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Simeon Amburgey

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Everything posted by Simeon Amburgey

  1. OK, I think I might have found a workaround by cycling through the Transport Time display until it gets to that particular format. That would be nice to have the other views have a time format choice.
  2. I am working with an application that needs to have Tempo map and Marker indicator placement in MILLISECOND format, is this possible? When I open the Tempo and Marker views I am only seeing HR:M:Sc:Fr Also even though you can have a Millisecond Ruler in the timeline, I am not sure how to get that information when it coincides with a Marker or Tempo change. Thanks for the help.
  3. I just updated the link. The original was removed after trying a test. Looking forward to sharing with Ben this afternoon.
  4. Here are some walkthroughs I did on Ascend. It is a very nice dare the counterpart to the Yamaha CFX NOIRE but this is a Steinway with some similar features in animation and effects. Heavyocity | ASCEND Modern Piano Sample Library First Look Heavyocity ASCEND Modern Grand | Deep Dive Walk through
  5. I am looking forward to a special livestream featuring an interview with Ben Osterhouse the developer of some really wonderful Kontakt libraries, with the latest entry Oscillation Strings. We will also be giving away a copy of Oscillation Strings during the livestream so be sure to join me around 4:00 PM EST Wednesday November 25th.
  6. Here is an article I just posted with a lot of details. Looks like they are packing everything AND the kitchen sink! https://wp.me/p6Mqqs-uW
  7. Now that’s they way it is done! Wow, now off to update !!!! ?
  8. Just looking at another post about the tape speed and delay plugins and ran across this new FREE entry from Guido over at Genuine Soundware. Looks really interesting and Guido never disappoints. https://www.genuinesoundware.com/?a=showproduct&b=47&fbclid=IwAR3o-1U7lsyrjRtbSBmB12tQ-Rmdb4O_R4Ay_nrVZcf2JqQ8fDVjUINmdBQ
  9. I really need to update my version of Omnisphere, I cannot believe what they have been doing with the updates. I will also have to go back and check the livestream, I was browsing through it after I did my livestream. Seems like me and John overlap livestreams sometimes. Thanks again!
  10. Thanks so much, and I tagged John in the video ;^) It seems that most of my recent videos has Unify show up in one way or another. With the 1.2 update they have pushed Unify into an entirely new level. Unify makes the amazing sounds in Abbey Road ONE so much fun to play. All the best!
  11. It was a pretty wild ride walking through this library, but what a ride. This library has a real richness about it, that I really enjoyed experiencing. Enjoy the replay.
  12. Yes, Oscillator Strings, and it is gorgeous. I have talked with Ben about doing a livestream on this new library and featuring some of the other ones in his collection, very innovative and organic sounding. This piano library also looks very nice and will try to check it out.
  13. Well, I am simply blown away by this library so far, it is a lot of fun. So tonight after downloading and getting the plumbers out of the house I thought; why not put a huge stack together in Unify and see what I come up with. Well here you go, all playing live and just following where the sounds were taking me. Again this was so much fun and huge thanks to @Spitfire Team for starting us on this new and exciting journey. Buckle Up and Enjoy!
  14. This is an unusual Krakauer Brother's Spinet piano that had a crack in the bridge so the piano tuner recommended it be chopped up for firewood! I am so glad that they chose to keep it intact. Here is the livestream replay of a really fun and interesting journey exploring the Firewood Piano. Here is an interesting article on my website that shares some more backstory and recording info: https://wp.me/p6Mqqs-ue
  15. WOW! What an amazing time sharing this with everyone. if you missed the livestream, check out the replay below. Also check out my news article on my website for some additional info and some interesting backstory details. https://wp.me/p6Mqqs-ue
  16. It is no secret that I love Westwood Instruments Alt Piano, so when Bass Untamed arrived it was like wow! I love the approach Westwood has taken with their untamed series and look forward to sharing Bass Untamed with all of you.
  17. Bass Untamed follows Violin and Cello Untamed to continue the journey into the world of improvised sample libraries for Kontakt. I just downloaded it and am excited to share my discoveries soon. Find out more information here: https://westwoodinstruments.com/instruments/bassuntamed/
  18. YES! Hopefully will be able to try this soon! This is definitely the next natural progression for Spitfire and I can't wait to see where it goes. Now my Garritan ABBEY ROAD CFX will have some company!
  19. LHere are a couple of fun vids I did featuring Morphestra 2 The War Of The Worlds | Adventures In Sound Design | Featuring Sample Logic's Morphestra 2
  20. Here are a couple of experiments I have done with it using ACT, and another using UNIFY. The biggest drawback using ACT is that the Leslie plugin has to be in focus for MIDI control to work.
  21. And here is my run-through.? This is a very wonderful and powerful sounding piano library, the same piano and room as the Spitfire Audio Hans Zimmer Piano library. Garth focuses a lot on trying to approach the presets as if they were fully master piano tracks, so a lot of interesting use of effects in creating the Snapshot presets.
  22. Mosaic Tape is the latest entry in Heavyocity's Mosaic Series. Taking new sound sources that were processed through the warmth and unpredictability of analog tape. More info here: https://heavyocity.com/product/mosaic-tape/ Here is the replay of my recent livestream walkthrough.
  23. Hey everyone, It was a very interesting livestream for sure as Mosaic Tape is not an average library, but is filled with some crazy thick and sometimes unpredictable sound source material, lots of fun. Heavyocity is running an intro special for $99 (until Oct. 20th), and an additional 20% off for previous Mosaic Series library owners.
  24. here is a run through of these two pianos I did a few weeks back, beautiful sounds. Midnight Grand and Woodchester Piano by Fracture Sounds | Cinematic Piano Libraries For Kontakt
  25. If you have not heard them before, they are a great selection of pianos. Check out my recent walkthrough of all three of them here: VI Labs True Keys Pianos | Virtual Piano Library Collection | Quick Look | Special Pricing
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