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jack c.

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Everything posted by jack c.

  1. nice drums.what vst plugins effects did ya use.jack c.check some of your voice notes as a tad off.
  2. wonderful sounds.how do ya get those huge drum sounds?what vst plugins and effects?jack c.
  3. jack c.

    My New Song

    nicely done mate:jack c.
  4. jack c.

    wonderful life

    thanks mate:jack c.
  5. jack c.

    I'm Back

    larry carlton--rippingtons simple love it.ya gotta take this beauty to a few more sections.jack c.
  6. good all around recording job.jack c.
  7. thanks mates for listen/comments.jack c.
  8. jack c.


    i like the vinyl but turn down a tad.i do many songs in this vain.make it longer add some other stuff.jack c.
  9. yes .that's for listen/comments.jack c.
  10. The start sounds a bit like Beethoven on some good mind bending drugs!! Love it!! I like the build up towards the end - can't wait for part 3!! Nigel thanks for listen/comments.there are so far birth--1st. movement--2nd. movement--3rd. movement and more on the way on this site. .i started thinking about doing this as that book is outstanding. jack c.
  11. i like 7/4.great sound.jack c.
  12. lovely song/voice/production.jack c.
  13. jack c.

    A Soft Parade

    i love synths i think as much as ya.nice song/production.jack c.
  14. jack c.

    I Like You

    amazing sound.jack c. try some verb/delay on an aux track for voice.
  15. sounds real fine.jack c.
  16. thanks for info.jack c.
  17. jack c.

    wonderful life

    thanks mate.jack c.
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