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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Thanks, hey Russ how far did van Buren get into mixing, specific plug-in settings and chains, technical eq stuff? Appreciate your take on that . . .
  2. PhonoBrainer

    Free Flight

    That was super. Very tasteful, and the fact that the (excellent) drummer is making guitarist faces is an added bonus in the emotion department! Lots of talent in the Southern Hemisphere!!! cheers, -Tom
  3. I haven't heard any other songs like this today. Or yesterday, last week, or ever. Kudos on the mix clarity, and 100% recommend listening on headphones! cheers, -Tom
  4. Download intensity trial. Put it on the master bus. Select the preset "a little magic". Dial down the world wheel on the left from .20 to .16. Then consider increasing the wet/dry mix slider on the left just a hair, from 50% to 52%. Ask a doctor if Zynaptiq is right for you. Side effects include varicose veins, lycanthropy, mild discomfort, rickets, severe discomfort, diabeetus, gender permanence, receding hairline, scoliosis, halitosis, sharks, outgrown toenails, the quartering of troops, dizziness, and Dizzy Gillespie Face.
  5. Well it's just a collection of inconvenienced electrons, actual weight equalling a unmeasurable nothing, so . . . how much is that in gold again? ?
  6. This one is worth more time in the mixing department! One might ask if the mix is too busy, too many parts at once, most of them trying to be up front? I know about this question because I ask it about my own mixes all the time! We all are somewhat held hostage by the depth and quality of our sound sources, so with understanding, if you were to substitute out one thing, you might look at the bass. Is it kind of a synth bass? It seems like the same volume all the time - You might try something more dynamic and organic (real) - I think it would help your mix breathe a bit more? Just an idea. I'd like to hear where this one ends up - nice one! cheers, -Tom
  7. Jeeze, sure glad I didn't miss this! It's great! I agree with the "improved production skills" department, but those skills are shining on a killer song as well! Your guitar parts panned add perfectly to the vibe. As an 80's child I approve and would only suggest a brightening of the vocal with some upper eq. But the lyrics, and the vocal performances - just great! cheers, -Tom
  8. That was very cool, very Dan-like, a total compliment in my opinion - the mix is very clear, I like the string pad that floats in the background at times, and the bass poppin stuff really adds as well. You might consider as suggested above doubling the vocal in spots, maybe the choruses? That would add a whole 'nuther level of polish to this. Well done! Your chord progressions are killer! cheers, -Tom
  9. That was fun! After :45, I loved it. Before :45, that lead synth line was trampling all over the vocal and I couldn't hear the words. YMMV! cheers, -Tom
  10. "Wherever you go, there you Am" - young Buckaroo Banzai before he learned grammar
  11. Plus they keep inventing sources of sound I didn't know I wanted. I bought Toll from Sonikinetic, who knew I needed bells. With all these damn deals, I'm winning so much, I'm just sick of winning.
  12. Gary, that brightened my day! I wish a Merry Christmas to you and yours. Thanks! -Tom
  13. Very accomplished composition. Sounded like a candidate for Mission Impossible 12! Your list of instruments is impressive, and well used / well mixed! Perhaps the drums could have a bit more beef in the mix? And perhaps the shimmering cymbal rises could be a bit louder? You might check 1:21 and 1:24 area, and a bit afterwards, do you have a hard panned left trombone getting a bit pokey or over saturated? Just wondering . . . Your themes are very solid and the very well chosen parts come in and out splendidly! Maybe the excellent pulsing rhythm could have a breakdown moment, where it got quiet, then built back up again? Or maybe drop the hi hat occasionally? We have to wait until the very end of the song to have a release, as they say. Then again it's great as is. Kudos! cheers, -Tom
  14. Catchy, great vocals! That vocal chain is really working, super clear. Maybe the bass guitar is getting buried a bit by the rhythm guitar low eq? I think you may have a little room to eq a bit more low end off the rhythm guit ? Something to try perhaps, it might make the bass sit up and be noticed, if that's of interest. Another winner. Have you ever written a clunker? Just curious. cheers, -Tom
  15. Super clean and pleasant upon the wintry ear. A little idea -maybe try those sleigh bells double-time, with a bit more reverb? Cool vid as well - nice job! cheers, -Tom
  16. Caution! Once you go down this road of bitterness, who knows where it will end.
  17. By my rough calculations, Glory Days Big Band Horns drops from 599 euro to 574 euro with this voucher. Let me know if/when it allows me to enter in the voucher code twelve times.
  18. I listened on headphones. Excellent song, and song idea!!! Let me bring out another well deserved Joe Walsh comparison, stylistically. Love it. So on the headphones listen, I of course noticed the panning, piano and other keys pretty hard left - - - guitars and suchlike pretty hard right. You obviously are going for 1972 or earlier in your mix, and it's pretty fun. When guitars are full of amp effects but then panned hard, do they get a little lo-fi or boxy? Maybe pull them more towards center in the spots where they need to be the main feature? Holy crap, it's a Lamb Lies Down-worthy bridge section? Nice. The main comment I want to make is on your vocal. In this mix, did you high pass filter your lead vocal a bit more than usual? It's a good choice, the vocal cuts through great and doesn't seem to clutter up the basement at all! I've got some new headphones so I don't know how they are tricking me yet. very very cool! cheers, -Tom
  19. Curious about this. Not a lot of reviews in the pluginosphere.
  20. wtf I'm two hours late and free ain't there? these deals are like pears. Only ripe for about half an hour. Credit: Eddie Izzard
  21. Uh, what the hell happened to this thread?
  22. I'm trying to use less reverb in my mixes, trying to save space on my hard drives, trying to avoid aggravation, and trying to let go of attachments in the Buddhism sense. Can't wait to hear how great this is so I can eventually buy the full version and spend some quality time watching a download crawl filling up an SSD. !
  23. Took a brief tour, looks interesting, but nothing I saw on the site intro tells you much except about the competitions. I don't think I found or can see what's behind the paywall in terms of education, Tutorials, reviews, is it a forum with sections like this, can you post original songs , that sort of thing? Even a screenshot of the hierarchy/forum sections - like gearslutz or vi control or this site - would help sell it. Or am I primarily paying 99 just to mix someone else's song? Thanks!
  24. Very nice indeed! Tasty geetar licks, and the bgv ooooohs were a plus as well. Maybe on the main vocal, a little more air added back in the upper eq? I hear the snare brush and the cymbals offer up a nice high clarity, so maybe follow their lead and open up the top end of the vocal? Killer lyrics and overall swagger. cheers, -Tom
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