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Everything posted by GreenLight

  1. Hi all! Can someone verify this bug? If you have a step sequencer part that you loop (by dragging it out horizontally), the vertical playback position indicator in the step sequencer window only scrolls by once, but not on any subsequent looped repetitions. One would expect the current position indicator also to loop in the step sequencer, so that you always see where you are, making it easier to program patterns. I'm still on 2020.01 due to intensive projects, but I haven't seen anything that indicates that this would be fixed in newer releases. Thanks for any help.
  2. Have you requested this feature in the Feedback Loop section? Might be a good idea! ?
  3. I've heard really good things about Softube Tape, and I have been considering it myself. Although I've read reports from some people here saying that Cakewalk has some problems with that, forgetting settings? Is that still the case?
  4. How I do it: I select the track(s) I want in track view with (CTRL pressed if multiple) and press ALT + 3 to open the PRV with just those track(s). (You need to have some PRV settings that I don't remember the names of right now, to always just show the selected tracks.) Edit: Or obviously simply double-clicking on a midi clip, to see just that single track.
  5. For MIDI tracks, I refer to the "Vel+" parameter, which offsets the velocity for the entire MIDI track (track 26 in the screenshot below). For audio tracks, I refer to the "Volume" parameter, which of course is the main volume for the audio track (track 27 below). I mainly use those two parameters when mixing, so being able to use the keyboard for those would be amazing... ?
  6. Wow, cool! Thanks a lot! Just tried the velocity scripts (they raise/lower the velocity of selected midi notes). Your suggested shortcut with CTRL and +/- is superb! Thanks! While these are very useful, what I was after originally is a way to adjust channel velocity or channel volume using the keyboard. Maybe that's not possible using CAL?
  7. Hi all! It is not currently possible to bind keyboard shortcuts for raising/lowering volume or velocity, right? I don't think it is... but I just realized it would be awesome! A bit like the nudging keys, but for volume (audio tracks) or velocity (midi tracks). Less mouse use is always nice.
  8. I agree! I've been wanting this kind of simplified sidechain-selection for a long time. Logic has had a similar GUI option as Sequioa for many, many years. It would be a great workflow enhancer!
  9. Have a look in the download folder Bandlab Assistant is using, see below. Do you see any temporary files created there? C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\bandlab-assistant\Downloads I copy setup files from there and keep as a backup.
  10. I'm really happy to hear it's working as expected now! ?
  11. Weird... can you isolate this behavior to one or more specific synths? Do any of your synths ever get deleted automatically when you delete all associated tracks?
  12. Dave G got a lot to chew on here. I never have to delete my synths from the rack, Cakewalk actually deletes the synth for you when you delete the corresponding tracks. For example: if your synth has 1 audio track and 1 midi track and you delete them both, Cakewalk automatically deletes the synth from the project (and the Synth Rack, obviously). I don't remember the exact behavior, like if you have to delete them at the same time... I can't find the correct place in the online manual. I know this was added to Sonar/Cakewalk some years ago so that people would not end up with your scenario of "leftover" synths in the rack.
  13. Has it "always" been like this or is the bug new? I can try to verify on 2020.01 tomorrow!
  14. Thanks for verifying, I thought I was going crazy... ? @msmcleod Is this something as easily added as Rename Clip, that was added in 2020.05?
  15. There are many sampler VSTs out there already. But an integrated sampler track, like in Cubase, could do things GUI-wise that a regular VST instrument cannot. Like implementing its controls directly into the DAW, which to me is the whole point in requesting a built-in sampler. It should be quick and have an interface that's integrated.
  16. There are numerous chord assistance VST plugins nowadays that basically do just that: they assist you in creating a chord sequence within the plugin, that you can easily drag and drop into your DAW. Check out Plugin Boutique Scaler, for example. Here's the Sound On Sound review.
  17. A customizable button bar - brilliant idea! (You're on a roll, Josh! ? ) It's like the Quick Access Toolbar in the Microsoft Office applications, where you can select what actions you want to show icons for. Buttons require less clicks than menus and they can also display the current state of the command. I also really missed all the icons that were lost (and put into menus) when the current "Skylight" GUI was introduced. Especially working in the Browser got a lot slower.
  18. Hi all! Is it possible to set a keybinding for the "Transform Tool" in the piano roll view? I can't seem to find it... ? Thanks!
  19. I will upgrade to 2020.05 soon, after finishing an important project and will check again then. Regional settings in Windows should not affect saving in applications, right?
  20. Yes, Windows 10 (version 1909). And so are you, judging by the blue mouse cursor "loading ring" in the animation? ? So then it's probably the newer Cakewalk version that fixes it?
  21. @msmcleod Thanks for your test! Oh, I'm sorry I'm still on 2020.01! I have been following the changes ever since closely and didn't recall seeing any changes about character encoding, but you guys surely must have done some improvements there. Sorry to have wasted your time! ?‍♂️?
  22. This is in fact a brilliant request! I love keyboard shortcuts but hadn't even thought of requesting this. +1 ?
  23. Hi all! To improve support for international characters, it would be really nice if Cakewalk supported UTF-8 character encoding of all text fields. That way, non-English characters could be used by the user in text fields in the application. Fields that I have found troublesome: Track names Take lane description Track description in Inspector Browser Notes Below is an example of using Swedish characters "å ä ö" in Cakewalk. You can type them and save... But after re-opening, they are turned to Klingon: ? Keep up the great work!
  24. Hi all! VST2 instruments are in a grey font in the browser, which kind of makes them look "disabled" or "not usable" or such. Sure, VST3 is undoubtedly a newer standard, but VST2 is still going strong and in some cases still actually going stronger than VST3. It's misleading that VST2 instruments are outgreyed. ? I don't believe it's possible to adjust this font color in the Colors section? If a clear visual indicator between VST2 and VST3 is wanted (and it's probably a good idea), maybe make the icons a bit clearer and/or bigger instead?
  25. Maybe it was the 'aggressive' ForumPostSchedulingModel = 3 that was enabled by mistake in AUD.INI by the OP? I'm not saying things can't be improved, but manners could. ?
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