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John Nelson

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Everything posted by John Nelson

  1. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=4&help=FileManagement.8.html
  2. The Blackbird came with a mixer utility. Have you checked and made sure it's not introducing a delay? The BB was a firewire ? interface and that protocol is mighty long in the tooth. Might want to find a new USB interface and utilize your Onxy channels via ADAT.
  3. Just to clarify, the meters work fine when the plugin is instantiated either in FX bin or in PC. What buggers up the meter is opening a preset. That toggles the plugin "off" and freezes the meter. Only way to unfreeze the meter is to delete and re-instantiate. I checked in Reaper and it does not exhibit this behavior with the meter nor plugin on/off when a preset is selected. Reaper has no equivalent for the Pro Channel, of course. So... I think it's somewhat Cake specific but as you say presumably it's Softube's bug to fix.
  4. Highly recommend Vic Firth isolation headphones for vocals tracking. No click bleed, whatsover.
  5. When I insert the FET in the Pro Channel, it works fine except the meter doesn't move. Also, when selecting a new preset it toggles the PC slot "off" is that a bug or. ..?
  6. https://www.dropbox.com/s/c6ci8s55ekpeusd/Apple Scruffs 1.01.sth?dl=0
  7. If the Sampson speakers connect via USB, the conversion is being done in them. Not an ideal scenario.
  8. I'm guessing Rene Ceballos had a hand in it. Cyclone was first included with Sonar 1. And don't forget RXP Rex Player and Drop Zone...
  9. This is why more fully featured preamps have a -20 dB pad option...
  10. Clearly aimed at the Tik Tok demographic. The dumbing down of humanity races full speed ahead...
  11. The product manager keeps hanging during the download process. A fail so far.
  12. Interesting, inasmuch as I have not had this problem in CbB but I have had it crop up in Reaper. Slightly different, though. The clicks, pops and crackles were recorded along with random parts. So, it was not just the playback, it was baked into the wave when recording. In that case (Reaper), I turned off the ReaVerb convo plugin during tracking... enabled it for mixing and rendering...and it cleaned right up. Reaper also has settings in Options>Preferences>Buffering that you can mess with. Surprisingly, I found suggestions that some of the buffer settings yield better results at lower-than-default buffer values. Anyways, not relevant to CbB but when someone said they were thinking of switching to Reaper, it made me chuckle.
  13. Someone peed in his Wheaties.
  14. Re. Feedback with input echo, use headphones for tracking and mute the monitors (speakers).
  15. Ah yes, Pentagon I "Performance- Oriented Synthesizer ". Those old synths were fun but all things change.
  16. PS: Here's a link to a slightly different version which hews more closely to the original's color scheme for track name text. Only would note that white is more authentic to Apple's color scheming, however I prefer the colored text myself. https://www.dropbox.com/s/c6ci8s55ekpeusd/Apple Scruffs 1.01.sth?dl=0
  17. I'm pleased to present for your enjoyment, a new theme I call Apple Scruffs. I started with the legacy theme, Logical (many thanks to Erik aka Starship Krupa) and then I tried to fold in as many elements of that "other" DAW as I could muster. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2g987va1teqig8f/Apple Scruffs.sth?dl=0 Cheers!
  18. jesse, I intermittently get a failed calibration when I fire up the MCU. Like you say, the fader (always #7) will hang and the message screen identifies a failure. I have read that the ribbon connector inside can get hung up and moving the fader manually up and down can free it. I've also read that you shouldn't do that... ? I've read that a failed capacitor can be the cause but, in my case since the problem comes and goes, I don't think it's a capacitor. For a weird reason which makes no sense, sometimes it just works fine after the whole system (not just the MCU) gets rebooted. These MCU are getting on in years so I can't complain about a little finicky-ness. To be expected. All in all, they are an awesome product.
  19. John Nelson

    BFD = CFA

    Or, make friends with a drummer and record real drums. It's easier in the long run.
  20. Where is the link to download the latest version? I see nothing.... just a forum announcement. Confusing.
  21. I had one of these little guys back in the day, traded it in for a JCM 800. If you like the MB sound, just bandpass the heck out of your signal, master volume your way to the moon and you're basically there.
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