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Everything posted by Sheens

  1. For this business it is crucial people keep eating bats, last 20 years or so bat is the best chance of getting a good pandemic. I'm confident that there's not gonna be any serious action against bat consumption for a few years at least though. Without this pandemic there were no problems in the world whatsoever !
  2. first gig after they fired Bapu
  3. need to work on timing but they're perfectly in tune.
  4. band sucks but singer is good.
  5. I like the whores with no name song.
  6. afaik really good results come if also the person speaking/coughing/sneezing wears a mask. here in Netherlands, Government don't approve saying wearing masks gives a false feeling of being safe. yet at the same time they're developing a smartphone app that alarms when you're near a person who's registered with the virus. They know better than millions of Asians (who experienced pandemic before) and were doing better than us in many other areas. They're making it a long stretch here....hope you're better off... Italy are close to the turning point it seems, hope they're getting more people recovered than sick come in...soon. Then they're halfway..
  7. would check the settings, maybe there's an offset somewhere or a clocking situation, or any other setting for the midi input that causes clicks. would eve try the 'pdc' button on/off in Sonar. just to rule out if it's just not too much 'workload' in a short timeframe that causes clicks, you could raise the sample buffer size.
  8. Hey Gswitz, I care about what you say ! Just I found lately my RME stopped clicking when I changed from Spdif to AES/EBU....just using a different connector/cable solved it for me.
  9. I care what you say !! (lulz) But does your guitar HAVE to be a Gibson ? If not, THEN you can REALLY save some money. Vintage (Trevor Wilkinson) make proper guitars (and Gibson copies), in you situation I would get one of his SG (VS6) or ES (VSA 535)copies fe, and take it to a really great luthier. The guitar will sound great, somewhat brighter than a Gibson, but you could even have a Gibson pickup installed to get that sound, heck even have all the wiring and electronic matched the Gibson AND save quite a bit. For jazz, personally would expect a wider SG neck to be better, to me it looks like his ES model has more of a Les Paul neck. Just what I would do, while I like cheap guitars more I totally understand people wanting the real thing.
  10. dad's socks, I have 2 pairs with no prob
  11. for editing I'd take AKG K712, great mid and high freqs, you hear EVERYTHING there. but very little bass and by far not flat in freqs....they sit on my head meh. imo Sennheiser HD600 is a better allrounder, more flat, a little more bass than the AKG and sit somewhat better on the head. the HD650 to me sounded great too, but mine had a little 'funny' thing I thought, moved part the sound horizontally a little it seemed to me. must try bananabread, never had it..
  12. Buttnun Dallas, yall have a grate weekend
  13. dont know which brand, but today someone on the Coronavirus team recommended 'ketchup testing'
  14. saw some videos that from Meth you get by far the biggest 'high' (dopamine iic) and it lasts say 10 times longer than cocaine or heroin. so choose Meth ! Much cheaper, higher and longer.
  15. here lots working in hospitals are heavy drug addicts, have access to good quality. interview with Dutch virus doc was awesome, she looked like a heroin addict and had just taken some strong 'speed' like stuff. you never tried any of that hypnosis stuff on hot girls shirley
  16. myself mostly quarters, just to get a breeze hallus (for lulz and distraction), on saturday a whole to visit other planets etc.
  17. today again over 10% new infections, comment : 'we're still heading for disaster fast (deaths, medical system collapse), but not as fast as we'd calculated so no need for action now'. target must be: more deaths, economy damage and a longer 'Wuhan' style lock down later.
  18. don't be suicidal, don't be a *****ing jerk wear that *****ing mask if you have to go to work so Lucy, Brian, Mark, Susan, Joe and Kirk put on a stupid mask, if you have to be at work.
  19. Ideally his next song 'and if you have to go out, wear a *****ing mask' is out this week.
  20. slowly here at least, part of herd + leaders start to wake up (but it makes me 'happy' as the previous reaction really scared crab outta me). only the tough full lock down they did in Wuhan (and South Korea probably) works, they now know in Spain, France, Italy, Belgium etc. it's very sad, also costing a lot of money that each part of the world learns it the hard way, where all this information is available on day 1. years before the virus outbreak in China, Bill Gates fe had the exact script and all the calculations for the virus spread, what it costs, what to do etc. and he tried to warn the world. but still hoping we'll get through this without massive numbers of deaths, 'just' a recession and not a depression.
  21. Tomorrow Spain into 'Wuhan' style lock down (Barcelona and Madrid went out of control). Say 10 weeks depending on how strict they do it. Hoping people here start waking up too....
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