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Everything posted by bitflipper

  1. It might be dead, or it might not. I don't know. Our editor, David Baer, has retired and doesn't want to do it anymore. To be honest, his job was a chore that I wouldn't have wanted. Whether somebody steps up to take on his role remains to be seen. For myself, I stopped writing for them a few months ago upon realizing that plugins and sample libraries just don't excite me anymore. I've got so many! It was nice getting freebies, but at some point (talking to you, bapu) you really do have enough.
  2. You could duplicate it pretty easily with any mono synth, including an ARP. Or any modern soft synth like Zebra or Diva. Here's a free (and pretty good, though 32-bit) Minimoog emulation that can do it. Basically just a slow portamento and two notes from the lowest key to the highest, and some increasing frequency modulation via the mod wheel at the end. Probably a square wave.
  3. Much less embarrassing than a list of all the plugins I paid for and never used.
  4. I hadn't noticed this new icon until today...I think it means "stop already!". Now, to be fair to Simon, having the ability to do parallel processing within the fx bin would be a nice feature to have. I probably wouldn't use it, but I'm sure somebody would. And then come here asking why their reverb sounds so weird.
  5. I wouldn't worry too much about recommended specs. As others have noted above, the recommended specs are just that - recommendations. Not requirements. Of course, if you run on a potato you're gonna have to be creative sometimes, e.g. freezing tracks, using large buffers and holding off on mastering until the end. But we've all been there and know it's do-able. My guess is that if your system handles CbB OK today it will handle Next, even if Next is not as heavily optimized as Sonar is due to it being multi-platform.
  6. Most jobs involve the monetization of your head. Not all, but most of them.
  7. Fortunately, I live in my own universe. Don't try to refute that with logic. The fact that I happen to know your name just means there are a few small rips in the space-time continuum. Rips that I made myself and that I could seal at any time, if I wanted to. I am currently working on banishing Elon Musk back to his home planet.
  8. I'm just looking forward to when it stops feeling like sandpaper. Or at least a finer grit. And then there's the dilemma of where to stop shaving. Plus when I look in the mirror, the face in the reflection looks like somebody who's about to start a fight over a spilled beer. On the upside, with the money I'm saving on shampoo I'm gonna buy myself a new beanie for Christmas.
  9. I have started wearing a hat again. In August! Next week I'll be going on a whale-watching tour. Hats will be the order of the day, both for warmth and sun protection. (I should note that I have ethical concerns about whale watching; I think we should leave the Orcas alone. But my daughter's visiting from Colorado and wanted to do it so her kids could experience it.)
  10. I believe that amp is his personal stage monitor and probably feeding FoH from a line out off the amp. I say that because there is no obvious microphone visible, and there is no cable plugged into the front panel where you'd normally plug in your guitar. In fact, the input jack seems to be covered with tape. Plus every time he does a tone change it's from his pedalboard. When he switches guitars the tech, sitting next to said pedalboard, has already plugged it in. The Leslie is clearly an amp sim on the floor, possibly the same electronics used for all of his other tones. But what do I know? I'm just a keyboard player.
  11. I was going to ask if anyone could identify that guitar. All I could make out in the video was "Yamaha" on the headstock. Pretty much everything on that stage was a Yamaha product. I couldn't identify the line array elements, but they're probably Yamaha, too. Wanna bet he's got a sweet endorsement deal? He was obviously a Strat guy in his early days. Except for his surfboard period. Anybody else notice that his guitar tech was sitting beside him the whole time? At first, I was trying to figure out what instrument he was playing, then got a side shot of him tuning the other guitar and then handing it off. Usually, techs hide backstage and just run out when needed to swap instruments. I'm guessing that guy does way more than just tune guitars. He's probably a hotshot player himself, maybe even a luthier on the side. And still had to submit a resume along with 100 other people to get the gig.
  12. Some old-school fusion for your Sunday listening enjoyment. Great band, great live mix. With his versatility, subtlety, tasteful use of fx and amazing control, this guy's the Japanese Jeff Beck. These days I always check out the amplification and sound system. This is kind of my ideal stage setup: no amps other than floor wedges, mains in stereo and not cluttered with excessive low bass.
  13. Nah. The same way you don't throw out unfashionable clothes, you just store them until they're fashionable again, time resets everything. Keeping my dome shaved is too much work, and my next haircut will likely be in June 2024. The red pigment visible in my thumbnail, however, will unfortunately never return. It was a most pleasant gig. 80 degrees, partly overcast. Nice stage, outdoors in a really cool parklike area behind a diner alongside the North Cascades Highway, a popular summertime tourist route that takes you from the Pacific Ocean to the Cascade Mountains. Many in our audience were motorists who'd heard the music from the highway and pulled in for dinner. That made our employers happy. They gave us food, always a sure way to a musician's heart. Probably literally, in this case. The mood was further enhanced by the gentle incense of a distant wildfire. Mmm, summertime in the Pacific Northwest.
  14. First rock band I ever saw cover a Broadway musical number...sort of. Hadn't heard of them before catching them at a teen dance in Banbury, Oxfordshire, 1969. The following year, Emerson would form ELP in same mold as The Nice. This was actually a Top 40 hit in the UK.
  15. Just the chin. Kinda sporting a Jordan Rudess look, I guess. It'd be nice if that turned out to be the secret of his keyboard prowess, but I doubt it.
  16. After two outdoor gigs where I thought I was gonna die from heat exhaustion, and another outdoor stage today, I said f*k it, and shaved my head. Sheesh, I am so white. Other band members will be wearing shorts today, but I dare not, lest I completely blind the audience.
  17. No doubt. Everything about this vehicle (well, most modern vehicles) looks like a nightmare to get into. They probably had to remove the dashboard and work upside-down to get it done. The days of quick backyard auto repairs are no more. I miss my old 1972 Dodge Tradesman, with its engine on the inside between the seats so you could work on it in the rain. Or my 1974 VW bus, which I'd pull over to the side of the freeway to quickly tune the timing for higher RPMs when driving long distances. It all started going downhill when they began putting fuel pumps inside gas tanks, and the public meekly said "OK, that makes sense".
  18. Now, this is neither here nor there, but I had to laugh at my own expense and share my misery. This morning I took my van in to have the A/C repaired. I told them I'd wait, and had brought a book. But they said there was no guarantee it'd be done today and I should not wait. So they gave me a ride home. It was only after I got home that I realized my house keys were still on the keychain in the car at the dealer. So I've been sitting here for hours without access to my garage and the computer within, dozing off and sweating. It'll be OK, I said, as long as no customers call me with some emergency. Guess what happened. Somebody needed a crucial file from me RIGHT NOW. Installers would be getting on a plane tomorrow and needed the information RIGHT NOW. Sorry, I said. I'm, um, locked out of my office. So professional. Worse, a sizeable chunk of money was on the line, funds I've already spent on a new PA, and I wouldn't be getting paid until that installation was completed. All's well that ends better, though. They charged me $500 for a resistor. A frickin' resistor. They assured me it was a very nice, very special resistor and I was lucky they had one in stock. I got to send off the file. I got to have a cold drink from the fridge. And if anybody's looking for me this afternoon, I'll be in the car blasting cold air at my face.
  19. What year was that recorded? It sounds amazing.
  20. Yeh, I keep forgetting that's a plus for many people. For me it's just a reminder that I'm paying a premium so that all those cheapskates who are too tight-fisted to spring for full Kontakt can use it. Fleer, you're a philosopher. That's not elitist, is it?
  21. That's my favorite song that we cover! Often a set closer. Janis is our singer's specialty, although we had to take away her Southern Comfort. btw, we do NOT include that awful guitar intro. LSD only works if you brought enough for everybody.
  22. Sounds great. A bit too much overlap with the OTS Rickenbacker I already have, though, not counting the 5th string.
  23. Just bear in mind that the DropoutMSec variable won't stop dropouts, but only raise the engine's tolerance toward them. it sets how long a dropout must last before the engine gives up, says "something's very wrong" and stops playback. If you experience a dropout longer than 250ms, then there is definitely something wrong. If you can live with it, that's fine - it won't affect your exports, you'll just have interruptions during playback.
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