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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Had the privilege of seeing Tito Fuentes back in the day. A Giant.
  2. This seemed promising, but unfortunately I am looking for "hay!" shouts.
  3. Man, this song really hangs together well. Great vocals, and I liked the video when you had light beams shining out of your face! And the overly colorized Dr appointments, how did you do that effect? Really cool, Lynn. Cheers, -Tom
  4. Can the dead boost the main vocal up a tad? I think you should shine the light on the experimental vocals, there's a lot of coolness going in there! all wookie synths are in excellent spots and are as creative as usual. A pleasure for the ears. Maybe they dance on the ceiling with Lionel Ritchie???
  5. Chops, man, chops. Great arrangement and groove, love it.
  6. Love that movie. Excellent piece and a good save! Your piece evokes it, to an extent. Maybe if dystopian Los Angeles got moved a little closer to the Mississippi Delta . I think I'd agree, maybe not quite hpf but cut a db or two from wherever your bass is peaking? It's got a super cool vibe and spaciousness that you could add more washy things to, though that might not be your target. "I want . . . more . . . life . . . f%%%%r!" cheers, -Tom
  7. Just chiming in to say that although this may be glib hucksterism, I really do appreciate and learn from Huart's mixing vids on YouTube. He makes things easy to digest.
  8. Uh oh. Any owners who would rave about this? Either way?
  9. I gave up on them about 8 years ago.
  10. Never mind, from the videos, it's 100% corpses in the crawlspace
  11. Intrigued! What % would you say is suitable for EDM, vs. what % for gritty tribal background cues played underneath the discovery of yet another dead body on CSI?
  12. Skateboard as shelf. That kind of says it all! I feel you bruh.
  13. Intrigued. Same company as the Mu bus compressor?
  14. Will people be reluctant to give it a virus scan because it would take a weekend?
  15. Good luck Andy!!! Resurrect it with the sheer force of your will!
  16. I wasn't logged in but I don't think you have to be. The code didnt work. Regular 479?
  17. He has returned to forever . . . RIP great player.
  18. Does anyone recommend the Joe Satriani? Killer or filler?
  19. PhonoBrainer

    A WORD

    Did you wait, sometimes like half a day? They used to do an initial avc and then recode it to vp9. Perhaps the game has changed . . .
  20. Walt!!! (Trying for the "Cheers!" "Norm" vibe) A few years back I went through the Harry Fox website, you have to estimate how many downloads or whatever you expect. It wasnt super killer expensive for just one song licensed for a reasonable number of dload or streams. And I seriously doubt they put a lot of effort into auditing.
  21. Closed back is a must, for then you can't hear your wife yelling at you for spending 2K on headphones.
  22. Level 42, Talking Heads, Level 42, Dire Straits, Level 42, Thomas Dolby, Level 42, Oingo Boingo. And Jon Hopkins.
  23. Gary, we don't need no education? Another brick in the wall? That bassline? Those funk guitar riffs and lead? In America it was overplayed almost as much as Hotel California and Stairway to Heaven. . . all of those are hardwired into our old guy DNA! It's ok Gary, still much respect!
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