, you’re a great storyteller with your lyrics, and the guitar work is well played and recorded here.m, so easy to listen to.
  7. Great tune, I especially like the drum recording, and how clear they remain throughout the mix. As usual , your video imagery is always exceptional, and reflective of the music, very tightly knitted together. Always look forward to more of your stuff here on the Cakewalk song forum.
  8. noynekker


    Hey Bob, in Canada we liken this to Blue Rodeo, in USA maybe Bruce Springsteen (or Tom Petty, as commented before here) . . . either way a great piece of folk rock, and a catchy rememberable melody.. The mix seems radio friendly, though, my ears want to hear more low end bass / kick . . . but song wise so nicely done !
  9. Bjorn, this really make me chuckle, love the lyrics and the subtle sense of humour here. I think I would like to perform this piece in front of a few old girlfriends. Really think you’re guitar playing has a future with lyrics and songs like this . . . Monday night, nothin’ on TV, so glad I tuned in here !
  10. So glad to hear some Jerry Gerber here on the songs forum on a Saturday night . . . this is a great listen Jerry, I'm curious to know why it's one of you're own favourites ? It surely morphs through some classical, impressionist, and romantic gestures, and there is that hint of a phasing electronica sound that reappears a few times through the piece. I very much appreciate the detail that's gone into creating this, and enjoyed the dynamics and creativity all along.
  11. Well emeraldsoul . . . eternal gratitudes for "dredging" this back up . . . never heard it last time, such a great piece. And WOW the video really jump starts the possibilities, and communicates the message loud and clear. I like how you play your piano here like it's the whole orchestra. I am inspired by this piece.
  12. Well scook, that's an interesting question . . . Cakewalk projects are defaulted to 24 bit - 44.1K sample rate, and it appears that Window is set the same . . . as far as I can see . . . Line In Properties, Default Format = 2 channel,24 bit, 44100 Hz . . . and I've unchecked Exclusive mode (Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device) . . . . but you got me fishing through the many Windows sound settings + drop down menus and I think I found the correct setting to allow sharing of the drivers, it now appears to be working as before !, but I can't totally be sure which setting change actually fixed it . . . but damn, it's working again . . . until my next windows update when I may have to go menu fishing again. (I think it was Sound Control Panel - Line In Properties - Listen - Playback Through this Device . . . change from default playback device to M-Track Quad WDM) ??
  13. Thanks for replying William . . . I have that option in Cakewalk preferences already checked, but it still doesn't allow ASIO and WDM drivers to be shared between Windows and Cakewalk. When a "major" Windows update happens, it basically resets, and re-enables all the audio settings, such as the Realtek onboard audio, the NVIDIA HD drivers . . . which I usually disable once again . . . I've had to go and tweak things after such an update before, but this time it seems to make no difference. Yes, your Audacity idea may be a possibility . . . If I could assign the Asio drivers . . . they might share nicely , or not . . . thanks I'll check it out
  14. Since I did the latest Windows 10 update (v2004) I've had a new problem I haven't seen before with previous Windows updates . . . If I launch Cakewalk by BandLab (latest version) my ASIO drivers (M-Audio M-TRACK QUAD) work well, but when I go to a Windows media player, or to play music in my browser there is absolutely no sound. Seems the latest Win 10 update has migrated the basic audio driver to a WDM 2.9.64 driver. I used to be able to have Cakewalk open, and go listen to mixes in Windows Media Player, or Groove Player, or go online and listen to audio in a browser . . . well, that ceased to be ! Now, I have to actually close Cakewalk and disable / enable Windows sound settings to actually be able to listen to audio. BASICALLY, CAKEWALK AND WINDOWS ARE NOT SHARING NICELY ANYMORE. Any of you recent updatees here have this experience ? . . . or, am I simply missing some checkbox somewhere in the sea of checkboxes ? Perhaps my 6 year old M-Track Quad drivers have been kicked into the past where they belong, or a Cakewalk setting needs adjustment. Perhaps Microsoft is reminding me to go spend money on something newer at my local audio store. If I rollback, the Update lords will roll me forward again eventually . . . please reassure me I'm not the only one who has run into this issue ? It's been 3 weeks and I have found no solution, just more grey hairs in the sea of grey hairs.
  15. Hi Jerry . . . so uplifting to listen to your compositions here on our Cakewalk forum, it's such a journey for the ears, this one is particularly amazing . . . have you ever had your compositions played by a live orchestra ? If that came to my town I would surely go see it !
  16. As a long time Cakewalk user you probably know they have always made it backwards compatible, even back before it was Sonar you could always open older projects, so that hasn't changed. Where you should be "scared to update" is Windows itself, for example, the last Windows Update messes with audio . . . made a real mess I'm still trying to fix a week later. . . . and I agree the very recent feature of being able to rollback is very helpful, though, if you wanted to rollback a really long way you would probably need an original Cakewalk CD to reinstall. When BandLab Assistant first started installing Cakewalk updates, there was no obvious download, you had to go find it when the install paused and prompted for user input. So, you can only go back to earlier BandLab versions if you actually went and found those temporary downloaded installs. Or, just ask scook
  17. Well, internationally, think you’ve got it covered . . . Why do I hear Russian folk melodies in some of the piano work ? Then Benny Goodman meets a modern DJ, with hints of rockabilly and a big band jazz background, by the way the drummer rocks, who is that guy anyways ? Bass in the mix ? Sorry, I’m too busy enjoying the smorgasbord of styles to pay attention to the mix . . . and after a few listens, I’m with other commenters here, the mix is great, very little tweaking required. If she’s not happy after listening to this . . . she ain’t never gonna be happy.
  18. noynekker

    Old Friends

    Hi Douglas, thanks again for taking some time to listen and comment . . . don’t think I have enough twang to do Nashville Regarding adding bass guitar to this project, well, I have tried a few times, but I keep losing the guitar in the mix whenever I add bass guitar . . . there’s too much going on already at 100 hz already . . . if I add a sub bass it ruins the chamber music vibe, not sure how to add bass, other than trying to just duplicate the kick ?
  19. noynekker

    Old Friends

    Thank you Jerry . . . I've heard your stuff here as well and always a good listen !
  20. noynekker

    Old Friends

    Well, another updated mix for this song is uploaded tonight . . . thanks to all the forum members for offering their ideas . . . and I must especially thank emeraldsoul (from this forum) who collaborated an amazing piano addition into this project. Wow, didn't see that coming, and think it adds something special to my effort. Still, maybe needs some more mixing ?
  21. noynekker

    Old Friends

    Thank you Leadfoot for your listening and comments . . . I've had some great input for ideas and mix tips from the song forum here (including yours), so I've posted an updated mix of this project, still a work in progress.
  22. noynekker


    Oh very good Leadfoot ! . . . you've got your foot right down on this one. I found it very interesting to listen to with the different sections and chord changes. Also, the vocalist has great range, enough to get above the volume.
  23. noynekker

    Old Friends

    Thanks for listening again Bjorn . . . well yes, if someone else was mixing they would probably turn up the vocal more . . . but when I mix it, I never want it too up front, so that's always been a problem mixing my own stuff, thanks for the tip about that.
  24. noynekker

    Old Friends

    Mr DeeringAmps . . . once again thanks for your helpful listen, you certainly listen a lot closer than I do to the recording of things. This is an old beat up Yamaki Western acoustic guitar, the buzzing you hear is probably because I have never had the frets done on it. I hear it now that you mention it. It was done with two mics, a unidirectional right close to the sound hole, and an omnidirectional behind my shoulder . . . but I had to EQ back in a ton of 100 hz because it just needed to be there to sound right to me.
  25. noynekker

    Old Friends

    Thanks Tom . . . always insightful and helpful comments. Yes the toms are tubby, it's true, I was trying to get more what an orchestra percussionist would do, but I guess since it's a pop song I should try my acoustic kit on this. I'm going to try all your suggestions , because they are great ones !
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