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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. I liked it, a good old pop song. That spanky Strat guitar sounded great as the bones of the funk. Mixwise, maybe more snap on the snare, your snare has mostly fizz which is ok. Maybe layer the snare with a clap or something? Cool, I didn't know that was "the Swedish trick" cheers, -Tom
  2. That was a super pleasant tour. You are a good photographer, nice original content! Are the boats up on the dock because a tidal surge was coming, or is that the usual? cheers, -Tom
  3. Gary, thanks! Exactly the specific feedback I need! Much appreciated, I'll track down those issues.
  4. Some changes, better bass, better horn section (I think?) and fixed some video sync problems! Many thanks for the helpful feedback! - I would sincerely take on board any critiques, especially the mix - help me make this better? Please bump the settings up to 1440p if your connection can manage? There is a Bandcamp or Soundcloud link below the video if you don't need the visuals. thanks! -Tom https://phonobrainer.bandcamp.com/track/for-the-masses
  5. What a great vocal! Very hooky like a classic '70's piece. The drums and bass I think sit perfectly, maybe the drum fills up a bit when they happen. I agree, the lead guitar section was too thick and needed to breathe more with some added upper frequency eq, as a starter. That chorus is great, love the background vocals mixed subtly with an organ? And the claps on the snare hits on 2 and 4! Super cool chorus. cheers, -Tom
  6. Killer composition. It evokes the title very well. I think you could play more with the mixing, which is actually harder to do (I think) on this type of classical/new age/ambient stuff, than the rock and roll mixes where errors have plenty of room to hide. One idea, when the tin whistle comes in about half way through, there is an airy sub-rumble that comes in with it . . . hear that mud down low? High Pass filter that stuff and rumble begone! "Airy sub-rumble", I just realized, makes no sense at all. But can you hear it? Just curious. Mixing a piece like this is brutally unforgiving, because the mixing errors absolutely pop out of the spaces between. What fun! Your piece is excellent and I look forward to hearing how your bring it along! Totally worth the effort! cheers, -Tom
  7. I very much enjoyed this normal piece, and count me in for those who want vocals and lyrics, even heavily processed vocals, or interesting spoken word snippets. It works as is, of course! cheers, -Tom
  8. Very glad I had headphones on! A great compilation composition . . . you may have intended it, to me the mix tilts towards the lower eq regions, some of those bassy pads are filling up the low end nicely, but I'm missing some brightness in this I think. Could be the headphones perhaps? Love the journey, the "world music meets the outer world" vibe . . .very groovy indeed! cheers, -Tom
  9. Hey Whoisp! I liked your track and video and could certainly hear the Floyd. I have also worshipped at the altar of the Visualdon and recognized some of those clips from one I'm making - very cool use of his material! I appreciated your vocal performance, it has great energy and emotion. Plus your dog liked it! I thought the mix was quite clear as well. cheers, -Tom
  10. Those chords with that rhythm guitar(s) out wide, and the tonality of the drums - what an awesome and effective combo! You really have some great drum sounds here! But the chords are so inventive and the melody invents upon the top of that. Really original and cool. The lyrics are a mystery but who really cares! there are a couple of Level 42 songs I could think of with a similar feel, but other than that, nothing really suggests "80's" to me about this. I dunno, it doesn't matter. Great song. cheers, -Tom
  11. Nigel/Bajan Blue stole my comments. Also, the arpeggiated clean guitar could come down a bit when you are singing. I get a little Roy Orbison vibe, very nice! And some nice bluesy bends as well! Overall, the mix is a bit guitar heavy for what should be a vocal-centered song, and your vocal performance is quite good indeed! cheers, -Tom
  12. Hold on about the concrete. The manufacture of cement is one of the largest carbon producing sources in the world. The future is basically vacuum cleaners and filters, making carbon bricks, and building houses out of those.
  13. If someone else owns the entire opus as well, and they manage to do so with a few orange slices left over, do they win? ? That's not me, but I've got my fair share of OTS excellence! Thanks Greg for the sale!
  14. I wish you a real monsoon season! Your peace is pleasant and never gets dull. For how up front the drums are, especially the hi hat/cymbal, you might get a little more ambience on them as well, and maybe more programming variety as well? You might experiment with the volume on the hi hat, it might be worth a try with some light reverb and dropped down a little. Just my .02 cheers, -Tom
  15. Sheesh! Great lead chops and feel and tone!!! Awwesome! Mix-wise, you have another guitar noodling the whole way, a clean electric, and it I think might be cluttering. It might drop a bit in volume, and the sweet lead could nick upward a bit in volume. Your noodling clean guitar is covering a lot of the same space and territory as your excellent EP anyway, so as an experiment you might be more selective as to where the clean guitar shows up. Just my .02 super cool, dude! cheers, -Tom
  16. The bass (excellent!) sounds like a blend between an upright and a fretless, which I know an upright is fretless! But it played like an electric fretless bass - pretty cool! I would agree the AD drums have their advantages, one of which is they are the easiest drums to program well. Love that interface. I'd also agree to take them out of the front of your mix on this one. Sometimes the newest tool shines the brightest in the mix, because we are enamored of it. Your composition grooves for days, as yours usually do - always a pleasure to check out your latest! cheers, -Tom
  17. Yeah, it's payday already.
  18. This song was always a favorite of mine, and your version is very credible so far. Maybe some guitar tuning might be tightened up a bit? I'd also say, vocals definitely up in the mix. You've got the synth tones nailed, I think, what are you using for the synths? They sound great! cheers, -Tom
  19. the cat puke line got me! nice perky backbeat and the lyrics of course are mature like wine. nice one! cheers, -Tom
  20. Just wondering - if you paint your roof white, doesn't that reflect the heat back into the atmosphere, which increases global air temp, increasing sea level rise? And what of the energy and oil? resources to make the white paint, and to make more of when you need to repaint because it wore off from sun and wind and rain? And what if the environmental impact of the washed-off paint residue? These are the questions!
  21. Plenty of good things here! Melody has a hook, and I get your go at the background vocals, it works! I'd also knock the organ down in volume when you are singing. Was this mixed by the organist? Sometimes that delay you have on your vocal (or your background vocal?) does interfere with the clarity of the lyric. Would love to hear where this goes - nice one! cheers, -Tom
  22. I was in from the first note. Great song, clear as hell mix, inventive video. The aliens must have programmed my DNA to love this. Three thumbs up! It had everything I like about the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Primus, without the things I dislike about them. cheers, -Tom
  23. I'm a sucker for an interesting historical nautical story song. I had to get past the modern synth hooks in a kind of shanty. But it's not really a shanty, more of a prog shanty! Mixwise, I'd vote for vocals up, and drums feel a bit boxy or thin, you could run the drums through some beefy processor with some iron in it? Something Germanium? What an inventive piece! I liked hos the story was spooled out, interspersed with instrumental-only interludes. Very cool. cheers, -Tom
  24. Loved it, great voice and great song choice! I especially liked, from a mixing perspective, those super subtle strings that pad the background. Your voice is amazing. cheers, -Tom
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