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John Nelson

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Everything posted by John Nelson

  1. Sounds like a spot-on Mesa Boogie emulation then.
  2. To be totally cool, you need the SONAR overlay too.
  3. FWIW, I am using iConnectivity mio 1x1 USB-MIDI, DIN-MIDI Interface with my old grey version of the Mackie Master Control. Works fine. I was running it through the DIN conns on my Babyface Pro but wanted to reclaim those ports for other things. So I tried this and it worked just the same.
  4. I remember those wedge monitors, wouldn't do a gig without 'em!
  5. Hang in there Mr. T. With enough time, practice and perserverance I'm sure you can improve 20 to 40%.
  6. Sorry, was referring more or less to the OP's post. You have a Steinberg interface? It should be more than up to the task, I would think. Why would anybody struggle with an on-board Realtek sound card using janky drivers? Just get a decent interface with solid drivers and be done with it, is my point.
  7. I need to saw this piece of wood and, all I've got is a hammer. So... if I smash the wood enough times and bust it in half is that good enough? Same as using a saw, right? I just don't want to actually go out and find a saw. Just because, I don't.
  8. I've dug out a few old projects from time to time, which contained old plugins that I never carried over when I upgraded to a newer PC. Replaced the plugins "not found" with current plugins that do the same thing. In every case, the results are vastly superior. Remember digitalfishphone....? ?
  9. I would also say, why not? But I'd think some larger sizes would bring you more satisfaction. 10" or 12"...think JBL L100.
  10. IK Sample Tank 4 Custom Shop (the free version of ST)... has a passable Hammond.
  11. Re. Virtual tambourine/shaker/maracas... How are you going to get your significant other included in the band if you go that route?
  12. In my experience, rogue plugins and/or poorly written audio interface drivers are the most likely crash culprits ... YMMV.
  13. It's not that painful to reauthorize with the License Manager if you've not used it for a while, honestly. I got a free expansion pack (Horsepower) when I migrated. I track actual acoustic drums nowadays but BFD3.4 works well on older projects which I tracked with e-drums. Any content that was created for BFD1 or 2 is EOL now. Except the 8 Bit Kit for some reason, not sure why. They shifted from wave files to BFDLAC which take up less space. No great loss. The current build is way easier to mix with. The paradigm shifted from a plethora of drum makes and models sampled, to a smaller assortment with better mixing options, and better presets, etc. Sorry it's giving you grief. I know I paid a lot more than $49 way back when so there is that...
  14. This is one big advantage to using a control surface, e.g., Mackie Control Universal.
  15. Update... the iTunes nano connects and synchs perfectly now. Not sure if it was an Apple patch or a Windows patch lol. So 100% functionality W10 to W11 for me.
  16. I recorded and mixed this version of "It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Want to Rock and Roll)"... https://www.thebash.com/tribute-band/tnt The bagpipes were indeed challenging! The damn things just refuse to stay in tune. All done in SONAR.
  17. And whatever you do, don't click again (thinking it didn't "take") or you'll get the dreaded spinning circle/whiteout fade/crash....
  18. Updated for Track Archive button changes. https://www.dropbox.com/s/409wfb7djihsm4i/Flat Minimalistic %26 Dark.sth?dl=0
  19. Not to be a downer, but any material you use for acoustic treatment should be fire retardent.
  20. I had one of these in a dark brown black tolex back in the day. It was never my favorite amp though.
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