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Everything posted by Gswitz

  1. Happy Happy!!! I drove meals on wheels yesterday and got a call this morning saying I was exposed to covid, so I guess I'll have to cancel my gig at the Kennedy Center. Quarantinewhile!
  2. The key is wrong, but it gets the idea across. Then the singer can just sing along with the video and make their own recording to send back to you.
  3. Gswitz

    The Lord's Prayer

    Enjoyed it, Starise. Thanks for posting it.
  4. Did you bump up your audio buffer? I often max out the sample buffer when mixing to take the pressure off. Some plugins get funny if you push the buffer limits. Way back when, making the sonitus verb super fast was a thing. Not sure if it will fix it, but i never had a problem with that verb when i used it and i mix with a high buffer.
  5. I wanted one at the time but it was out of my league.
  6. It's inexpensive with 4ms latency. Sounds not so shabby. It could work at twice that latency if need be. I'm not trying to sell it. I'm just saying. There are lots of inexpensive interfaces that do work ok. I once had something like this little guy... https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/MTrackSolo--m-audio-m-track-solo-usb-audio-interface I used it when traveling. It worked fine. So I'm guessing the other thing will work ok too. You don't have to spend $1000 dollars to get something functional these days. The value will go up if you spend more, but you can come in on the ground floor and learn a thing or two.
  7. It's not how i do it, but it would work. I use a regular interface that handles guitars and mics. To mix in pedals from my amp sim, i use an fcb 1010 pedal board. This gives me 100 stomps and 20 expression pedals that can be mapped to any fx in the daw. You get 10 banks of 10 stomps and 2 expressions on the fcb 1010, so 100 stomps and 20 expression pedals like wahs or volume pedals. You can map the expression pedals to any knob, so bass on the amp or whatever. Your solution is basically a route through your daw with a bypass stomp. You can't turn things on and off in your daw. Just guitar signal or daw signal. That said, it is cheap. The cheapest similar path would include both a midi device and an interface, so probably twice as expensive at least. https://orangeamps.com/omec-teleport-manual/ This does not give output impedance data. My guess is it is not correct for direct to amp. That doesn't mean you cannot use it with your amp. It just means that your amp will react differently. It is why people use reamp boxes to change impedance when sending a guitar signal from a daw to a guitar amp.
  8. The only points that matter are above 0. There is a thing called inter sample peak where all the samples are not clipping but the wave does when regenerated. This is real and most engineers leave 0.2 or 0.3 db from the ceiling to reduce the chance of this. You can use tools to find inter sample peaks and limit them. For most songs leaving 0.1 headroom is sufficient, but why risk it? I trust cakewalk for the precise peak but cakewalk does not report inter sample peaks at the channel level. You have to use a vst to find them.
  9. Most reverb have a mix control to adjust the level relative to the original signal and for this reason, 2 buses are not required. To adjust the reverb level change that mix knob. If you use 2 buses, they could differ unless you are careful. Like use a send from the first bus to make the second. Then you could set the reverb mix at 100% and use the bus fader (volume slider) to control the amount of verb. This is handy if you wish to eq or compress the verb. Some might compress the verb some with the vocal side chained so the vocals are a hint clearer and not muddied with verb. This is usually just on the vocal verb but could be on a global verb. So, keep it as simple as you can. Don't unnecessarily complicate it. There are cool tricks to learn. Sometimes two buses simplifies things.
  10. I did use a free dns for a while. It was internal.. Meaning it ran in my house on a raspberry pi.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi-hole We let it go. It annoyed my wife and daughter to face occasional issues with things needing to be unblocked.
  11. This is tmi, but i subscribe to you tube. $15 a month for the family. I can ask to listen to almost anything and it will play it from you tube. It will also generate playlists for me. I put music I'm working on on my phone and it plays through my car stereo. I don't have to use the usb drives. The YouTube subscription seems silly, but we don't have to watch commercials. That really helps my daughter. Have you ever noticed guitar pedal coolness seems proportional to guitar pedal weight? Right.. Off topic.
  12. I just put the Wavs on the flash drive and plug it in to the car and I can listen. Not tricky.
  13. Fx that don't think they are properly licensed can do weird things. Usually a stutter tone or beep. Try bypassing all fx. This used to be triggered with the letter E. Check the menus for how disable all fx. See if you can replicate the problem with fx bypassed.
  14. M is for moog. Some complain about name brand but you just have to go with it.
  15. This is going to sound random. Try turning the plug around for the midi device.
  16. Fizzy means high pitch noise, right? 100 and 300 are not where i would look. Try a shelf up around 5k and higher and lower it. Try ribbon mics. Even the emulation should reduce fizzy. Turn down tone knobs. Shift to neck pickups. Turn down presence on amps.
  17. Look in the event viewer. You should be able to see the events recorded.
  18. I love the Chord! app for my phone. You can enter a set of chords and it gives you scales that work. You can enter a chord and see all the places you can play it. You can do any stringed instrument. You can enter a set of notes and find the scale name (reverse search). I had another phone app that quizzed me notes on the bass and treble clefs. You just answer as fast as you can. Do it about 10 minutes a day and you get pretty fast at reading music. And then there was Syntorial which was a pretty great way to learn synths. https://www.syntorial.com/
  19. Yep. I just put my phone on this little tripod. It was $5 or so. I can import the video into cakewalk and fix up the audio.
  20. I'm a learner, but I do post YouTube vids of me learning.
  21. Seems like the teachers are happy at Artist Works. They set up real schools that take years to work through the lessons they want to teach and they have lots of interaction with the students. Caution, the caliber is kinda high. Edit: One more thing... if you're good and you can make videos for youtube, you can get a following. You can begin making money once you have about 1000 subscribers. There are definitely talented people making a living at this.
  22. John's pretty steady. He's probably reacting to someone. Just my opinion. John, you're ok. Merry Merry.
  23. You want to be the teacher? Or teachee? I use artistworks.com for lessons. They are organized and build on each other. You pass videos back and forth between you and the teacher. You can see all the lessons your teacher has taught any student as well as the submissions from other students. If you are the teacher and want real time, Skype or zoom would work.
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