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Everything posted by Sheens

  1. I'm still thankful to MTV for
  2. A simple Covid I mean Focusrite 2nd gen would do. Plenty cheap used ones in Irak I mean Ebay.
  3. Personally liked the HD600 over the HD650. Never tried this AKG model Nitrate mentioned above, but my K712 had 0 bass, none. Ideal for editing probably as it reveals every pop,click and other nasty sounds, that is the K712
  4. Survived Rick Astley, Bananarama and MTV.... AI = peanuts.
  5. I would also not tell anyone, start a pig sanctuary and in the evenings visit brothels
  6. Here in Europe it's looking more and more like a prehistorical place. lots of neanderthaler men from far away countries everywhere.
  7. Lol, yes ofcourse ! I'm sure everyone who can will quickly start enjoying and no longer worry or try to escape etc. We all want a happy ending !
  8. on the bright side, there's at least a couple of months ahead to enjoy !
  9. we're not gonna take it !
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