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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. The drummer kind of loses it on the fills. Everything else is locked down sweet!!! I like the lyrics and your vocals/bgv are sweetly spot on. Really great vocal tone for this! cheers, -Tom
  2. It's a killer tune and I think I've heard it before, did you post it earlier? Love your work but to be honest I'd call this one out for a bit of flat tuning somewhere in the rhythm guitar. Very specifically, :26. I know I've harped a bit on that before and jeeze I'd love to be wrong, 'cause I really really dig your stuff. I hope I'm not a broken record, and no one else complains, so I think I've probably just lost it. Oh well, had to go sometime!!! I think it's a totally great jam tune. It makes me want to walk through mud to go buy a concert t-shirt and an overpriced beer. cheers, -Tom
  3. It's rockin' quirky new wave reggae. Of course it is! Great job guys. Mix was a total treat and the vocals have a great alternately psychadelic quality that really, really fits. The very clear bass is 100% in that pocket. well done y'all!!! cheers, -Tom
  4. Wow. the whole thing. How about the bgv's? killer. for me the violin was my least favorite part. di'd? with a piezo? a little shrill. But to each their own. Was it mic'd? I think going to all this trouble to make every other instrument so friggin great, with a great mix, you for sure would have real mic'd the violin. The violin to me sounds a bit shrill and too dry. Oh well. Who cares what I think. Great chops on the violin, without question. Such a great mix played with a lot of passion. Perfect! cheers, -Tom
  5. If it's not too late, maybe add a little more low to the bass? I love the ear candy for days and days. cheers, -Tom
  6. PhonoBrainer


    nice voice, that's for sure. That will carry you through a lot of mix issues. chorus is catchy as well. you will find your way into a better mix but the originality of parts seems to be no problem. Great idea if you can swing SD3 or some better drum deal. cool tune, catchy indeed! 80's lives. cheers, -Tom
  7. love it, love it. great mix. the snare she pops. killer quick little unison line 1:11 piano far left, funky guitar far right, amazing in the middle. you might check the plectrum attack transient on the far right guitar, it's a little crispy maybe, during the guitar solo. 2:03. It doesn't matter at all. Great guitar solo. You play so friggin outside, it's great. My only crit is that this is not latin, it's smooth jazz funk pop. Albiet with a shaker. "Down to the Bone" worthy! AWESOME!!! cheers, -Tom
  8. Not bored at all! I loved the changing time signatures, and I also hear the slight mp3ish quality to those cymbals but I was very impressed with what the drummer played, or how you programed it. Very very cool drum part! video tip? I liked the vid, too. Can your video editing program export at higher than 1920x1080? If you can, export out at 2560x1440p and your YouTube render will get the preferred vp09 codec. As is, right click on your vid, select "stats for nerds" and you'll see your vid got rendered with the AVC codec, which pixelates like crazy. I just learned this the other day, it's crazy. Check it out. cheers, -Tom
  9. Larry, get out of Michigan, no ventilators for Michigan. BAD Michigan, BAD!!!!!
  10. When did Ernie assume control of the Enterprise?
  11. @kakku - many thanks, glad you liked it. @Johnbee58 - yep, a little troubled of late for sure. No, t'was not LBJ but sounds a little like him. @David Sprouse- yikes, lemon creme pie is a pretty serious undertaking! Kudos. I prefer a chocolate creme if anyone asks, but lemon is up there. Key Lime, of course, in small doses. And thanks for the listen! @bjornpdx- yes I do like your videos as well!!! I feel like I'm travelling somewhere in a bjorn vid. Thank you for mentioning "watching until the end" . . . there is a certain reward for that . . . thanks for the comments! @Makke - many thanks for the listen, glad you likked it! @Hidden Symmetry - thanks, and kudos on your smooth jazz sound of late, really tasty stuff.
  12. The brush on the hihat or cymbal got a bit repetitive in the first minute, maybe switch up that straight rhythm it is playing just a little bit? Love the sax and those '90's key pads. I'd vote for the bass up just a teeny bit. Really excellent soft jazz number, pretty fantastic writing. cheers, -Tom
  13. Well it took me a while to figure out the drums, I think the snare sidestick works but I'd vote for a louder more conventional kit. If there was a kick drum I couldn't discern it. I did hear the congas far left, and the shaker, both of which are great to have, both of which could add to a conventional drum kit quite nicely. You might be going for a more sparse rhythm section. The vocal treatment works for me and brought me into some sort of pleasant 1966 timewarp, which was very cool indeed!!! Had kind of a Brian Wilson thing going on . . . cheers, -Tom
  14. How are you recording that b3 or organ? It sounded really live!!! Your piano reverb sounds like it's in a bigger hall than the other instruments, I dunno, no one will probably care. For me I'd bring the piano back onstage with everybody else. cool one! cheers, -Tom
  15. No, crud, looks like it got in here, too . . . I should have stayed home . . . I should not have ventured into the Coffeehouse. . . learn from my mistake!!!
  16. In honor of the times, I'd take Tarilonte's medieval legends Era for $13.47.
  17. Softube might be the most "audio quality" plugin manufacturer out there.
  18. I have every minute nuance of the original committed eternally to memory. Kudos to take this on, it's such a great song. I like your vocal stylings. The music bed is very faithful. cheers, -Tom
  19. This horse is definitely on a surfboard. Hang Two. Maybe just a couple more fills in the drum track, some more variety in the bassline, but this is all about the guitar up front, which is played very well. Liked the chicken pick, too!!! Lovely whammy bends . . . cheers, -Tom
  20. Friggin great. The mix sounded really nicely separated, no levels poked out, maybe the bass could come up just a hair? Those horn blends (with guitar?) were superb. The overall volume I found was a bit lower than other songs I've pumped through my system, are you leaving headroom for later? such tasteful playing. Sunday brunch on the sunny back patio, where are you when we need you?? cheers, -Tom
  21. That was hilarious and the lyrics are great!! Lynn's voice is perfect for this! That country vibe in his performance is wonderful. On the chorus where his vocal is doubled, the editing could be tighter - so the consonants of both vocals hit in exactly the same spots. You might just fix "fact" at 1:47 because the rest is pretty close and good enough, really. I predict no sales whatsoever to anyone under the age of 30. cheers, -Tom
  22. PhonoBrainer

    Dance Tryout

    +1 on this. Love that super filtered pulsing pad on the chorus, drives it along nicely. A very pleasant listen and the vocal treatment is a big add. Maybe the drums could come up just a bit in the mix? cheers, -Tom
  23. I liked that tight portamento lead synth patch! For me the song starts very very mellow and slow with the piano and I'd vote to clip the intro quite a bit, to get to the good stuff sooner. Another unasked-for idea? Sure! How about this . . . on a slow song, super slow tempo, put a longer reverb on the drums. Particularly the snare. That way, the ring out of reverb on the snare will fill the time pleasantly and more naturally while we are waiting for the next beat. It might be worth experimenting with. You could go overboard with that and make it too awash. Reverbo Peligro! fun experimental quarantine action! cheers, -Tom
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