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Everything posted by Gswitz

  1. Musical time hold clips on their measure. So if a clip starts on beat one of measure 3, it will no matter what you do to tempo. If it starts at 2 minutes in, then you cut the temp to half time, it would start at 4 minutes in. Some purple use temp for tempo sync fx but not for recording or midi. This is a different thing. You may want to add tempo changes between your songs. You wouldn't want new tempos to move clips. Helpful?
  2. When clips move, it's usually due to tempo orwhether the track and clip are set to musical time or absolute time. Try making sure the track is on absolute time.
  3. Gswitz


    I'm just hooked on melda. Not sure how it happened but i use those things all the time.
  4. This is usually bc the microphone is sensitive enough to catch the sound coming from the headphones. If so, play louder or turn down your headphones.
  5. I use media monkey. I also tend to include a photo from the session. Nice and small, but good enough to look nice in a phone screen or car display. How cars display tags matters. Titles cannot be too long or car displays don't show them well. I bought media monkey gold a long time ago. It was money well spent. I use it on my phone too.
  6. Man! I'm sorry for your injuries, but glad you are recovering.
  7. @craigb I haven't read most of this thread, but if you are looking for how to use a laptop that you don't own to make recordings, I suggest Ubuntu Studio installed on a USB hard drive. Boot the computer to the USB drive and make your recording. If you have a Class Compliant USB Interface it should work fine. It isn't Cakewalk, but it's easy and portable.
  8. My greatest fear is that one day I'll die and my wife will sell my guitars for what i told her they cost.
  9. Hardware loopback is always a choice. Plug your output into your input.
  10. Any eq you like. Just play until you get a sound you like. There is no eq right answer. Start simple.
  11. For years in the early 2000s i recorded on a tascam device them mixed the wave files with cakewalk. It worked well. At one point i got a usb line 6 single channel interface and that helped. But the question was can you mix without an interface. The answer is yes. The switch to recording with cakewalk was actually very hard for me. Drop outs are upsetting. Once i got that sorted out, recording with the computer has made life nicer.
  12. Joan jett puts on a good show. Have you ever seen? I did once kinda by surprise. Respect.
  13. Or use a plugged in usb mouse. It could be your mouse driver.
  14. Looks pretty. It's surprising how many guitars are poorly set up. Fixing a bad set up is easy and free. Usually intonation comes into line with the neck. Get the best price you can and pounce. Used is often better than new. ? If you aren't comfortable with setup, YouTube.
  15. Just to be explicit, you did run latency monitor and it did say you're in the green, yes?
  16. This was an old feature to try to reduce processor load way back in the day. Almost never needed by anyone these days.
  17. Mautoalign by melda totally speeds up finding the track alignment you like the sound of most. Say you have 2 mics on a singer guitar player at once. The singing goes into the guitar Mic. The guitar goes into the vocal Mic. The technique is usualtip slow down the vocal Mic so the vocals going into the guitar Mic are in sync with the vocalsin the guitar Mic or the reverse... Slow down the guitar Mic to sync with the guitar in the vocal Mic. It's not super hard with two mics but line up 5 fun mics... With mautoalign by melda you add it to the tracks and it creates multiple differing delay scenarios that you can compare easily to pick your favorite. For anyone recording real musicians playing in a room together, this plugin or something like it is tremendously helpful.
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