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Everything posted by Sheens

  1. But Pupper, with his dog head and human hands, I'm trying to figur how he was made. Would it not take a dog and a woman to get a Pupper ?
  2. Back in the day S.L.I.P. posting hot nurse pics here 😐
  3. No thanks, I want MORE coffee and stronger !!!
  4. brillyant 😊 now I just need a face VST with GuitarRig5 or Amplitube..
  5. Hope your brave uncles returned safely... The Margraten graves are 'adopted' by Dutch people in the area (they contribute for the maintenance). There's a long long waiting list to adopt a grave, people haven't forgotten what your uncles and their buddies did. Also to this day we read about 'new' cases where people in US are contacted and later on meet with people here, that somehow had contact in WW2. Beautiful to read about stories of people 'finding' a soldier in the cemetory that they knew in WW2, and then telling the children/grandchildren fe.
  6. Sorry Craig I crashbomb yer Fred
  7. If your daughter drives an old wrangler or cherokee, I could probably remotely diagnose if she has any prob....I'd be happy to. Also I could advise her what to check/look out for then.. Yes here we rare Cherokee XJ's greet eachother 😊 Not other Jeeps (Wrangler/Grand Cherokee) wave here though....yet... Dutch fans do a wave on soccer tournaments..
  8. No I and the rest of the free world forever need to thank YOU ! Besides your brave hero grandpa's (I grew up near USA WW2 cemetory Margraten)... Thanks for my Jeep Cherokee XJ, SG and Les Paul guitars, all the great movies & music (and adult entertainment 😃)
  9. I hope DJT will get you out of NATO as their new boss, my fellow Dutchman Rutte (warmonger) has already told us to prepare for war. He destroyed Netherlands 13 years in a row and now plans to ruin all of Europe. If you know any US soldiers in NAVO, please advise them quit their job.
  10. Partay yesterday, in Berlin 31 houses destroyed by explosions, 5 killed and a dozen stabbings reported so far.
  11. We're nearly halfway through the roaring 20's.....hangin' there boys ! It'll slowly get better (see that light at end tunnel too ? Look ! )
  12. My goto limiter is Blue Cat's Protector.
  13. He'll be like brand new after this repair/maitenance....get ready for Wookie 2.0
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