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Everything posted by PJH

  1. I'm trying to bounce a piano clip which has had some slight timing tweaks done to it with Audiosnap. I have to say that the results have been pretty underwhelming. I haven't used Audiosnap for a while and previously I've never been very impressed with Cakewalk's audio time stretching. There has always been artifacts on the final rendered audio. I thought that by now things should have improved but unfortunately it seems like it's still the same. I'd just like to know if there's anyone who has been successful using Audiosnap and if so, which rendering algorithm did you use? Thanks.
  2. Thanks so much for the comments, guys! Nigel, I'm originally from Cape Town. I hope to go back sometime soon. Cheers!
  3. I had a visit from a very good friend from my school days way back when. He was the drummer in our school band back in the 70's. He came out from New Zealand to South Africa and to celebrate the visit I put this track together. It's the first time we've played together in over 40 years! The track is quite a laid back bluesy sort of song..
  4. Thanks guys! Wookie, I wish it was a rock classic!? The album revamp is coming along nicely. Only a few songs to go.
  5. I've had a listen and can definitely hear the resemblance. Thanks for the link!
  6. Thanks for the comments! Interesting comparison. I'm a huge Purple fan but I've never listened to Queensryche. I think I'll go and check them out.
  7. Thanks Tom! Yes, the original recordings were done on 2003/2004. I wasn't doing videos back then.
  8. Thanks Andy! Yep, I wouldn't have taken on this remixing job if I didn't have Larry! Cheers!
  9. In 2003 my band, Off the Edge recorded our fifth album entitled Site Under Construction. The album was released on cd in 2004. The album was recorded in my tiny home studio at the time which didn’t allow us to use live drums All the drum sequences were programmed. Originally the album was recorded in Adobe Audition but I transferred the files into Cakewalk by Bandlab and remixed everything. Next year will be the 20th anniversary of the recording of this album and I decided to revisit the original multi tracks and replace the drum sequences with live performances. My good friend Larry Rose will be re recording all the drums for the album which will then be remixed and remastered. The difference has been remarkable. As much as programmed drums have their uses, one just cannot beat the real thing. The first song entitled “Taking it to Extremes” has been completed.
  10. Thanks Tim! Its all about the way one uses the tools...
  11. Always need promotion Andy, so thanks for that. Much appreciated! I'm glad you enjoyed the album!
  12. It's a labour of love, Jesse! I enjoy putting this stuff together and if it helps anyone with musical arrangements etc all the better!
  13. Thanks, Mark! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Believe me, Larry is holding back. I'm constantly having to tell him to keep it fairly straight. When he's finished his parts he always says that he could have done a lot more but I try to keep things as tight and concise as possible. I don't like overplaying, especially when it's a mix with lots of tracks.
  14. Thanks so much for the comments Andy. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm going to have to tell Larry that he has a fan!
  15. PJH

    Winding Down

    Really interesting track Mark! Nice groove! The bass seems to be a bit soft on my system. I like the guitar tone! Well done!
  16. Thanks so much for the comments Gary! Yes, the edit took a long long time. I had to go back and find the necessary footage from a couple of years back and then decided what to use. Cheers!
  17. I thought that this might interest those with home studios like myself. I recorded my fourth solo instrumental album over the past few years and decided to film as many of the sessions as I could. I've have uploaded videos from my album over the past few years and have received many kind comments from everyone on this great forum. The album is finally finished and was released last week. I was lucky enough to get sponsorship from a high end audio/visual company who covered the costs of making a limited run of cds and Blu Ray discs as well. Having all this video footage available has enabled me to put together a “making of” video using a lot of the footage that I captured during the recordings. This video gives an in depth analysis of three of the tracks and how these songs are constructed in terms of the instruments, parts, arrangement, production etc. Certain instrument parts are highlighted to provide the viewer/listener with an insight into how they fit into the final mix. As you'll see, the entire album was recorded, mixed and mastered in Cakewalk. All the guitars parts were recorded with the Kemper Profiler directly into the DAW using my own profiles from my pedals and a Marshall JCM2000 combo. The Hammond organ was recorded at the keyboard player’s home studio. This has been a massive job to put together and I'm really happy with the results. I hope that you enjoy this as well!
  18. Thanks, Kevin. I've always liked longer pieces of music. I don't subscribe to the norms that dictate that music should be a certain time length.
  19. Thanks Paul! Yes, I can't remember when last I had to do any drum programming!
  20. Thanks for listening/watching and for your comments! Cheers!
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