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Everything posted by TheMaartian

  1. Confusingly, the new Classical Guitar can be found in "Layers" under the "Morphing/Layers" category in the browser. The update is free to anyone who purchased a license within the last year. Boo yaa. Pro version update free to me. The download is available in your user area. Also note that v8 installs in parallel to v7, but the installer "thoughtfully" remapped my desktop icon to the v8 standalone. So, any songs using v7 plugins will continue to function as is. If you want to update existing songs to v8, you'll need to remap the plugins manually.
  2. Has anyone figured out where v2 installs? I can't find the executables to create desktop shortcuts for. Windows 11. BTW, the latest update of Win11 sucks with what they did to Explorer.
  3. That's the only reason I bought Publisher in the first place.
  4. 119,99 € for me, as well. Includes 20% VAT here in France. So, 100 € + 20%.
  5. I keep trying to order MXXX but the internet porn filter on AdGuard keeps blocking it. ?
  6. May be. But it's 99 €. Prime8+ is/was free (39 € later) and sounds great. No need for me to spend the (extra) money. Have you compared the two? Comments?
  7. It's up now. Downloaded and installed. Looks like there is some advantage to being in Europe and in bed when the update release is announced. By the time I got up this morning and got my first coffee, v2.7 was available in my PB account.
  8. I have a good number of Stawczyk's preset packs, many for the AAS VIs. He does good work.
  9. I have plenty of drum VIs, but picked this up anyway for the MIDI library. Even if I only find one or two useful grooves, they were free, so coolio.
  10. I'm not quite as GASsy, but I do like my basses. But I'm more into diversity. The headless Ibanez in front was purchased this week. There's one sixer in the mix to keep things stirred up.
  11. Lots of good suggestions here. Since your main criteria is home recording, I'd suggest a P bass. There's a reason they're used so often in the studio. They tend to sit well in the mix. If the P bass was OK for James Jamerson, it's OK for me. I second, third and fourth the Squier Affinity Precision Bass. It's a P bass, but includes a Jazz bridge pickup which can be used or dialed out of the mix. $269 at Sweetwater, where they helpfully show the weight of each serial number. I checked two. One was a whole pound lighter than the other. You may want to change the strings, but it's a solid bass for the money. Skip the packages. If you need an amp, go straight to the Rumble 40 combo. If your audio interface has an Instrument input, you can skip the amp and go direct. Amazing sound for so little money and weight. Of course this video uses the blue one, $30 more than the other colors ($299). There are a ton of YT videos on this bass for your listening pleasure!
  12. Failed again. It downloads the installer, then tries to download it again, and hangs. I had to d/l the installer from their website and update that way. At least the Workstation update actually updated instead of failing as it has several attempts in the past. And their download speeds are SLOOOOOOOOOW. I'll not be buying any more of their multi GB instruments. I finally got hooked up to the fiber network in France, but it seems like I'm still on ADSL when dealing with them. At least VI Labs True Keys pianos and the Ravenscroft 275 are available directly from them, or via their own download installer, but neither offer a clue as to the current version. These portals are a rash that just won't quit itching. Some are OK, like Native Access, the Toontrack Product Manager, IKM and Kilohearts, but the PA Install Manager, for example, SUCKS. Arturia's isn't much better. I'd much rather just download installers from my account page.
  13. Thanks for the tip. I just hope I remember to switch in back on after the bug gets patched.
  14. Thanks for the heads-up. Downloading the bundle now. Let's see if they live up to their statement that the VST3 versions are interchangeable equivalents of the VST2 versions. Lots of vendors only implement a subset of the VST3 spec.
  15. @mettelus Thanks for putting this video together. Nice job! I am using LoopBe30 (the paid version of the free LoopBe1), but it's basically the same as loopMIDI. I'll have to mess around with it in SO6 Pro. You've saved me some initial frustration. Thanks again. Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes? You go first. ?
  16. Yeah, the Ampeg SVT Suite is still on version 1.0.0 as far as I know. It sure could use some CPU optimization. I also have AT5, NA's Blackice Beta Gamma, Kuassa's Cerberus, Muramasa Audio's Bassment (check it out; sold by UnitedPlugins at Bassment) and Guitar Rig v5 (haven't upgraded it to v6, which I've heard sounds a lot better). I have an old version of Overloud's TH3 from my days using SONAR Platinum, but it's not upgradable and they won't give me an upgrade price for TH-U; I'd have to pay full price. Not a normal amp sim, but Gong Amp by AudioThing is fun to play with. Gong Amp I have a bunch of other Kuassa amp sims, plus I'm sure there are others hiding on my SSD that I've forgotten about. Time for an open E E E E E E E E E E E E E solo! Bonne journée, mon ami. N.B. I've attached a Guitar Rig v5 preset for Hank Marvin's Apache guitar sound. It's pretty cool. Here's the video I got that preset from. And just for fun, here's the video from the guy who created Gong Amp. Hank Marvin Apache.ngrr
  17. MAutoAlign is great. I refuse to use Waves plugins anymore, so I no longer use (or even install) InPhase. Here are two videos that show the benefits of phase alignment. The first uses InPhase, the second MAutoAlign. I'm sure there are other videos, but I'm a bass player, so these "spoke" to me.
  18. Bonjour, Zo. I just installed it and haven't had the time to play much through it, so can't say. But the demos I've heard sound really good. That said, I collect bass amp sims like apartment floors collect dust bunnies. I've yet to buy one that I wound up hating. ??
  19. Four notes: 1) Purchased and downloaded from Plugin Boutique for 49 € (VAT included). No code needed. Audified says v3.0.0. Plugin Boutique says v1.0.0. Sigh. 2) VST3 only. No VST2 or Standalone like v2. No biggie for me. Runs fine in Gig Performer, so no need to load Studio One. 3) Installs 32-bit VST3 and 32- and 64-bit AAX without explicit permission. Requires manual deletion of those installs. 4) Stupid nested subdirectories for the install into Common Files/VST3. Sheesh.
  20. Hobos mostly travelled by sneaking on to freight trains (free travel!), so literally, Hobo Train is a freight train that hobos are riding on. I'm interested in how that bit of Americana from 60-80 years ago got picked up in Norway. I like what you did with Mix #3. I don't have the earlier mix to compare against it, but it sounds cleaner and more defined than what I remember. I'm not a fan of automatic mastering. Removing it may also have helped the mix.
  21. Hi, Gary. That's a nice song. Lots of good stuff going on in the mix, but it seems to my ears that the attack transient of the kick drum is getting washed out by the bass. Are you ducking the bass audio with the kick drum attack? It just seems a little undefined to me, but that could just be personal taste on my part. "Reisen" in German means "to travel." What does it mean in Norwegian? I'm old enough to have met and dealt with real hobos. That was a culture with its own rules. They weren't homeless people in the modern sense. Hobo was a lifestyle. I remember them coming to my parents house looking for a meal, but insisting on doing some kind of work first before accepting food. They had a secret mark they used to indicate homes that were receptive to hobos. I looked and looked, but never found it. But I know there was one there, since they stopped by regularly. Always on the move. Every hobo I met was a good person. How did the band pick Hobo Train for a name?
  22. I had to go back and rewatch your Welcome To The Jungle and Dr. Feelgood covers. Rocking! Hope you're not one of the 300,000 called up.
  23. Nice job on the cover, Ronnie. Good production, mix and video.
  24. I have enough trouble getting competent with one tool. ? I have licenses for Reaper and SPlat (SONAR Platinum) and Ableton, but just use Studio One Pro. Works for me. I respect those who can be effective with multiple DAWs and other complex tools. I don't have the patience (TBI from American football in 1965; been dealing with it ever since; music is therapy for me), and don't make or take the time.
  25. Always with major version upgrades...that have to be paid for. I bought SpectraLayers 5. Paid for the v6 upgrade. Then said 'f' it and wound up with a superior product that I've only had to pay for upgrading once (it's seen a bunch of v7 updates for free). The Pro version costs 199,90 € and includes a bunch of excellent audio repair plugins. It's super fast, has a much better looking UI that SpectraLayers, has an excellent spectral editor and handles up to 7.1 audio source material. An all-around great audio editor. Acon Digital Acoustica Pro
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