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jack c.

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Everything posted by jack c.

  1. yes a big part but with so many words in english language one can find endless others to make a point.jack c.
  2. interesting tones/sounds.jack c.
  3. wonderful all around recording.sing the voice again and blend both together to fatten up and address some off notes.jack c.
  4. jack c.

    it's your move

    thanks a bunch.jack c.
  5. cool song all around.john foxx/david bowie.jack c.
  6. nice recording job and voices!jack c.voice volume is correct.
  7. jack c.

    Warp 9

    it appears synths are totally adored by ya.i also adore synths.nice all around recording job.jack c.
  8. lead melody(oboe?) bring up or lower rest of instruments and add sound reverb to lead instrument and a tab more more of bottom.sounds wonderful to me ears!!!!!!jack c.
  9. man ya nailed the genre!!!!!!get rid of curse words.jack c.
  10. ahhhhh the backwards sound.i like it.jack c.
  11. jack c.


    thanks for listen/comments!lately i've been doing lots of rock/soul.but i'm really into jazz/soul/progressive music.jack c.
  12. what i hear is outstanding.bring up drums and bass guitar.jack c.
  13. bring up drums especially kick and quantize.job well done.jack c.great voice!
  14. great all around recording job.lower voice or bring up music.bass guitar needs more volume/bottom.love it.what a voice this women has!!!!!!jack c.
  15. bring up bass guitar.lower voice/harmony a tad.jack c.
  16. jack c.

    LICK $ 2.60

    ah i keep hearing captain beefheart and enjoying it.jack c.
  17. jack c.

    Monkees cover

    wonderful job on both.jack c.
  18. less bass notes.check some of your voice notes a tad off.nice flute and song.jack c.
  19. jack c.


    nice country rocker.bring up bass guitar a tad.jack c.
  20. jack c.


    thanks mates for listen/comments!i wanted dropouts for another texture throughout song.jack c.
  21. first part sounds like it was reversed.guitar needs a few less highs.wonderful version of song.jack c.
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