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Everything posted by TheMaartian

  1. Release Notes 8.0.2 Playback Improvement of the support for high sample rate on sound cards Application of the relative tonality on slides Restoration of the mono switch Update of the metronome when the time signature changes Fix of the audio track offset when changing the relative tempo Editing Add of the sustain pedal undo Restoration of the application of the dynamics in the next bars Restoration of the chord transposition Deletion of the score tempo after deleting the point by double-clicking in the automation dialog Graphical update of sounds after track deletion Insertion of a beat does not add a sound anymore Fix of partial capo import and consideration Fix of chords transposition in a selection Fix of the application of the orientation of stems on a selection Engraving Display of slurs on slashes in standard notation Display of HoPo in tablature according to the style sheet Hide courtesy on tied notes Fix of a regression on the clefs display at the beginning of the system Fix of design mode on last system and coda Interface Addition of an alert message when locking a file Section text field is now case sensitive Improvement of effect parameters formatting Addition of an audio track does not force the saving Addition of the missing %MUSIC% tag in the classic style sheet Translation of fingerings in the right-click menu of the chord diagram editor Reset of sound displacement Addition of a character in the tempo automations label that does not send the cursor to the end anymore Fix of copy and paste of sustain pedals Fix of effects pasting in the effect chain Fix of the limiter pedal Fix of the audio track slice in the global view when changing the time signature Open / Import / Export files Restore “force” options when loading files from the previous sessions Following of symbolic links in local files Fix of audio export without selection Take into account the volume of the metronome when exporting audio with metronome Reset of quantization to 1/64 when importing MIDI Fix of MIDI export with staccatos Fix of time signatures in MIDI export with an anacrusis Addition of the tempo decimal in MIDI import / export Fix of the rests position in the last bar in MIDI export Import and export of chords without notes in MusicXML Miscellaneous Fix of a problem of software closing when a Fretlight guitar is connected Fixed crashes on undoing on using Blackhole or SoundFlower drivers on software closing on effect modifying on refreshing audio devices
  2. I don't use or have MuseScore installed, but a post I saw this morning on the Band-in-a-Box forum mentioned that MuseScore does not send time info to VSTs, so any VST needing time info to sync to a host won't work properly. The examples cited were EZBass, EZKeys, EZDrummer and a couple of others. So, just be aware.
  3. Exact same here. Cinematics was the only pack I was interested in. But... I only have a couple of Pigments expansion packs. When I was previewing the three Wavelengths packs, I noticed that there are enough expansion packs that I could easily exceed the cost of Pigments itself by adding expansions. So, rather than starting down that rabbit hole, I pinched off the GAS exit route and kept my bank card/PayPal untouched. It was only 10 €, but it only takes one domino to knock all the others down. There may come a day, but it's not here yet. ??
  4. I need to watch that video (thanks, Fleer!), but I've got one major beatch. The Audio/MIDI settings dialog DOES NOT scale. REALLY hard to read on a 4K display scaled 200%. And I have a 17" display on my laptop. I can resize the GUI but not the settings dialogs?
  5. I guess that depends on the number of Blue Cat plugins you own. I have only Connector, so I'm happy that I DON'T have to install yet another unified installer to manage a single plugin from that vendor. I have too many already. What would be best, IMO, is for vendors to provide both options...use their unified installer or use single VST installers. I am REALLY happy to have unified installers for Native Instruments, Toontrack and, to a lesser extent, Arturia. I have a bunch of Arturia plugins, but whatever they're doing during the installs takes FOREVER. Update downloads happen way faster than the installs themselves.
  6. Yeah, it went to phooey after Justin sold it to AOL around 2000. I don't know who owns is now, but in the age of streaming, I can't see it every recovering any kind of market share. Like them or not, it's usually best to use the app that is provided by your music streaming service(s). I use Amazon Music mostly, since it's included as part of Prime. I bought a USB MQA decoder (the THX Onyx headphone amp), so I may get a Tidal account.
  7. And never do real work on an airplane. You never know who is sitting around you. Decades ago, I was working on a proposal for B******d County in Florida. It was a decent 7 figure deal. I made it to the round of two, and gave my final presentation first. I had time to change out of my suit before the flight back to Chicago. Sitting in the row in front of me in First were the two dudes representing the other remaining bidder. They didn't recognize me. They worked on their bid all the way back to Chicago. I just watched through the gap between the two seats. When I got back to the office the next day, I updated my proposal by adding $215,000 to it. That brought my bid in just $15,000 under theirs. Low bidder wins. That $215,000 was pure profit. Made me a hero, it did! ?
  8. Howdy, Robert. Excellent track! I moved to France from Arizona, and somehow missed the Silverstone release announcement. Bad John. Bad John. Like F1 cars racing by, the high speed trains whiz right past you. When travelling in them however (I've ridden the TGV in France, the Thalys between Paris and Köln, the ICE3 in Germany and the Shinkansen in Japan), you really don't have much of a sensation of speed. They're smooth and quiet. But in a racing car? Yeah, baby! Speed!
  9. It's good to see that MDrummer got a lot of love.
  10. One thing that blew me away when I first bought BiaB Ultra was Options | Preferences. Holy smokes. What's a newbie to make of all of that? I just hoped the defaults would work for me and never went back to it. Even the MIDI and audio setup was bewildering. REAPER suffers from the same DOS-based history, a great program with overwhelming menus, and a UI I could never get to look and work in a way I was happy with. When SPlat went splat, I went back to Studio One Pro. I actually started with Studio One, but moved to SONAR because of this forum. The PreSonus forum was, is and will likely continue to be of little or no use or interest. Like every other DAW/music production software out there, Studio One isn't perfect, but I get on with it really well, so that's where I've stayed. And that's what I compare BiaB against, UI-wise. Two completely different universes. Where are the Guardians of the UI Galaxy when you need them? ?
  11. This looks interesting. Their website said the BF sales end(ed/s) on 4 Dec. It's 13h30 on 5 Dec here in France, but it was still on sale, so I picked it up.
  12. Ever heard of REAPER? (That's a rhetorical question, BTW.) The main developer behind REAPER (by Cockos) is Justin Frankel, who was the main developer behind WinAMP (by Nullsoft). He sold it to AOL in '99, and you can imagine how that went. He later founded Cockos and is still actively developing REAPER.
  13. Actually, very easy to believe if you've ever had to work with them internally. Being a Director at Motorola and spec'ing Windows PCs into customer SCADA systems, gave me direct access to their internals. A real bloody mess, that was (pun intended).
  14. Agree with it or not, but one additional variable in the Android world is that some Android phone manufacturers develop their own UIs. I've been on Samsung phones since the Galaxy S3. Samsung delivers their phones with the One UI, which has just been upgraded to v5 for Android v13. I like it, and find it easy to use, which should be one of the two prime directives for UIs: ease of use and functionality. When looking for an Android phone, research the UI for the models you are considering. I had an early Mac laptop foisted on my when I joined Motorola in '89...because it used a Motorola 68000 CPU. That lasted less than 6 months. I was finally able to purchase a PC and also convert all of my development engineers back to DOS 3, Windows not being usable enough yet for running a real-time database for SCADA apps (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition). I later bought an iPod. Nice piece of hardware, ruined by iTunes. There was no official Apple support for Windows, so I used an app developed by, I think, Red something or other. Once cell phones became capable of playing MP3 files, the iPod was relegated to the dustbin of history. That was, and will continue to be, my last Apple product. Well, except for the Apple TV+ app running on my Sony OLED Smart TV, powered by Android TV. My 3 year sub to Disney+ expired and I pretty much hated all of their new series (Loki was the last one that I liked; the newer ones ranged from barely tolerable to downright awful). Apple have created some decent original shows. I have Netflix, of course, and Prime, but Prime here in France kind of sucks because many of the movies provided come only in the dubbed French version, with the original English not available, and they don't even have French subtitles, which would help me learn the language. [/rant]
  15. Anyone here remember the growing pains of SONAR's Skylight interface, starting with X1? Would I love to see BiaB get a modern GUI? Yes. Would I want to deal with years of GUI issues during its development? I don't know about that.
  16. I got Bitwig v2 8 Track free on a similar deal. It did not upgrade for free to v3 when that was released. It was so feature-limited that I couldn't do anything useful with it. I got so tired of all of the "pay to upgrade" spam from them that I uninstalled it and never looked back.
  17. No insult taken here. One day going into work at Motorola corp in Chicago, I passed an engineer going down the stairs. Typical nerd. White collared shirt, buttoned all the way up. Pocket protector with some drafting pens and pencils in it. Slide rule holder on the belt. Black rimmed glasses. And THEN I realized it was a girl. Embarrassingly, I involuntarily said the following words out loud.:"Girl nerd!" Oops.
  18. My personal personal computer journey started with a home-built S-100 buss computer with a Z80 CPU circuit board and two 8Kx8 RAM circuit boards that cost me over $500 each. I used a cassette deck for mass storage. I later added a 3K Basic ROM to it. Then a couple of 8" DSDD floppies and CP/M (I had to use the included Z80 assembler to write the CP/M drivers for the floppies). I used an ADM3 terminal for the user interface. My next PC was a Heathkit that had two CPUs, a Z80 and an 8088. It ran CP/M, CP/M-86 and DOS. It had 192K of RAM (I couldn't afford the upgrade to 640K to begin with), a 10MB hard drive, two 5" floppies and a color video adapter that was much better than the one shipping with IBM's PC. I was in heaven! I struggled through all of the early versions of Windows. When Win95 was released, it was a MAJOR improvement over previous releases. I ran it for years. I also suffered through the DOS 4 debacle at work, but never installed it on my home machine. I waited for DOS 5. For those who don't remember or didn't have the "pleasure" of dealing with DOS 4, Microsoft added Write caching, AND TURNED IT ON BY DEFAULT WHILE NOT TELLING ANYONE! I remember the cries of agony in the building every time another DB3 database got corrupted. The younger generations don't know how good they've got it. Have you ever seen a child trying to work with an intelligent device that DOESN'T have a touchscreen? ?
  19. Xtra Styles PAK 14 and XPro Styles PAK 4 plus the 2023 49-PAK are also new.
  20. FWIW, the current version of SynthMaster Player is included with Band in a Box 2023 (released yesterday; update from 2022 plus all of the extra paks for 2023 already installed).
  21. I have the Ravenscroft. It's a good one. But I'd suggest considering Pianoteq by Modartt. They just updated it to v8 and are running all three versions at 25% off. The Stage version is just over 100 €, so I assume about the same for U.S. $. Pianoteq has two big selling points. #1, it's modelled and not sampled. Small, fast and very expressive to play (no velocity layers or round robins). #2 is the sound quality. It's excellent. Worth a check out before spending the money on the Ravenscroft. Pianoteq has a LOT of excellent pianos to choose from. You get 2 included with the Stage version, 3 with the Standard version and 4 with the Pro version. Additional pianos are available for 49 € each. They're also 25% off at the moment. Each piano comes with a bunch of presets, giving you a lot of sound options. Unless you want finer control over individual elements, the Stage version is great. Think of it like Arturia's Analog Lab. It includes all of their synths, and gives you control of up to 8 parameters (of their choosing). Unless you're into sound design, you don't need the expensive version with the full synths. Pianoteq
  22. Note that the New York Studio vol. 1 is really the discontinued Superior Drummer 2 core library (Avatar), so if you have/had SD2, you have it already, just under the Avatar name in the Toontrack Product Manager.
  23. Check out Unify by PluginGuru.com. You may be able to do this inside of Unify with Kontakt libraries that don't come with Unify patches. Unify by PluginGuru
  24. I just bought v7 last month. Since I decided to forget about asset retention and not build a new house, but rent instead, I've been able to buy some things that have been on my list for a long time. Pianoteq was one of those things. I got a discount through Gig Performer, so that was nice. And Modartt are here in France, which was a nice thing to find out. I'll be picking up a few other pianos this Black Friday season, to go with the 4 I got with the Pro version. My 2 TB Thunderbolt 3 sample drive is already over half full, but Pianoteq didn't need any of it. Here's a nice video of a guy just playing through the revoiced v8 pianos. Beautiful!
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