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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. This is what I'd like to listen to whilst deep diving in my bathyscaphe. Super clear top end, really well mixed. All the sparkly bits stayed bright but stayed put. No icepicks! The bass line in the second half might have been sending overtones into the mids just a bit? I dunno. Maybe a bit less reverb on the bass or at least take the upper eq away from that reverb? Just a guess, sounds great as it is, actually. excellent deep dive, Wookie! cheers, -Tom
  2. Really great vocal, great feeling. The video was a good companion as well. The bgv's were smooth and in the right spot! I found myself missing the snare a bit, kind of a crack! every now and again to keep the beat centered and drive the song just a bit. Catchy melody? Check! nice one bro. -Tom
  3. Isn't this a Joe Jackson song? It's every bit as good as a JJ song. The arrangement is as good, the groove is as good. Plus, cats! The vocal has a lot of vibe and it's selling your attitude . . about cats! So it's good and kinda funny, too! very very well done! cheers, -Tom
  4. I like it, it's pop without being super cliche, LOTS of cool inventive choices . . . yet kinda 80's . . . I'd vote for the vocal to be brought forward in the mix, just a bit louder? That doubletime beat came out of nowhere, off of a Johnny Cash album! In a vocal-driven pop song. Cool! Really good mix as well. cheers, -Tom
  5. I spin his soundcloud tracks all the time. Quality!
  6. Love the rises and the taiko frame drum thing never overpowers. Super nice and clear top. The ring out of that cymbal was cool. Very fun listen, thanks! cheers, -Tom
  7. I found myself enjoying the bongos or what have you flipping around behind the mix. Nice touch. You have the elements panned very well, nice separation! The piano sounded very clean and clear, what are you using for the piano? What would somebody say if they were looking for everything? They would sing this song, of course. Did you have car keys in there? That's my personal favorite thing to search for. cheers, -Tom
  8. Subby without being overly muddy, so that's a neat mixing trick right there! you've got a lot of bass components overall, it's definitely tilted in that direction, and I guess that makes the occasional twinkly bits stand out. Guitar is nice! If you are going for dark and brooding, you are there. My first thought was soundtrack, it has that kind of underscore tension. cheers, -Tom
  9. PhonoBrainer

    Smooth Fuze

    I like the overall mix quality and I didn't find it too slow. It does have some room for a bit more improv (I like the lead guitar section) - but I kept waiting for Herb Alpert or or David Sanborn to come in and blow it up! Also, just a thought, in certain sections you have two guitars and a keyboard playing more or less very similar parts at exactly the same time, in the 1:30 - 1:50 section for example. That choice might be where you could switch it up a bit? Overall, it lives up to Smooth and maybe just needs a bit more Fuze? Just a bit, more gratuitous solo noodling in the gaps would be my thought YMMV of course! cool tune! cheers, -Tom
  10. PhonoBrainer


    That transposed vocal is so unique and is a kick. The previous Joe Walsh comparison, spot on, I dig JW and I dig your song! Lyrics are nicely oblique as well, they match the brilliant unconventional chord changes and arrangement of the song sections. One of your best in my book! Cheers, -Tom
  11. Ed, thanks for creating that site when you did. It was a time of need, and you rose to the occasion with more than just words and hand wringing. I believe I had the temerity to post the very first song? I can't remember, but it was an intentional sonic dumpster fire, and you understood its humor value . . . so thank you for that as well. RIP and to the Great Beyond.
  12. PhonoBrainer


    That. was. too. short. Loved it. the tight vibe, the separation of instruments, all great. I agree with a bit more drum splash and variety in the fills. Sometimes you fill in the middle of a "verse" but what the hades who cares. I thought the bass sat very well, didn't overpower a thing. Perfect ending except, too soon. You might add another guitar solo by picking up a different guitar and letting 'er rip. I'd also agree, lead guitar up louder just a smidge. Quality jam, bruh. cheers, -Tom
  13. Hey nice one! Is that a French translation of your lyrics that the lady is singing, or just random Quebecor? Very nice presentation of the lyrics. I was in Montreal a while back, that's an awesome city in most respects! Maybe a bit more in the drum fills / drum programming department? Just a thought. I liked the breakdown, cool groove there. The song has a very cool Thomas Dolby vibe, which is high praise indeed. The sax - Men at Work? That was a good listen, thanks! cheers, -Tom
  14. I really liked how all the instruments came in and out, and supported each other. Plus I liked that the chords changed in spots that were ever so slightly irregular. Very calming and wonderfully so. Mixwise, maybe a bit more reverb on the acoustic guitar, just to get it closer to the flute's reverb? Not as much as the flute, just a bit more? I dunno. Analyzing your song takes me out of the calm vibe it creates, so that's where I'll stay! cheers, -Tom
  15. Nice one, I immediately felt a Springsteen vibe, might have just been the instrumentation and the chords. He wouldn't really sustain in the chorus vocals that much. But your tune is certainly catchy and memorable. The mix could I think use just a bit of brightening and if you were to look for a culprit to cut the mud, the minimal mud, it might be the bass guitar. If you listen to the "breakdown bridge" when the bass is not playing, the mix opens up and breathes in that section. Maybe try dipping out some 300ish hz outta the bass? Just a little might help it fill less. I listened on headphones FWIW. Writing a pointedly political anthem is a great way to cope but I wouldn't hold my breath on converting anyone. Also, FWIW! cheers, -Tom
  16. I thought it was great. Loved the video, and the use of organic instruments. You might consider bringing the taiko or frame drum or whatever you had going there up a tad in the mix, they are a little light - would give the whole piece a bit more lower range heft. Just a thought. Well done Pcode! cheers, -Tom
  17. On the vsl synchron steinway, it seems like it doesn't do dry very well? Lots of room baked into the samples?
  18. Dark Era = awesome. What's the diff between Best Service and Time&Space? Same stuff. Same exclusives, same sales . . .? Just wondering.
  19. Middle and Dark Ages, here I come. Oh, wait, it's 2020 so already there.
  20. That was my opinion as well, thanks for the backup!
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