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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Hey it's all personal preference of course and that's a good mix, and it grooves fer sure.
  2. Haunting in a way, evocative. One of my favorites from you.
  3. PhonoBrainer

    LUCY 303

    Kloon, welcome back! Seriously great mix of pads and bgv in the chorus. That's a mixing clinic right there. Yaz with a dude singing! Loved the drums, and just the whole mix really.
  4. Long live Superrabbit! Liked it very much, particularly the cool filtered drum loop. I found myself waiting for the big kick-***** live drums and bass guitar to come in, but that is a different song. I dug the reversed tones with the chimney synth up top. Perhaps the spoken word might be a bit louder in the mix? Definitely a nice vibe on this . . .
  5. So much goodness. Punchy kick! Melange of impeccably mixed guitars. Sollllllid bass! Your tunes challenge the listener to keep track of all the elements at once, which I like. On this one I could only suggest pulling the business of the drums back just a bit, to give more listeners a chance to hear onto the wonderful thicket of those funk guitar parts!!! And I thought I heard some additional bass guitar improv, up on the neck? Cool jam, and the fade at the end was a good choice.
  6. Nice to hear one from you, John! This one has the right stank in the groove, and I like the unusual and unexpected chord changes. A toe tapper! If we are voting on the bass, just me but I found the tone had a lot of upper end in it, like a proper Jazz bass does, but that upper midrange growly sparkle was also masking some other funky guitar elements at times.. I do like the bass tone soloed but it's more punk than funk. Great tune though, good luck with it! Awesome chops.
  7. Does KeepYeti make you authorize through a separate proprietary installer?
  8. Great! The arrangement and vocals, perfect match. The bass is subdued and unobtrusive, and its tone is spot-on for the era. Those string lines and what they are doing would make any session producer from 1955 proud. thanks for the refresh, it was a holiday treat.
  9. Oh completely Duh. Sorry I totally missed that. And I was thinking of Dry Relic! Time for a nice cuppa and a good sit.
  10. Any comparisons to NI's Picked Acoustic?
  11. Probably put two-sided tape up on the studio walls? Or Velcro receiver strips? That way, you can just hang them up. If you use nails or tacks, you'll have to through their skin, or feet, which could be a bloody mess. I still don't get how you will keep them from bleating out whilst you are in recording mode. That's hard to EQ out.
  12. Agreed, but they make you browse pretty hard to find any a la carte option, and there is none for Glory Days, sadly.
  13. I know some Minoan history and have always found the bull leaping particularly fascinating, and this soundtrack for that is really wonderful. There can be 5 or so elements going on at once, and I can hear them all cleanly in the mix. Plus the rhythm pulses along, infectious. I think you cleared the bull and stuck the landing.
  14. I bet your tips sucked because they didn't have any pockets. And that's as far as I'm going to go with that.
  15. I believe all of the great advice here (and a great read it had been!) Is missing the important point that it's a church gig. In a smaller congregation setting where everyone knows the players and parishoners without a scorecard, no problem, that's a very friendly and forgiving audience. And God will forgive you any misfingered trespasses. All will be well! Enjoy! And if it's a big megachurch, you're judged like it's the Rapture for every single note and mannerism you produce. Lord be with you cause the self-appointed critics in the pews may not be. Go for it and have fun!
  16. PhonoBrainer


    I liked the different sections, but it really got going around the 1 minute mark. I agree the intro bassline against the drums kind of left me wondering where the groove was, but after the intro it's aiiiight! Very well put together and for me, got better as it went along. No comment on the message of the video other than I'm glad you didn't get your ***** kicked in the mall for wearing that sheep mask! Did anyone react like you were the weirdo? I like your courageous approach, the video is very watchable.
  17. This would work great for a web feed, or a crab feed, or a hot dog eating contest. What harp did you use, it sounds great! The flute does seem to have some velocity layer indiscretions - suddenly louder, suddenly softer. The tone suits the piece, however. Overall a nice bit of mellow. I was walking the streets of Knossos.
  18. Thread count! Give us the thread count!!!!! Asking for a friend.
  19. I had set aside $1,000,000 to buy plugins, . . . but only bought TC tuner for 9, SWAM brass collection for 390, Softube Tape echoes 45, bohemian cello 149. Point is, I saved $999, 407 dollars.
  20. lovely indeed, I liked the high register synth string pads, very airy. Thanks for the chill!
  21. reeeee-laxxxxxx-innnnnngg! Nice job indeed with this ice giant, your synth prowess proves once again that you are no Ymir mortal.
  22. Did your bass amp play the splash cymbal? Nice! You guys were retro before if retro ever becomes cool.
  23. I got Solid just for the snare. Eggcellint.
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