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Everything posted by Sheens

  1. I'm in day 11 of Home Alone and 2 x per week to the supermarket, That's all folks. you inspired me to look for some spicy nurse pics/vids, tanks for dad
  2. I'm superstoked here in Netherlands too ! (I'm close to the epic centre in the 5th most dangerous place on the planet, yay!). today +13,4% cases (again higher %) but I've heard it's good news as the curve is going down, it's maybe would have been 15% normally. so instead of next month, 1 week later more/rougher 'barbaric' stuff will start. shall I calculate when I have a 1 on 1 chance of catching it ? Do I wanna know if that's before summer 2021 ? having an anti-immunsystem disease and smoking cigarettes for 30 years now helps me probably too.
  3. reading people with heart problems are at high risk not surviving when they get sick, worries me in US are a lot of obese people. hoping they would be warned to protect themselves (masks/gloves etc) and be safe by staying away from EVERYONE as much as possible.
  4. even better than the Reno police dept..
  5. today here in Netherlands again over 10% new cases, over 10% deaths (and therefore these numbers also rise again). our 'leaders' strongly advised people to stay home, basically the daily brilliant response / action. wonder why the hospitals haven't united yet and put the complete government in a coma, the medical staff is doing work/hours and a job that is almost impossible, and our leaders say 'you're doing great, thank you so much !' . we could tell the labs there's no need to test herd immunity for Corona anymore, we're testing it on the people of our country btw.
  6. it's not like they have to come up with the stuff or do any actual work of any kind. only to look at what they're presented (sure, here's the motivation and test results for you sir), and here is the instruction for you to perform this thing, sir. But even then, pwaaaa pwaaaa pwaaaaa (cartoon sound), fail We need to add a task in the process for them, so they can feel good about it and it's nailed. But it needs to be a simple task that can only be done one way (while letting them think it's a difficult job).
  7. i find some TV Stations (claiming they're news channels) the worst. 'news readers' and 'reporters' of some stations are the worst pieces of s.....t I've seen in a long time.
  8. lulz ! frikkin' brilliant !!!
  9. I Roger that, have doubt too the numbers China report are true and would not be surprised many more people died. but probably Western people in China will clarify this soon. here after todays increase again of over 10% new confirmed cases vs 1 or 2% recoveries, the government stays calm and confident it will be better soon. so does the rest of European leadership. I personally think they just don't know what to do anymore, which I can understand.
  10. Hey Craig, well I meant a 'cure' I guess...sorry. So far here at least it's not clear yet (but testing has started) that people that recover will not be affected again by this virus.
  11. hey Craig, there must US people in Wuhan that can tell the real story to the people at home. I've seen those messages about the cellphones in China, you and I don't know for sure if this is true or not. Are the reports from China recovery real or or they BS ? We don't know but like you believe this story, I personally rate this the same as all the conspiracy stories. But fortunately there's many people at work right now to solve the virus problem.
  12. Craig, what agenda would an Italy doctor or city major have to speak to the world, warning them for what they learned the hard way ? Can you draw a diagram ? vertical line with number of deaths, horizontal the timeline....fill in numbers of last 7 days and connect them by drawing a line. Look a month, or 3 months ahead. There is just no beating a epidemic without a vaccin, China and any US farmer who has his herd infected once will confirm. Stay calm mate, you're great as are all the American people and soon I hope everyone will be safe.
  13. Hey Craig, the best current solution is performed by the Chinese (there must be US people in Wuhan that can confirm). All of Europe every day see higher numbers and percentages of infections, than recoveries.....with MASSIVE hospital efforts, public shutdowns etc....it's an upwards battle Europe and even USA cannot win without a vaccin/cure. I
  14. Roger that, but even an oldie like me can get used to put on a mask. we'll be fine and laughing at work again soon....I've ordered a few shirts like below to wear at work.
  15. Probably there's 50,60 and 70 year old US farmers, that watch the virus with horror. They learnt in their life that when 1 of their Cow got sick by a virus, they had to isolate it quickly (medicate when possible) and check all their 'inventory' and isolate or cure sick animals very fast. They know (from experience) what's ahead for people and economy probably better than the current average government leaders (I would not do better surely and don't blame every politician, there's a lot of them really wanting to do what's best for people honestly). Then I hope miracles exist and in this case I hope a scientist performs a miracle quickly by making a vaccin.
  16. My own 'panic' here in Europe is seeing the numbers here rising so fast, this week maybe, next weeks surely very sick people cannot get an oxygen machine or even a hospital bed and die fully conscious while not being able to say goodbye to their loved ones. Here in Netherlands 6412 people got the virus and about 5% (356) died just in a few weeks, but the rate/factor/speed for the increase is scary. The politicians here are all about trying to come across calm and positive in the media, but not capable of handling a crisis situation. Boy I wish there was just 1 politician that was full of panic and desperate, but made the right call.. The majors and doctors in Italy for example too are on the internet warning the rest of the world, but other countries think they know better how to deal with this than Italy or Asia (how have experienced 2 virus outbreaks). Even from an economy point not taking a 'small loss' now , is a catastrophic decision I'd say. But I hope and trust there will be fast and good decision made, and especially the American people themselves who done so much for other people across the world, take care of their own safety. I grew up nearby an American WW2 cemetery and my mum and dad were liberated by American and Canadian troops fe, and as a child I admired the American people already.....stay safe.
  17. I'm not a smart person, not very intelligent...just a normal working guy so I might be wrong. I go on Youtube type 'Wuhan' and after 30 minutes or so, I think I've seen how the Chinese controlled the virus. (it's quarantaine, only essential go to work wearing masks, and everyone stays inside all the time, food/essentials is dropped off by the government). Everyone going out of the house always wear masks and keep distance to other people and only speak when it's needed. Then after some weeks when the situation is under control, in steps normal life is resumed. Now all over the world each countries government is trying to invent this wheel again, and what I think happens is they wait too long 'locking the place down by complete quarantaine' until the hospitals cannot deal with the exploded amount of sick people and people start dying without getting medical help. People that die are mostly all conscious until the very end, they know what's coming (with drowning this must be one of the most horrific deaths) and cannot even say goodbye to their loved ones. I wonder how we can fly to the moon but are we so stupid that we cannot copy an existing procedure for virus outbreak ? Maybe the western world has had 1 or 2 generations too much that lived in luxury and wealth and freedom of choice, and therefore we cannot go into a basic survival mode, it's a too great change in our mind that we cannot make maybe. Being forced to eat whatever is in the bag you get, having to improvise, no alcohol and no sigarettes, maybe no coffee, or just some bread, an apple, banana, soup and cookies for the day, hoping there's some toothpaste in the next bag is too brutale for us. Fortunately it seems the Chinese had leader(s) that saved most of them. Sorry had to get this off my chest....wishing everyone well in this time Feel free please to comment if/as you like.
  18. Bayoubill, any chance of taking over from D. Trump for a while....since you've learned about the virus ? I mean, when you run out of of dope and booze...
  19. just bought 2 power adapters 16v 1000mA and without having a meter I"m guessing they put out maybe a 100mA. so they're useless (to power my old Presonus eq's) but the seller/company and the host website both declined my claim, money gone. I bring my car for service/yearly mandatory certificate to dealership, very quiet there and feeling already it's gonna be an expensive visit. sure, balljoints replaced 20.000 ago by the shop itself again are bad, and some other suspicious 'defects'. but have to say that fortunately the majority of companies are great, fair and have excellent service. feeling / sharing your Sonivox pain...
  20. Here in Europe at least, the number of rich keeps increasing, and the 'distance' to normal income keeps increasing too and guess who's paying for it ? Been not compensated anywhere near the inflation rate for 10 years in a row, while working my ***** off. So every year I could buy less for my salary, now in return I stopped 'working my ***** off' drastically in a very clear visible manner, lulz.
  21. Day found the one yet who killed Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman ? It was not O.J. Simpson according to the court.
  22. Craigs, any knews on dad Earthquak coming ? (just for the lulz and gas Bapu seems needs some action)
  23. The immunity theory is a risk at this point, it's not clear yet immunity for this virus will exist. Among the people here in Europe currently at Intensive Care units, is a large percentage of previously totally healthy 30 to 50 year olds. Also long term lung damage could be a result (for a percentage).
  24. any news on who ordered Kennedy killing ?
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