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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Heeee's baaaa-aaack! Thanks Larry!
  2. If you had your mask on, they would have fogged and you would have found them. Some conspiracies have benefits.
  3. Cardiac Bypass Journey? Here's the more funnerest question - how many of you didn't notice the dancing bear?
  4. I like those bass slides very much, and the Beatles come to mind with a certain Silver Hammer quality. I was still humming it an hour after I heard it. What does that tell you??? well done gents! -Tom
  5. This must be how all the elves in Santa's Workshop crank out zillions of presents each year - they listen to this while popping diet pills with lots of caffeine. Oh, by the way, that's what your song brought to mind. Is that what you intended??? nice one, fun synth! cheers, -Tom
  6. I think I heard mix #2? I'd say get some more low mids into the bass? Or overall, bass volume up even more? I love an out front vocal and your is a treat, particularly when its doubled in the chorus, or with the bgv's. But to help the overall balance, maybe drop the lead vocal volume just a hair? You have an acoustic stumming along and some of the highs on that are very bright indeed, super bright steel strings jumping out in spots, if this were mine I would drop the upper shelf down a bit . . . You've made some cool, laid-back choices for this, nice job! cheers, -Tom
  7. It's a very good composition, I would have remarked that it's themes have a kind of stately, formal, reverent quality . . . but knowing that you wrote it in honor of your father, that totally makes sense. Well done. Mixwise, you might look at the snare tippy taps, it's a great part for this song! but are mixed too low? they should come up about 2 db and join the party! Overall mix seems a bit tilted towards the low end. Occasional strings up top but I think the whole mix could be brightened. One trouble spot down low might be the deeper bass noted of piano (which I like) but you might sacrifice some low or low mids from the piano, to achieve a better clarity overall. Lastly, I'd call out the piano itself. What did you use? And in the mix, it seems the reverb or decay on that piano is a lot shorter than the other instruments in the room? If you are envisioning the piece as something live on an entire soundstage, you might lengthen the decay of the piano somehow. If that doesn't matter, then all is good. Kudos on a great, respectful, thoughtful piece of music! cheers, -Tom
  8. I'm sitting upon a Newegg rant, depending on how I'm treated in the next couple of days. Whoever hatched their return policies might be looking at me going Full Karen.
  9. I hate the internet. It's where truth goes to die. Everybody knows who said this first!
  10. The Artist Formerly Known as Fela Kuti
  11. How are you supposed to get those chocolate mini-donuts off of those sticks? 'Tis but a cruel jest!
  12. As far as used adams go, don't they have those funky accordion folded foil tweeters? I've often wondered about the longevity of those. FWIW I paid a crapton for my monitors (Neumann) and my mixes still kinda suck. Monitors don't equal knowledge. ?
  13. #19 had some flower power Starship potential . . . why not? nice . . .
  14. The mix was top notch as usual, love the horn blends. The composition was challenging without being unaccessible! The video worked, and I kept thinking, this video could also be the "backdrop" for some death metal! Kudos for the pads - the pads were very expert, they filled without calling attention to themselves. Understated and perfect. Usually your tunes make me want to Sunday Brunch with Mimosas . . . but this was a an excellent departure. cheers, -Tom
  15. In addition to the spot-on PSA timing, I'd also like to notice that this mix might be one of your best. The vocals are clear against the guitar background and nothing sounds too masked! You might push the bass up and the drums maybe just a bit more low end? But there was no overcompressed crunchiness anywhere, and the timing of the instruments was a lovely slow snaky shuffle. Thanks for that one, a pleasure to listen to! cheers, -Tom
  16. Is it just me, or does Kanye looks like he's going through a rough patch?
  17. By all accounts, he's quite the rake himself.
  18. Fleer, I know you are a zynaptiq guy. I've often puzzled about putting z. intensity and this gullfoss both on the master bus. I wonder if gullfoss would take away what intensity adds Any thoughts?
  19. I now officially live through you. No pressure!!! Seriously, congrats!
  20. Good way to burn your cankles.
  21. Fwiw this is why I investigated SD3, and I never looked back. Still loved the workflow in AD2.
  22. Best of luck Larry, and watch out, 2020 is a baaad dude. Like Cornpop!
  23. Did you ask if those unused power amps "sparked joy" ?
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