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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. PhonoBrainer


    That's a good one. It blends a lot of stuff in a nice way. Raum is a great reverb and I'd only offer the idea of just a bit more of it on the string parts, as the piano is nicely bathed in the verb. Or maybe I'm reacting to the way the string lines seem to swell, and then end abruptly sometimes. That filtered synth up top is a great add, reminds me of the furry pawed one. super pleasant and nice piano which obviously carries the piece. cheers, -Tom
  2. Pretty sure those aren't sale prices. ? 250 clams for trumpets?
  3. Try Mussolini. . . .served tonight in a white wine sauce with broccoli florets and peach cobbler.
  4. I hope it comes with a multiband or parametric equine.
  5. Uh, Brass. But Larry is still da man.
  6. PhonoBrainer

    Shifting Sand

    Nice tune! I had headphones on, so the widening trick around :15 caught me a bit unpleasantly - I'd say start the song with the acoustic guit nice and wide, it sounds super clear that way. YMMV! You could approach the mix from a few different angles, but you might look at the kick drum, I think it's doing a bit much and is sucking a lot of low-end energy by being that loud. My guess is, your mixing friend added ooomph by compressing the drums more than a bit. I really enjoyed the melody, and the drum performance, and the driving guitars. Once you get the low end sorted out, this will rawk! cheers, -Tom
  7. Nice one, and I agree the intro needs more length, and the bgv's could take one step forward. Great lead vocal!!! So that's 90% of the game all set! Maybe the drums a bit more prominent? A bit more snap on the snare? Kudos to the bass player/programmer, those lines are perfect for this song! cool tune! cheers, -Tom
  8. Yes, sorry to have missed it!!!
  9. Miami? Hollywood? Lake Tahoe? Who's picking these stock clips???
  10. I have the more entry level Gig, which I never got on with. Things in that pack don't have many articulation, and is Fable Sounds still supporting anything? But for this price, if you needed jazz ensemble components and didn't have much to begin with, id say it's a good start.
  11. So I dug deep into the marketing, and 2.0 adds notation capabilities, an additional articulation to a tenor sax, and "other improvements."
  12. Listened with pleasure as my family and drove across barren central Utah, on bluetooth to car radio, and the mix held up well! Vocals were plenty forward, and the tune fit the drive and the landscape well! Are you sure the title isn't "I don't know" ? I like the slightly ambiguous lyrics, and the vocals are great as well! Cheers, Tom
  13. Your voice is an impressive instrument, and I also liked the power chords in the second half of the tune, super crisp tone. I like how you've given your vocals a lot of different looks, different treatments, it kept it interesting. cheers, -Tom
  14. The new one looks like a nice easy load-in!
  15. Mesmerizing!!! More bass or thump in that groove might be a plus. David Byrne lives! I loved this . . . cheers, -Tom
  16. For me this had a nice 50's vibe. You might thicken your lead vocal with a very short delay or something? Maybe a bit more variety in the drum programming, the hi hats got a little samey - adding some nice crash cymbals occasionally on the ones, that sort of thing. Oh yeah I bet you will. nice one! cheers, -Tom
  17. Mostly, your melody hits two notes. Those two notes are perfectly spaced with that groove, the lyrics convey a lot, everything breathes, and your vocal tone is killer. Kudos for not being overly complex! This song is catchy simple and easy. I'd agree a few mix tweaks to the drums but really, not a deal breaker. The intro had like 16 bars of guitar lead, maybe cut to the chase a bit quicker? I don't know where Westerly is, but there are cool grooves to be had there. cheers, -Tom
  18. Vangelis or if you were playing Bach, the formerly Walter Carlos. Those tones are a time capsule from childhood. Only yours sound cleaner. Nice! cheers, -Tom
  19. Welcome to the forum! My guess is your tunes will find a good home here. I really appreciate the unconventional approach to this one, and that sustained "friend" got a little creepy and sad, which of course fits your song. nice one, keep 'em coming! cheers, -Tom
  20. Thanks @Esther Brulard, @bjornpdx, @Hidden Symmetry, @DeeringAmps, and @garybrun for the cool comments, I really appreciate the thoughts and ideas!
  21. I like the major quirky songs you come up with and that's a great place to start things. Kudos to your originality. 1) What kind of mic are you using to record your vocal? Sounds like an sm57 or equivalent? How much did it cost? Reason I ask is, if you are looking to get the biggest bang for the buck in terms of vocal improvement, start at the start - the mic. What mic are you using? 2) Take a look at all of your tracks bouncing along while the mix is playing. Console view, it's usually called. All the faders, all the tracks. Now if you focus on each track, one at a time, try to see an "average" level that any one track is seeming to hold. Most DAW's have a way to show you the average level of a track, but you can just as easily guesstimate. The average or median level any track is supposed to live at, before processing, is safely between -24 and -12 db. If you temporarily disable your plugins on a track, are you seeing this average live above -12db? If the average level of your synth patch is -8 or so, then the peaks are likely already close to 0db, and any plugins you add will just overcook the track and make your limiter sweat profusely. You do have a limiter as the very last plugin in your master bus chain, correct? You might likely know all of this already, just something worth checking. It's so easy to get swept away in the artistic process of creating fun things that the details of the mixing job get wishfully repressed. looking forward to more of your stuff! cheers, -Tom
  22. Lyrics are a standout for me, and chordally those changes hold a lot of interest. Nice tune developing, and I prefer the vocal nice and out front on this, nice pipes! For me the snare needs to have less reverb and a bit more snap/crack. It's mixed like it's in a parking garage and almost sounds like a high tom. Might be worth an experiment, drying it up? nice one! cheers, -Tom
  23. Very pleasant, even without the cosmic theme. My favorite part was the mix on instruments you had going beginning at the :35 area. You could throw in some spoken word gems from N.D. Tyson or Carl Sagan? cheers, -Tom
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