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Clovis Ramsay

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Everything posted by Clovis Ramsay

  1. I forgot to link you up with this tutorial, it's straight to the point and the only tutorial so far that gets the results you and myself are trying to achieve. This guy is so good at and so quick that you have to slow the video down to help absorb the great knowledge he shares. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/390-cakewalk-drum-editing-tutorial/
  2. Just double checking, I am far to aware that 99% of text based socializing plays out entirely in ones imagination, so Im compelled to act diligently. Yes, I abbrv. 4 speed. That is interesting though, I do not have or can yet recreate your exact experience with the browser, that I can so far understand exactly as being your experience anyway
  3. Im confused, are you referring to the browser pane specifically? I always go into the CW VST layout and customize my plug lists as well as exclude vst2 plug ins. I do like that CW files most of my plug ins within cats (eq, dynamics) as most DAWs I am familiar with do not sort them in this way, that I know of at the time I've used them anyway. I do find myself needing the browser pane to function more like OS explore windows, usually when im in a crunch.
  4. @jono grant Here is a link to reference material for drum editing using Audiosnap in Cakewalk. The attachment is from the Cakewalk reference guide that I extracted the chapters on Audiosnap only. Advanced Drum Editing Reference Material For Use In Cakewalk by BandLab Audio Snap Reference Guide - Cakewalk by BandLab.pdf
  5. Yes there are settings in preferences, select the Advanced button at bottom of the window, then select Audiosnap which is typed in blue letters. There you will be able to change the midi parameters and you should see crossfade settings. There is also a prompt to change crossfade when you select the split beats button in the audiosnap window. Quantize in the audiosnap window will also give you these options. I went down the audiosnap rabbithole last month to get myself back up to speen with it. Its very confusing and is counterintuitive but if you will just take a few hours with a practice project file with drum tracks, go in and get destructive with it. Try everything out like one would try every door and room in a video game, learning more of what not to do and in what order sequence to do each step is how you will master the tricky and mysterious audiosnap for drum editing. Also, how far are you zooming in on the markers to check that they are laying on the peak and not just before? I too thought the exact thing and found it useless until I learned that it actually butts up against it. If you will select one drum track and hit TAB, the cursor will stop just before each transient which is great for manually slicing up tracks and a reference to checking if the markers are landing on peak or just before the transient registers above the noise floor! Once I get back to my studio, I will upload several PDF tutorials with screenshots that definitely helped me out.
  6. As long as the software stays competitive to the other daws with its capabilities, I have no reason to feel that I am missing out on anything. Although, I do miss Logics Variation feature as it gave me a quick overview of how a song would sound and benefit from a key change while maintaining tempo, all without introducing artifacts and destroying the transits. Thats not what the variation speed is for but it works brilliantly utilized in that way.
  7. Someone smarter than me should follow up and confirm my hypothesis regarding 64 bit Dbl Precision Engine....I do believe one must be working with 64-bit audio files for one to need 64 bit DPE engaged. That is how I interpreted it's purpose. ...-waiting for forum user tech person smarter than I to confirm and/or correct me-- until then, be excellent!
  8. Not when the software comes from pre-BandLab and was fashioned to function the same as all of Cakewalks installers from the 2013-2017 era. My SONAR offers both 32 & 64 bit, as does all of the installers that are downloaded through the Command Center. Not many remember that Windows 8 offered either bit version also, it was trendy i suppose. I refer to that time period as the "Great PC Resolution Evolutionary Transitional Revolution". But thats just me, its bygone days now.
  9. BandLab has gone strictly 64-bit which means you would have to use a 2018 version of Cakewalk to have a relatively stable experience as this version would be closer to the last build of SONAR that had both 32 & 64 bit installs and bridging. A crash is still likely though (saying more as a disclaimer because I am smart but my deeper tech cred is kinda, meh). I kept my 32 bit machine that i use exclusively for archiving, troubleshooting, anything that might function better in a legacy operation. Im sure they will come out with a 128 bit platform (again, credentials meh) so get use to having to cut chords to old outdated things. Maybe one day software will just BE and stay BE
  10. Hey here's a PRO tip to help with that PRO-LONGED project load time!! OK! before you close out your sessions for the day, select the "FX" button in the control bar that sits in the mix module. It is alongside the dim solo, the "2x" upsample (i think it's just placebo imo) , the R and W automation buttons....you all know the ones! So be sure it is Enabled (disables plugins globally, like as in the whole world), then proceed to save/close your sessions and go reflect on how your life has turned out for ya so far....really think hard on that one! Well by selecting that "FX" button before you save and close your project out, you are disabling every effect and instrument across the entire project which has cut half the time for me when opening my sessions. It also minimizes any sudden pops or plug ins corrupting creating a loud hiss (ahem...Waves Inc. I see and HEAR you!) So get in the habit of saving projects in plugin bypass mode! Just as a caveat (what does that even mean?) try NOT to mistake the bypass mode for the offset mode. You will be a sour little gremlin if you find yourself mixing in offset on top of and simultaneously to default mode lol....you will literally think you are having serious brain perception issues after sometime. Please capture your reaction if you do happen to be in such a predicament ? There is your pro tip from a dude who doesn't even know what the heck he is talking about most of the time. But thanks for your time anyways, and no, you cannot reclaim your time. not at cakewalk at least, try fruity loops or whatever that program is called.
  11. Elliott Smith's "From A Basement On A Hill" ....yea the whole album keeps me skin all prickly and a sense that somewhere in his songs lay the answers to all of my questions about the universe. Rock music has lost majority of it's best representatives and now sits abandoned, covered in vines and wasp nests. Well, there is still Keith Richards and Brian Wilson which is proof that life expectancy is completely counter intuitive
  12. i've never detected feelings of frustration from CTRL-Z before in my life until watching this! Though, I do share similar moments with my instance of CW. Rendering hard gain settings via the "file menu-process audio-gain..." will restart the track to begin just after the section that was rendered, meaning it creates a whole new track that is wayyyy ooff time and killing my vibes. I CTRL-Z so hard I that I CTRL-7 now! Somehow Z and 7 can substitute for each other, pretty neato i thinks!
  13. Two , Twelve....whats the difference anyway? They both gave up on their part of the deal of our little thing we had goins on, Two for nothing and twelve hens a layin alimony....yea thats right twelve, we saw you all in cahoots with daddy Roland! Dang I gotta stop drinking koolaid
  14. This IS the way you want to authorize as it will lead you to a drop down list of all drives connected to your machine that will store all license on, such as any USB flashdrive formatted FAT (less than 16GB capacity) or FAT32. All izotope plugins that can be downloaded via portal can be authorized inside your DAW prompting this screen each time and it is worth doing since it allows you to save license virtually anywhere. iLok activations are offered just as a courtesy to those industry engineers who have to use iLok on company machines. iLok is optional and a good thing to have as backup.
  15. seems we've tapped into the greater beyond with our Exponential praises, as they are on sale right now!
  16. I was referring to the Cakewalk brand undr TwoTones, then Roland, then Gibson and such. My Sonar 5, 7, 8.5 were excellent to me and the very first music production custom computer shop that was all the rage back then always featured their best builds around Sonar.
  17. I just had a problem with my iLok manager creating a duplicate “Machine” location that was holding my Exponential codes hostage for a week! It took contacting iLok (next day reply) then iZotope (2 day reply) to make me whole again. With the price tag being what it is, there should NEVER be such a situation as this to occur! My 3 plugins would have paid for the programming it takes to make the “duplicate machine” problem a thing no more. Its 2021, we can do better!
  18. If it supports any Windows based DAW, it supports Cakewalk. Cakewalk is the oldest code in the Windows DAW world, its more likely than not that the midi key controller designer started out testing in some iteration and version of Cakewalk over the last 20 yrs. If there is a conflict between the DAW and the controller, its usually always the drivers for the controller or user error. But Ive had 100% connection rate to all kinds of weird knockoff controllers that people bring in to record with so I would be surprised if you actually came into problems . Its usually the really complicated and complex mega keystations that make all the fuss when connected to “unlisted” DAWs (Brand signaling)
  19. Have you tried obtaining CA-2A through Command Center? It only requires a username and p/w, not an email address
  20. I love the flexibility of PC, I absolutely abhor the Windows experience and GUI....its just a terrible OS for Audio/Media production compared to OSX/MacOS and even Linux. Funny how Windows actually originated when Bill Gates went snooping through Apples first GUI prototype machine and lifting its code. And Windows still to this day feels like it was designed in a hurry and all from memory.
  21. The Console temps are great as a quick and easy setup with all of the tracks and buss having ProChannel enabled with its corresponding emulation settings ready to go. The reference manual says that this setup is as close as one can get to recreating the sonic qualities of the 3 consoles, from recording to mixing. I also highly recommend studying the “Mixing Templates” for Rock and Pop because they really do some advanced routing of audio and sends. There are several hidden buss and patch points that you need to unhide to trace them. The plugins are sonnitus and all the settings can be saved as presets, and I also recommend saving each tracks FX bin into FX Chain Presets. Its like gaining a whole new collection of built in tools designed exclusively for each instrument type. ....I like to call this “living off the land”, something you learn to do when income is scarce and so you stock up on all the ketchup packets from all the fast food joints lol ?
  22. you can use a standard USB drive as your authorized machine to store license for iZotope. Don't authorize through the portal, and I would even suggest to cancel the screen prompt once the portal has downloaded the files into your download folder and manually install them. Once you've installed your plugins, go into your daw and authorize each plug in this way as it gives you the option to select a USB flash drive as your machine. This is how I do mine along with my Waves plugs, however, the Exponential plugs require iLok so I just use the PACE proxy server by the iLok manager instead of using a iLok drive. Most license I have authorized from within the DAW has allowed me the option of storing my license on whichever disk is connected at that time.
  23. Let's face it, Cakewalk has always been kicked from one company to another mega brand company 4 to 5 times over the last 20 years. Something wasn't working and it baffles me as to why that is, considering that Cakewalk was actually pretty innovative and has several claims to being the first to develop or implement new features. In the beginning there was Pro Tools, Logic, and Cakewalk. Nobody could afford Pro Tools because it would only work exclusively with AVID hardware, and Logic at the time was purely MIDI before Apple acquired it. So that left Cakewalk which implemented both audio production and midi and worked on everyone's family pc (that got hijacked by me and never left the garage for years).
  24. +1 CA-2A for it's integration as a ProChannel module. PC modules make the workflow FLOW much better not having to open up plug ins, just select a track and there they all is. It tis a beautiful thing, it gives me teary eyes ?
  25. For those of us who were "rolled over" from the previous life of Cakewalk by BandLab known as "SONAR", acquired significantly more templates that were pre configured and delegated among each tier package (Artist, Professional, Platinum). This also included a few more ProChannel FX Chain Inserts that utilized the bundled in 3rd party plugin suites. I have always had a folder of my Pro & Platinum Temps in a cloud for mobility and to easily share with friends that are learning how to use Cakewalk. The templates that I will share here utilize the DXi, VST, VSTi programs that come already fitted out within Cakewalk by BandLab. I will post any advanced templates using 3rd party plug ins in a separate topic in the forum. Showcase Templates (TH3, Virtual Instruments, Surround 5.1) Mix and Mastering Templates Console Emulation (S- Type, N- Type, A- Type)
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