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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Lars, are you having a stroke? (of genius)
  2. Well I only used it once, it said no dice, so it was kaput before I got there? Philosophically, it's my fault for wanting something for nothing . . .
  3. I tried IRISBP and it says this deal ain't no more. It ain't November 30th yet. Hmmmphf!!!
  4. Plus, straight outta 2008 is the waiting for a box in the mail with a serial number innit.
  5. The second Bush, I should clarify.
  6. I had Omni 1 since Bush was President . . . with tax and free shipping from Musician's Friend, with HOLIDAY code -15% . . . for the upgrade from Omni 1 to Omni 2, . . . . $210.42. It had better be worth it!!!
  7. Anton petrof grand is pretty decent as well.
  8. Wow, great vibe!!! When can we all come over???
  9. I agree with that 1000%!!! Which goes along nicely with . . . no one is above the law.
  10. Two songs a year, with a hundred on the back burner.
  11. The downtown disturbances will get more flower and less power
  12. No one should have a problem with that. Just as no one should really disagree over what constitutes a legal ballot.
  13. The only way to stop the Count is to drive a state through his heart.
  14. If it's loud enough no one can tell the pitch. I was up front for a Ten Years After show once . . . What???
  15. Either way Milli Vanilli's just gonna lip synch it.
  16. So sad you horde your precious jar of daylight. Check out Alaska in the summer, where the daylight flows like wine. That's nonsensical but so pretty I couldn't stop myself from writing it.
  17. Sounds like the marketing dept. for Blind Platypus plugins
  18. This is what you buy after you have already bought two other mics
  19. Sometimes it's the idiot who is the only person who really knows what's going on.
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