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Simeon Amburgey

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Everything posted by Simeon Amburgey

  1. You beat me to it!!!! ? This should be an interesting instrument as I think it is the first UVI library using the 4 zone approach we have come to be so familiar with in some Kontakt libraries. I look forward to getting a try at this hopefully soon.
  2. Thanks for sharing this, downloading it now. It reminds us that we are still dealing with this crazy situation and it is good to support each other.
  3. This would be especially useful in sample library development, to have noise reduction and similar tools available at the front end, possibly even integrated into Kontakt. Interesting,
  4. My first "real" audio interface was the Echo GINA. I was so sorry to hear that they went out of making interfaces a few years ago. I also had a killer firewire interface I used for my MacBook but the driver support disappeared and so did the interface. Glad to hear your Layla is still going strong.
  5. Just a small update. I added Index markers so it is now easier to navigate through the video. I also did not realize that the UVI Workstation as well as Falcon DO NOT Support Multi-Threading. That is why I have run into really high CPU usage at times, especially the pianos with lots of sustaining notes. I think this really limits UVI in some ways. However I have an interesting workaround using UNIFY that I am going to share in an upcoming short video so stay tuned.
  6. Replay is up, I def is coming soon after the video processes. Thanks for sharing this to the group. It was a lot of fun going through and discovering these pianos. UVI is interesting as they sometimes source their material from various engineers. This struck me a few times, one with one of the uprights that was recorded on location in South Africa. An interesting library bundle for sure.
  7. Don't forget to try the Bonus Patches at the bottom of the list, they are denoted with a "z" in front of the patch name. Some very interesting stuff there. It also looks like there might be more custom patches for LABS looking at how things were going.
  8. Scooby-Dooby Doo; Where Are You!
  9. Thanks so much, I have never thought to check this particular angle before. I will definitely check it out and really appreciate the insight.
  10. So here is the BANE of my Vegas Pro Workflow Killer. I accidentally set some loop points as I was selecting the video clip on the timeline and tried clicking PLAY. First sign that you are done! White Screen Of Death! Then you look in TASK MANAGER and it is always the FILE I?O surrogate (not visible) (32 bit) that seems to be the main culprit in this nightmare. So it gets very frustrating as evident with Reid's experience. If you do not constantly hit save, it is almost impossible to anticipate where this will happen. Also, even though Vegas does save recovery files in the background, there is not sure fire indication it is not several edits behind where you were. So Reid, I really do feel your pain in this situation, and yet here I am hitting the same walls, maybe someone knows of a Vegas Pro recovery support group, but it is probably obvious that it is on a Davinci Resolve or Premier user forum. We'll get there eventually. ;^)
  11. Not @Fleer but I really like Lounge Lizard. it has a certain "bark" when you lay into the tines. Pianoteq can sometimes come across as too clean or sparkly, which is alright if that is what you need but the dirt just makes things feel more authentic.
  12. Here is a clip covering Acoustic Scoring Guitars. There is a lot of content in the library. I love that they give you all of the techniques mapped together and as individual patches. Heavyocity Scoring Acoustic Guitars | Livestream Flashback
  13. Thanks @cclarry for sharing this. I just had somewhat of a backlog of things to share so this was a great way to do it. I find I do better just going with the flow of things. I am possibly going to release “flashbacks” from the stream to highlight some of those moments. I really do enjoy sharing with everyone. Thanks for the kind support.
  14. It appears to be fixed! Here are two scenarios I have tried. Open Previous Project and Save without doing a SAVE AS - FIXED Started an Empty Project, Loaded VSL Synchron Pianos and HALionSonic - Save - FIXED I also was able to save some previous broken projects with their pre-release version. It also appears the version number was bumped up a little more as well. I would say go get it.
  15. * Update * I just heard that Steinberg has officially released the eLicensor update that fixes this issue. You can download it here: https://www.steinberg.net/en/company/technologies/elicenser.html
  16. Check out my article just posted here: https://wp.me/p6Mqqs-ze These sound really nice and are a taste of what is to come, so looking forward to more. Hopefully will be able to feature these soon.
  17. Kirk Hunter has just released Traveling Pianos for Kontakt. It is a collection of two Yamaha pianos: Kirk’s very own G5, along with a very special C7 belonging to Michael Lehman Boddicker, and has been played by many wonderful artists, namely Burt Bacharach, James Horner, and many more. It is available at an intro price of $99. More info here: https://www.kirkhunterstudios.com/products/traveling-pianos/ Kirk Hunter Studios | Traveling Pianos | First Look
  18. Don’t forget, with the purchase of Gravity, you also receive the new Scoring Acoustic Guitars Gravity pack that was just released.
  19. Just beat me to it! I have been playing with this some this evening and it is definitely a wonderful library even at the full price but this deal makes it a certifiable "No Brainer".
  20. Not necessarily, I was just experimenting with the possibility of seeing if I could use Unify to do to, the XY function of Orbitron. That is one of the limitations I see with a lot of audio plugins that offer transformative or morphing capabilities, I would love to see more MIDI potential baked into them and Unify is a very useful bridge to do those types of things. I would say that you can try the Orbitron Demo to see how you like the sound. I was playing around with it pushing Rhodes and Acoustic piano through it, some pretty freaky stuff. ? Another dream for Unify is to create some sort of audio input so it could be used as a hybrid audio/MIDI processor ?
  21. Well, since we are talking about GAS, I hesitate to mention anything from FireSonic to keep from self-combusting. ? No seriously, I have not tried these plugins yet. In the past I have really kept the focus on instrument libraries and only recently have started looking into ways to feature effects plugins. I can tell you however, that I have already been playing around with Orbitron, and it reminds me of some of the OUTPUT Plugins that have the XY control and zones. Using Unify I have been able to insert it as an effect and Link Parameter mapped the Satellite control to my SL88 Grand's XY Joystick, which is a lot of fun. I love to get some sort of hands on control when working with anything that has multiple zones. So UNIFY is not an audio host/chainer per se so it is restricted to inserting the effects in relationship to whatever synth plugin you have on the Unify layer, still very impressive what you can do.
  22. Here is an article I posted earlier on my website. Also hoping to get a copy for review, looks very interesting. https://praisetracks.com/?p=2155
  23. Hey guys, Thanks for sharing the video. It was sort of spur of the moment as I had seen where the current Waverunner promotion was ending soon and wanted to share some of the libraries. I am a Cakewalker from back in the 90s and have always been so very fortunate to be a part of this amazing community. I also feel very blessed to have been introduced to so many developers over the past year who have helped to support the channel to allow me to present all of these amazing libraries and tools to all of you, Thanks again! Simeon
  24. Westwood Instruments just released the fourth in their "Untamed Series", Viola Untamed. It is available now for the launch price of $39 until Feb. 25th. More info here: https://praisetracks.com/?p=2142
  25. It is a beauty! Here is a short improv right after loading it up in Kontakt, lots of fun.
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