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Everything posted by noynekker

  1. Hey Jesse . . . went to listen, and Soundclick wants an email and password, never seen that before, is this something in your upload settings ?
  2. The CPU Metrics mouse hover thing is absolutely brilliant ! I've been using it on a few projects, and it really gives me a more precise snapshot of resources my computer is using. When I engage my mastering plugins, I can see how much the CPU usage really spikes. It's nice to put a number to it. The one thing I don't get about it is the Late Buffers . . . so far, I haven't seen any, so guess that's all good. I've never heard the term "late buffers" before . . . can you elaborate what they actually are ?
  3. Hi antler . . . I like this very much, a most enjoyable listen. Also, I find it very interesting since you posted to You Tube and Soundcloud . . . that the You Tube mix to my ears just sounds much rounder and warmer. I'm assuming you uploaded the same version of your mix to both ? Now I have to upload something to You Tube to test it out, you've got me wondering.
  4. Hey JohnB . . . yes, I remember that Rodney King LA moment, seems so long ago now, and I really appreciate that your lyrics are so positive. Musically , it swings a lot more as it goes along, nice touch with all the horn parts, a very well detailed arrangement.
  5. Keith . . . I'll surely check out Spotify . . . and as for those "thin" mixes . . . remember what Mr. Da Vinci said: "Art is never finished, only abandoned"
  6. noynekker

    High Road

    Dan . . . mix wise you surely know what you're doing . . . but also it is a very powerful and insightful piece of music you've created here, amazing stuff ! My BFD3 drums never sound as crisp and balanced as you've accomplished here, so I'll swing by for many more listens.
  7. Hi Keith . . . the feel (groove) of the song is really great as it moves along, and very powerful when the vocal extends into a higher range (maybe it's just me, but I heard some McCartney there) My first listen was on headphones and the vocal and lyrics are very clear, (Also, I like your singing voice a lot) . . . but on my speaker listen, I wanted the vocals a hair louder in the mix. So, wow, "25 years ago using a Yamaha SQ-16 key/sequencer" you got a balanced and natural sounding recording here. Thanks for posting it here, got any more nuggets from the past ?
  8. Quite the musical journey . . . kind of a piano tango, which momentarily goes Copacabana, and eventually morphs into EDM, then, was that a hint of new age disco ? . . . and all along the ride a grab bag of interesting sounds, and jazzy chords. There's so much here that I enjoyed. I especially like the piano intro, where you change it up on every phrase, just slightly enough . . . very well played ! Overall, it's got a very eclectic flavor to it . . . so, I'm thinking now, whatever will he come up with next ?
  9. Hi pwalpwal . . . thanks, but just one monitor here on my system.
  10. Matthew Sorrels . . . thanks for responding . . . I've updated my graphics card drivers, as per your suggestion (was only 1 version behind), and I've tried inserting FabFilter ProQ3 (VST3) using higher and lower ASIO buffer sizes on an otherwise empty new project, still crashes instantly. Cakewalk tech support responded to try to insert the VST2 version of this plugin. So, I enabled the VST2 version and it does work OK without the crashfest. Yeah! workaround. I'm hoping this gets looked at in a future Cakewalk by BandLab update . . . because . . . I want my, I want my, V S T 3 ( sing this with opening melody of 90's tune Money For Nothing by Dire Straits)
  11. Thanks for responding Fwrend . . . exactly what I was looking for, so must be something on my system / install . . . but can’t find it yet !
  12. noynekker


    Anders . . . beautifully done, every aspect . . . my main pointer would be to just keep doing what you do.
  13. Originally, I reported this issue of completely crashing Cakewalk when inserting FabFilter Pro Q3 (VST3) into an FX Clip Rack. At least, that's where I first noticed it. So, today I'm now running the latest Cakewalk by BandLab version, and notice it is much worse than I thought. I can't actually use FabFilter ProQ3 in Cakewalk at all. Here's the new steps to reproduce: 1) Start new cakewalk project 2) insert FabFilter ProQ3 into the FX Rack (or onto Master Bus) 3) complete and instant cakewalk crash. I've already sent the dump file to Cakewalk to investigate, and posted on the FabFilter forum . . . but, would love to hear if anyone else has FabFilter ProQ3 working in Cakewalk by BandLab ? (Incidentally, it does work in my Cubase, and I have tried reinstalling the FabFilter Pro Q3 plugin a few times)
  14. noynekker


    Hi mark skinner . . . really like this piece, a most enjoyable listen ! On first listen, for myself (being a singer) I just wanted to just sing along, and waited for some vocals to appear, but as it moved along I was totally comfortable with it being an instrumental groove. Normally, I expect some chord changes, or section change ups . . . but I must say the variations and jazzy interactions of all the instruments kept my interest all the way through. I totally get the Indian vibe here, especially at the end where it became more obvious. I'm also curious where you got the inspiration to write this ? . . . do you listen to a lot of Indian music, or maybe saw a concert somewhere ?
  15. Max . . . I've found something similar, but can't confirm freezing synths exactly resets "gain to 0" . . . but I have noticed when I freeze a synth it becomes noticeably louder in my mix, and have to trim it slightly to blend in and sound as before the freezing.
  16. Lee . . . maybe she thinks you’re cute, you should just roll with it. (sorry, if that seems insensitive)
  17. Yes . . . you're referring to "Recycle Plugin Windows" in preferences. I believe if you leave this on, you have to hold down Ctrl key to open multiple plugin windows. If you have it off, it works the old way.
  18. Thank you Grebz . . . I'm grateful for your comment, and it's very reassuring to hear the mix translates well onto other systems.
  19. Hi Tom . . . thank you for listening, and for your constructive comments. So many great responses here, so I'm still mixing this. I went online and searched for Johhny Clegg and Savuka . . . and found myself listening to some amazing music ! . . . thanks for that. Seems my bongos sound like congas ?
  20. Wow, Men at Work and Wham . . . now that takes me back in time a bit. Always liked George Michael's voice. Yes, I'm playing a real guitar in this one, it's a Gibson Epiphone, through a Korg A3 guitar processor.
  21. Hey Jude . . . thank you so much for the encouraging comment.
  22. Hi Jono . . . I think it's because you have to view content that is actually 4K capable. There was a great recent thread here (wish I could find it) that mentioned the perils of expecting cakewalk / windows programs to look super crisp in 4K. I think it might just be better to just get a larger non 4K monitor to make things bigger. I've seen Cakewalk on a 32" BenQ monitor at a studio, and it looks amazing . . .
  23. Thank you for your comment amiller . . . and I agree, there are a lot of interesting and accomplished writers sharing their songs on the Cakewalk site these days. Over the holidays I really hope to have a good listen to many of them . . . I'm actually finding it more interesting listening here than my fav radio stations right now.
  24. Hi garybrun . . . I really appreciate your taking the time to have a close listen, and it's very helpful to know the low end sounds OK loud, which I just can't do here in my humble studio. I understand what you mean about the bass guitar, I just tried to keep the rhythm section very simple on this one, but may replay it in a bit.
  25. Thank you all for your amazing comments ! Good to know I'm on the right track with this mix. Originally, I had some very low frequencies at the front and back of this song, to paint a stormy (rainy) feeling, but it just made my speakers buzz, so I tapered it back some . . . probably the right call. The mix was the result of a way too long session, where the ears and mind lose their objectivity.
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